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Steven Lee 李司提反
1 Peter 5:5–9 彼得前书5:5-9
5 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 9 Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. 5 照样,你们青年人要顺服年长的。就是你们各人也要彼此以谦卑为装束,因为“ 神敌挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。”6 所以你们要谦卑,服在 神大能的手下,到了时候,他必叫你们升高。7 你们要把一切忧虑卸给 神,因为他顾念你们。8 你们要谨守、警醒。你们的仇敌魔鬼,好像吼叫的狮子走来走去,寻找可以吞吃的人;9 你们要用坚强的信心抵挡他,因为知道你们在世上的弟兄,也经历过同样的苦难。
As we near the end of Peter’s letter, let me remind us of Peter’s intention. He has written to encourage them, as stated in 1 Peter 5:12, “I have written briefly to you, exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it.” 我们快要讲完彼得前书了,让我们回顾一下彼得写信的意图。正如彼得前书5:12所述,他写信是为了鼓励他们:“我藉着我认为忠心的弟兄西拉,简略地写了这封信劝勉你们,又向你们证实这是 神真正的恩典;你们要在这恩典上站立得住。”
Peter has focused on two main themes to encourage his audience. The first theme is their identity in Christ. Believers in Jesus are God’s beloved, elect, born again, and destined for salvation that will be revealed. The second theme is submission and suffering. Peter reminds them that submission and suffering are part of the normal experience of the Christian life. Not only is suffering ordained by God, it is used by him to purify and strengthen his church. Suffering is not punishment, nor does it mean they are forgotten or abandoned by God. In fact it’s precisely the opposite; suffering is a mark of authenticity upon their faith. 彼得着重两大主题来鼓励他的读者。第一个主题是他们在基督里的身份。信耶稣的人是神所爱的,是蒙拣选的,是重生的,是预定要得将来显明的救恩。第二个主题是顺服与受苦。彼得提醒他们,顺服和受苦是基督徒生活的常态。苦难不仅是神所命定的,也是祂用来净化和坚固祂的教会的。苦难不是惩罚,也不意味着他们被上帝遗忘或抛弃。其实恰恰相反,苦难是他们真实信仰的标志。
In our passage this morning, Peter exhorts believers to be humble and alert, casting their anxieties upon him, under the mighty hand of God until Christ returns. In essence, he’s answering the following question: “Ok Peter, we know our identity in Christ, and we know that submission and suffering are part of the Christian life, so how do we endure until Christ returns?” Answer: be humble and be alert. 在我们今早的经文中,彼得劝告信徒要谦卑警醒,将忧虑卸给祂,服在神大能的手下,直到基督再来。从本质上讲,他在回答以下问题: “好吧,彼得,我们知道我们在基督里的身份, 我们也知道顺服和受苦是基督徒生活的一部分, 那么我们该如何忍耐,直到基督回来?”答案:要谦卑,要警醒。
There are three sections in this passage that we’ll walk through one by one. 这段经文分三部分,我们逐一解读。
(1) A call to submit (5a) (1)顺服的呼召(5a节)
(2) A call to be humble (5b–7) (2)谦卑的呼召(5b-7节)
(3) A call to be alert (8–9) (3)警醒的呼召(8-9节)
A Call to Submit (5a) 顺服的呼召(5a节)
1 Peter 5:5a 5 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. 彼得前书5:5a 5 照样,你们青年人要顺服年长的。
The first half of verse 5 is like a bridge from our previous section to the next section, primarily addressing how a specific group is to receive the shepherding care of the elders. Let me try to give you the flow of thought. Peter says at the end of chapter 4 that has they endure suffering, they are to “entrust their souls to a faithful Creator” (4:19). How do we do that Peter; how do we entrust our souls to God? The answer that is inferred is by receiving the shepherding care and oversight of the elders. Entrust your soul to God by allowing God’s assigned under-shepherds, namely the elders, to care for you. One of the ways God cares for your soul is by calling elders out from among the flock to focus on that very task that Pastor Sam preached last week. That leads to the question, how is the church to receive such oversight and authority? 第5节的前半节就像我们上一部分到下一部分的桥梁,主要是劝勉特定群体如何接受长老的牧养。让我来分析一下这个思路。彼得在第4章末尾说,如果他们忍受苦难,他们要“把自己的生命交托那信实的创造者。.”(4:19)我们该如何做到这一点,彼得;我们该如何将自己的灵魂交托给神?推论得出的答案就是,接受长老的牧养和监督。把你的生命托付给神,让神所指定祂的手下牧者,也就是长老们来照顾你。神关怀你生命的方法之一,就是从羊群中呼召长老出来,专注于上周山姆牧师所讲的那些任务。这就引出了一个问题,教会如何接受这样的监督和权威?
