英文学习-week review

作者: 猫女乖且闲Kitty | 来源:发表于2019-07-30 00:11 被阅读5次



    在周日的上午约了一个外籍朋友帮我练习发音,这是我们第一次正视我的发音问题,有趣的事,同样的单词出现的变化时,我的发音就会有问题。。。比如说“that, this,the”, “Th”的音我发的很好,可是“breathing, something,north”同样“th”我却容易发成“S”的音。为此我们纠正了这个音就用了半个小时。“N”“L”也有同样的问题。(大家有什么好建议可以在评论分享)



    Pup pup goose

    The geese come to the adventure bay to stay one night. There’s a silly goose really like Marshall, and Marshall give him a name - fuzzy. Fuzzy always follow Marshall anywhere even if he likes to sleep with Marshall together. Unfortunately, he wakes up earlier and feel hungry. Then he flies out by himself.

    When Marshall realize he is missing, it’s too late to catch flock. That’s emergency.

    Immediately, Chase use his megaphone to try to call fuzzy. And then they find him, the plastic sofa can ring is wrapped around his wing when he fight with seagulls. He cannot fly down, and he will fall down. Marshall use the ladder and helmet save fuzzy. Fuzzy don’t wanna leave Marshall, he have to fly back the flock. Skye use jet to bring Marshall fly with him together. Fuzzy catch his family and will see Marshall again when he fly back to north.

    图片发自Kitty Huang



        本文标题:英文学习-week review
