

作者: YinNan | 来源:发表于2018-07-17 20:54 被阅读311次

Why study Positive Psychology? 为什么要学习积极心理学?

1. Find the ‘fit’. Be an active participant, as opposed to passive recipient of a doctrine. Identify the thing that works for you. 


2. (In one year research it shows that) 47% Harvard students experienced depression that they cannot function, cannot get through the day. The data for nation wide (the US) is 45%.


Tal穷尽了学术论文以后发现,研究抑郁,焦虑,神经症的论文和研究幸福快乐(happiness and well-being)的论文比例21:1。

3. Focusing on what works.

Being happy is not just the negation of unhappiness. It doesn’t mean just get rid of depression or anxiety that I am experiencing, I spontaneously become happy. That’s not the case. That’s not how it works. And finally, prevention which is very important today, the most effective way of preventing hardship, whether it’s depression, whether it’s anxiety, it’s actually by focusing on and cultivating the positive.


4.研究人员研究了at risk population,比如城市里的贫民窟里的孩子的成长。开始他们研究为什么他们会在生活中fail,后来他们做了反向研究,研究为什么在这群人中有人成功,结论是他们有resilience(有人翻译为适应力,我觉得"韧性"更好 )。 

Resilience的定义:A class of phenomena characterized by patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant adversity or risk. 也就是在重大的逆境下积极行事。

Resilience is associated with well-being. 韧性和一个人的心理健康息息相关。


1)Faith, optimistic 有信念,但不是盲目乐观。

They believe in things would work out well. 


“It may not work out this time but it will work out later and I have learned from what had just happened.” 


2) Many of them are idealistic 他们中很多人是理想主义者。

To be idealistic is to be realistic. 做一个实际的理想主义者。

3) Experience a sense of ‘meaning’. 感到人生有意义。

4) Pro-social behavior, helping other people, shifting from helplessness to helpfulness 利他行为,帮助别人。

5) Focus on personal strength rather than primarily deficiencies. 关注个人的优势而不是缺陷。

They do not ignore their weaknesses, but they asked, “What am I good at? What am I really really good at?” 


6) They set goals, they are future-oriented, not just thinking about how bad things are today perhaps but also think this is where I wanna be 5 years or 10 years from now.


7) They had a role model, gave them strength, gave them the sense of direction.


8) Most significantly, they did not bowl alone. They had social support.


“I am tough enough to reach out for help.” “我足够坚强,可以寻求帮助。”

The strength to admit weakness, the strength to admit need. 他们有承认弱点的力量,有承认需要帮助的力量。

Identify the right people, people who, when you reach out to them, will reach out back to you and will be able to give back.


5. The consequence of the ability to focus is not always helpful.



What question is mostly asked by couples beyond the honeymoon phase? 

“What’s wrong?" "What’s not working?" "How can we improve the relationship?"


If that’s the only question that we ask, then that’s the only thing we will see.


The only thing that we see is our deficiencies, that things are not working, the things that need to be improved, the weakness of my partner, of the relationship.


Individually: What are my weaknesses? What do I need to improve? Excluded “What are my strength? What are my virtues? What am I good at?”


Question creates reality. The question that we ask very often determine the quest that we will pursue, the path that we will take, the life that we will lead.


To appreciate what is working, individually, inter-personally, organizationally.


It is important to appreciate what is good.


Appreciate – two meanings 这个词有两个意思

1) Say thank you to something, not to take it for granted 表示感激,而不是认为理所应当。

2) To grow – when we appreciate the good, the good appreciates,the good grows 成长 ——当我们appreciate好的事物,好的事物就会appreciate,也就是成长/增长。

We see what we look for and we miss much of what we are not looking for even though it is there.


Our experience of the world is heavily influenced by where we place our attention.


6. Marva Collins – 她是Tal的偶像,也是Tal致力于成为老师的原因之一。他极力推荐她的书。

Stop blaming others, take responsibility for your life.

She is not a push-over, she is tough and demanding. She respects them (the students) and believes in them.

We need to stop asking whether or not a student is smart. What we need to ask is what is the student smart at. And when we identify what the student is smart at, strong at, then we appreciate it.

Essentially, what Marva Collins does is create for students, the paradigm essentially is from being a in active passive victim, changes their perspective to be an active agent.



My girlfriend left me.

Passive victim:

If I am a passive victim, my experience is self-pity. Feel sorry for myself. Ruminate about the situation and how terrible it is. From a passive victim, I then move to blame: she’s terrible, it’s her fault, I blame her. I blame my parents, the way they raise me; I blame her parents, and whomever.

And after I blame, I experience frustration as well as anger. Anger toward her, toward my parents, her parents, whoever it is, I feel anger.

And the results? Very few results because I wallow in illumination and self-pity.

Active agent:

First of all, by definition, I take action. I take responsibility. I go out to places after experiencing the pain and it’s painful. I go out there where I can meet someone, I go to Pizza place.

Taking actions will increase our level of confidence. And then more hope and optimism is a result. Hope and optimism become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Being an active agent doesn’t mean not giving ourselves the time and space, the permission to experience the painful emotions, to go through the emotion. Yes, by all means, we go through it. (最终我们一定会摆脱它) However, what it is also saying is that we need to find the right time to take action, to take responsibility, to do things so that our confidence levels in our hope and optimism increase.

Understanding that you have to take responsibility for your life is recognizing, understanding that no one is coming. No one is coming, no the knight in shining armour who will take you to the happily ever after land.No one is coming to make the life better for you. No one is coming. You are responsible for your life, for your self-confidence, for your self-esteem, for your happiness. No one is coming. It’s up to you to make the most out of this experience.