They are to “be subject” to the elders. This is the same word used to call believers to submit to governmental authorities, for servants to submit to masters, for wives to submit to husbands, and now “you who are younger” to submit to elders. Why does Peter single out this group? Does this mean older folks can do what they want and not submit? I don’t think so and we’ll see why. 他们要“顺服”长老们。这句话也是用来呼召信徒顺服政府当局,呼召仆人顺服主人,呼召妻子顺服丈夫,现在又呼召“你们青年人”要顺服年长的。彼得为什么要单单挑出这群人?这是否意味着年长的可以为所欲为,不需要顺服?我不这样认为,我们也将看到为什么。
The key question is who does Peter have in mind when he says “you who are younger.” It’s important to clarify that when Peter says “elder” in the previous passage, he wasn’t just referencing older people, but rather referring to the office of elder, and the task of shepherding because he infers that they have authority: “exercising oversight” and “not domineering over those in your charge.” Older people don’t just exercise oversight because of their age, but rather elders of the church are to exercise oversight. 关键的问题是,彼得说“你们青年人”是指谁。需要说明的是,当彼得在上一段经文中说“长老”时,他并不只是指老年人,而是指长老的职分,以及牧养的任务,因为他认为他们有权柄。“照看”而“不是要辖制托付你们的羊群”。并不是年长的仅仅因为其年龄就可以监督,而是教会的长老们要进行监督。
So who does Peter have in mind when he says “younger?” It could be three options: (1) it could refer to the entire church, (2) it could be a metaphorical use of “younger” speaking of those who are new converts, or (3) it could be speaking of those who are literally younger in age. Do we have any clues as to which it is? 那么彼得说的“青年人”是指谁呢?这有三种可能:(1) 可以指整个教会,(2) 可以用“年轻”来比喻那些初信者,(3) 可以指那些年龄较小的人。我们有什么线索表明哪个才对吗?
It seems unlikely to refer to the whole church (option 1) because he goes on to say “Clothe yourselves, all of you” which broadens his exhortation to the entire church. In option 2, it’s unlikely he’s speaking of new converts since the term “younger” is not used to refer to new converts, and there is no other evidence. It’s most likely option #3 where Peter specifically calls out those who are younger in age, which in this context when it was written, was likely younger than 40, or perhaps even 50 years old. 似乎不太可能是指整个教会(选项1),因为他接着说:“你们各人也要彼此以谦卑为装束”,这就把他的劝告扩大到整个教会。在选项2中,他说的不可能是初信者,因为“青年人”一词并不是用来指初信者,也没有其他证据支持。最有可能的是第3个选项,彼得特别呼召那些年龄较小的人,在这个写信的背景下,很可能是40岁以下,甚至可能是50岁以下。
Evidence for this would be a passage like Titus 2:6 where Paul specifically calls out younger men, saying “Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled.” Why would he specifically call out younger men to be self-controlled? Because that demographic of people is least likely to be self-controlled. 证据就是像提多书2:6这样的经文,保罗特别呼召年轻人,说:“照样,劝年轻的男子要自律”。他为什么要特别呼召年轻男人自律呢?因为从人口统计学上讲,这类人群是最不容易自控的。
Similarly, Peter calls for those younger to submit to elders because Peter knows what we know about younger people: they would be most resistant to submit to authority. Peter knows that young people can be self-reliant, resistant to authority, head strong, and independent. I am including myself in this category. We younger people can headstrong or independent, like teenagers or college students. 同样,彼得呼召那些年轻人顺服长老们,因为彼得知道我们对年轻人的了解:他们最会抗拒服从权威。彼得知道,年轻人容易刚愎自用、抗拒权威、独立自主。我把自己也列入这一类。我们年轻的人可以刚愎自用,独立自主,就像青少年或大学生。
Peter is reminding those younger among us that God-given authority is for your good. You may not feel like you need anyone providing you oversight—not your parents, not your boss, and not your elders—but shepherding care of elders has been designed by God for your good. 彼得是在提醒我们这些年轻的人,神所赐的权柄是为了你们好。你可能觉得自己不需要任何人为你提供监督—不是你的父母,不是你的老板,也不是你的长老—但长老的牧养关怀是神为你设计的。
On this Covenant Affirmation morning, where we affirmed new members, I’m so encouraged to see young men and women. And I want to encourage our college students and our young adults to pursue church membership, a way to be subject to God-given shepherding care. And I would ask, if you’re resist to church membership, why? 在这个会员加盟宣誓的早晨,我们接收了新成员,看到年轻的男男女女,我很受鼓舞。而且我想鼓励我们的大学生和我们的年轻人去追求教会的会员资格,接受神所赐的牧养关怀。我想问的是,如果你不愿意成为教会会员,那是为什么?
Now that doesn’t mean if you’re not younger you don’t have to submit to the elders and can do what you want. Peter’s point is that if those who are most likely to be self-reliant or head strong are to submit to God-given authority, everyone else is expected to submit as well. This type of submission to others will require humility, which leads us to our next section in verse 5 to verse 7. 现在并不是说如果你年纪不小了,就不用服从长老,可以为所欲为。彼得的意思是,如果那些最容易刚愎自用的人尚且要顺服神所赐的权柄,其他人更要顺服。这种对他人的顺服需要谦卑,这就引出了我们下一段的第5节至第7节。
A Call to Be Humble (5b–7) 谦卑的呼召(5b-7节)
1 Peter 5:5b–7 Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 彼得前书5:5b-7就是你们各人也要彼此以谦卑为装束,因为“ 神敌挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。”6 所以你们要谦卑,服在 神大能的手下,到了时候,他必叫你们升高。7 你们要把一切忧虑卸给 神,因为他顾念你们。
Peter emphasizes an attitude and disposition of humility in this passage. We see it repeated twice in verse 5, and again in verse 6. So we want to ask five questions about humility: (1) what is humility, (2) who is to be humble, (3) where is humility directed, (4) why be humble, and (5) how to be humble? 彼得在这段话中强调了一种谦卑的态度和性情。我们看到这个词在第5节重复了两次,又在第6节重复了一次。所以我们要问五个关于谦卑的问题:(1)什么是谦卑,(2)谁要谦卑,(3)谦卑的方向是什么,(4)为什么要谦卑,(5)如何谦卑?
Question #1: What is humility? 问题一:什么是谦卑?
What is humility? We don’t get a definition in this passage, but Peter tells us to “clothe yourselves” with it, like putting on a coat. It’s an attitude or state of mind we can adopt. This is where we find help from Philippians 2:3–4, perhaps the most famous passage on humility: “3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” 什么是谦卑?在这段经文中,我们没有得到定义,但彼得告诉我们要用它“装束”,就像穿上一件大衣。这是我们可以采取的一种态度或心态。这就是我们从腓立比书2:3-4中找到帮助的地方,这也许是关于谦卑的最著名的段落。“3 不要自私自利,也不要贪图虚荣,只要谦卑,看别人比自己强;4 各人不要单顾自己的事,也要顾别人的事。”
Humility is the opposite of selfish ambition. Instead it is concerned with the interests of others. Philippians goes on to say “5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” (Philippians 2:5–7). This call to humility is a call to Christlikeness, to be a servant, and to count others more significant than ourselves. Very simply, it is to look more like Jesus. 谦卑与自私的野心正好相反。而是关心他人的益处。腓立比书接着说:“5 你们应当有这样的思想,这也是基督耶稣的思想。6 他本来有 神的形象,却不坚持自己与 神平等的地位,7 反而倒空自己,取了奴仆的形象,成为人的样式”(腓立比书2:5-7)。这种叫人谦卑的呼召,就是呼召我们要有基督的样式,要做一个仆人,要把别人看得比自己更重要。很简单,就是要更像耶稣。
Question #2: Who is to be humble? 问题二:谁要谦卑?
Verse 5 says “all of you” are to be humble. All believers—young, old, elders, and non-elders—are to possess an attitude of humility. Everyone from within the church is to be humble. Scripture uses the strongest language to denounce pride: 第5节说:“你们各人”要谦卑。所有的信徒—年轻的、年老的、长老、非长老,都要有谦卑的态度。教会里的每个人都要谦卑。圣经用最强烈的措辞来谴责骄傲。
• Proverbs 8:13 “I hate pride and arrogance” (NIV) 箴言8:13:“骄傲、狂妄、邪恶的行为、 乖谬的口,我都恨恶。”
• Proverbs 16:5 “Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the LORD; be assured, he will not go unpunished.” 箴言16:5:“心里骄傲的人都是耶和华厌恶的;他们必不免受罚。”
Question #3: Where is humility to be directed? 问题三:谦卑的方向?
We are to be humble “towards one another.” Humility is to be the lubricating oil in the engine of the family of God, so that there would not be friction, disputes, and animosity. Earlier Peter exhorted believers to “keep loving one another earnestly” (1 Peter 4:8). In trials or suffering, do not lose sight of the blood-bought family of God. We probably all know a few relationships that would go better if there was a healthy dose of humility. 我们要向“彼此”谦卑。谦卑要成为神家发动机中的润滑油,这样就不会有摩擦、纠纷和敌对。此前彼得曾劝告信徒要“彼此切实相爱”(彼得前书4:8)。在试炼或苦难中,不要忘记神用宝血赎来的家人。我们可能都知道,在一些关系,如果有一个健康剂量的谦逊会更好。
In verse 6 we see that humility is not only to be directed to one another, but it is to be directed towards God. We are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. Why would Peter call humility towards God? Probably because it would natural to bristle or chafe while suffering according to God’s will. We see this all the time. We demand to have answers from God. We question his goodness. We doubt his love. Yet that reaction is not faith, but pride and arrogance, supposing that we know better or that God owes us answers. 在第6节中,我们看到谦卑不仅要向着彼此,而且要向着神。我们要谦卑,服在 神大能的手下。为什么彼得要呼召向神谦卑?可能是因为按照神的旨意受苦时,会自然而然地发毛焦,起烦恼。我们经常看到这种情况。我们要求从神那里得到答案。我们质疑祂的善良。我们怀疑祂的爱心。然而,这种反应不是信心,而是骄傲自大,认为我们知道得更多,或者上帝欠我们答案。
Instead of arrogantly questioning why God would allow us to suffer, believers are to humble themselves under God’s mighty hand. Joni Eareckson Tada, paralyzed as a quadriplegic since age 17, and now at age 70, battling breast cancer as well, says this about accepting God’s purposes in suffering: “Rather than try to frantically escape the pain, I relearned the timeless lesson of allowing my suffering to push me deeper into the arms of Jesus. I like to think of my pain as a sheepdog that keeps snapping at my heels to drive me down the road to Calvary, where, otherwise, I would not be naturally inclined to go.”1 Humility is receiving suffering as God’s gentle tool to conform us to his image and to allow us to experience greater intimacy with him. It’s like going from swimming in a plastic kiddy pool to swimming in the Pacific Ocean—suffering allows us to experience the depth, width, and breadth of his love for us. 信徒不要傲慢地质问为什么神会让我们受苦,而是要服在神大能的手下谦卑自己。乔尼·伊阿里克森·塔达从17岁起就四肢瘫痪,现在70岁了,又在与乳腺癌斗争,关于在痛苦中接受神的旨意,她这样说:“我没有试图疯狂地逃避痛苦,而是重新学会了让我的痛苦把我更深地推向耶稣的怀抱这一永恒的教训。我喜欢把我的痛苦看成是一条牧羊犬,它不停地咬着我的脚后跟,把我赶到通往各各他山的路上,否则,我不会自然而然地走向那里。”谦卑就是接受苦难,作为神温柔的工具,使我们更合乎祂的形象,使我们与祂有更进一步的亲密关系。这就像从儿童塑料澡盆里游泳到太平洋里游泳一样—苦难让我们体验到祂对我们爱的长阔高深。
Humility is required to receive both the good and bad from God’s mighty hand. Like Job, one who is not unfamiliar with suffering, said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). Humility accepts what we receive from the hand of God. 谦卑就是要从神大能的手中接受一切,无论好的和坏的。就像约伯一样,对苦难并不陌生的人会说:“我赤身出于母胎, 也必赤身归去。 赏赐的是耶和华,收回的也是耶和华; 耶和华的名是应当称颂的。”(约伯记1:21)谦卑地接受我们从神手中所得到的。
Question #4: Why be humble? 问题四:为什么谦卑?
Verse 5 gives us the reason “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” This is a quote from Proverbs 3:34. The point is simply that God is against those who are arrogant, but gives grace to those who humble. Do we want God to be against us? To shut his ear to our prayers or to turn his face against us? No! Then pursue humility and clothe yourself with it. Self-reliance and self-sufficiency cuts us off from God’s grace. We don’t pray when we are self-sufficient, or arrogant. We don’t need worship, community and fellowship, the prayers of others, or any shepherding care. 第5节给了我们理由:“神敌挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。”这句话引自箴言3:34。问题的关键很简单,就是,神反对那些傲慢的人,却赐恩典给谦卑的人。我们希望上帝与我们作对吗?希望祂闭耳不听我们的祈祷,或者转过脸来反对我们吗?绝不!那就追求谦卑,以谦卑为装束。自力自足使我们与神的恩典隔绝。我们在自足自大的时候,是不会祈祷的。我们不需要敬拜,不需要交通和团契,不需要别人的代祷,也不需要任何的牧养关怀。
But humility is recognizing that we are needy, weak, and desperate for God. And that attitude opens up the floodgates of grace from God. Pride is like activating the shut-off valve of grace that would otherwise flow into our lives. Humility is the recognition of our neediness that allows grace to flow freely. If that was not motivation enough, we read in verse 6, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.” One reason some might shun humility is because it doesn’t particularly feel good. Will others see my strengths, gifts, and skills? Will I get the recognition, praise, or accolades that I think I deserve? Will I be treated poorly by others or be thought of in a lowly manner? Peter reminds us, God sees. God will God will at the right time exalt those who embraced humility. 而谦卑就是承认我们是贫穷软弱、迫切需要神的。而这种态度就打开了神恩典的闸门。骄傲就像激活了断流阀门,阻断恩典流入我们的生命。谦卑就是承认我们的贫弱,让恩典自由流动。如果这还不够激励,我们还可以在第6节看到:“所以你们要谦卑,服在 神大能的手下,到了时候,他必叫你们升高。”有些人可能会回避谦卑,其中一个原因是谦卑让人感觉不太好。别人会不会看到我的优势、天赋和技能?我能否得到我认为应该得到的认可、赞美或荣誉?别人会不会对我不好,或者看不起我?彼得提醒我们,神在看。上帝会在适当的时候高举那些谦卑的人。
In fact, without humility, like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day, they could not come to God, could not receive his saving grace, and was blinded to the glory of Christ because they thought so highly of themselves. Their pride kept them from seeing and surrendering to Christ. For some this morning, our prayer is that you would lay down your pride and receive Jesus with humility and desperation. 事实上,如果没有谦卑,就像耶稣时代的法利赛人一样,他们不能来到神面前,不能接受神的救恩,对基督的荣耀视而不见,因为他们自视甚高。他们的骄傲使他们看不到基督,更不会降服在基督脚下。对于今天早上的一些人来说,我们的祷告是希望你们能放下你们的骄傲,带着谦卑和恳切接受耶稣。
Question #5: How to be humble? 问题五:如何谦卑?
How are they to be humble? Verse 7 says, “casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” So the way believers humble themselves under God’s mighty hand is by casting all their anxieties on God. How does this work? To hold onto anxiety is prideful. Why would I say that? It doesn’t seem prideful. When we hold onto our anxieties we are functionally saying that I can oversee, take care of, and address these anxieties better than God. This is the opposite of faith. Thinking we know better than God is the epitome of pride. If I can carry my burdens, figure them out, and then solve them, then we don’t need God. But humility recognizes that we cannot carry our burdens and anxieties, but we cast them onto God. One commentator put it this way, ““Affliction either drives one into the arms of God or severs one from God.”2 他们要怎么谦卑呢?第7节说:“你们要把一切忧虑卸给 神,因为他顾念你们。”所以,信徒服在神大能的手下谦卑的方法,就是把一切的忧虑都交托给神。这是怎么回事?抱着焦虑的心态本质上是骄傲。我为什么这么说?那看起来不像骄傲啊。当我们抓着自己的焦虑时,我们在实际上是在说,我可以比神更好地监督、照顾、解决这些焦虑。这是信心的反面。自以为比上帝更了解自己,是骄傲的典型。如果我能扛起我的重担,把它们弄明白,然后解决它们,那么我们就不需要上帝了。但谦卑认识到,我们不能背负自己的重担和忧虑,而是要把它们卸给神。有一位注释家这样说:苦难若不是把人赶进神的怀抱,就是让人与神隔绝。
There is likely an allusion to Psalm 55:22 that says, “Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” The image is not like throwing a fishing line over the water. You don’t just throw it out there only to reel it back in. Instead the idea of casting our anxieties is like removing the yoke of burden that would be placed on a donkey, a heavy weight, and throwing it upon another the shoulders of another. In this case, we throw it upon the wide strong shoulders of the Lord. The reason we can do this is because of this reminder: “he cares for you.” 这很可能是暗指诗篇55:22:“你要把你的重担卸给耶和华,他必扶持你; 他永远不会让义人动摇。”形象的说,这不像是在水上抛出钓鱼线。你抛出去,不是只为了把它卷回来。相反,把我们的忧虑卸掉,就像卸下驴身上的重轭或重物,放在另一个人的肩上。在这里,我们把它卸在主的宽阔有力的肩膀上。我们之所以能这样做,就是因为这个提醒:“他顾念你们。”
This is such a simple but profound truth. God cares for you. This morning, with whatever anxieties you are facing—unemployment, cancer, uncertain diagnosis, maligning, suffering, persecution, pain, wayward children, dying parents, trauma, a broken marriage, strained relationships, and a million other anxieties—God. Cares. For. You. He sees you. Lay your burden upon the Lord this morning. 2020 is a year of anxiety—and yet Jesus says, “[28] Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. [29] Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. [30] For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28–30).O North Campus, give over your fears and anxieties over to the Lord this morning. Say “God I can’t carry this heavy burden, so I entrust it to you this morning, as I rest in your love.” 这道理简单而深刻。神顾念你们。今天早上,无论你面临什么忧虑—失业、癌症、不确定的诊断、诽谤、苦难、逼迫、病痛、迷失的孩子、垂死的父母、创伤、破碎的婚姻、紧张的人际关系,以及其他无数的忧虑—神、顾、念、你、们。祂看着你们。今天早上把你的负担卸在主的身上。2020年是焦虑的一年—然而耶稣说:“[28] 你们所有劳苦担重担的人哪,到我这里来吧! 我必使你们得安息。[29] 我心里柔和谦卑,你们应当负我的轭,向我学习,你们就必得着心灵的安息;[30] 我的轭是容易负的,我的担子是轻省的。”(马太福音11:28-30)北堂的人们啊,今天早上把你们的恐惧和忧虑交给主吧。说:”神啊,我不能背负这个重担,所以今天早上我把它托付给你,我在你的爱中得安息。“
This call to humility is a call to trust, to faith, and to entrust our souls to our faithful Creator. Humility allows us to receive the shepherding care of elders, lubricates the relationships in Christian community, and is the way we rid ourselves of the paralysis of anxiety. 这种对谦卑的呼召,也是在呼召信任、信心,是将我们的生命交托给我们信实的造物主。谦卑使我们能够接受长老的牧养关怀,润滑基督徒群体中的关系,让我们避免因忧虑而瘫倒。
A Call to Be Alert (8–9) 警醒的呼召(8-9节)
1 Peter 5:8–9 8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 9 Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. 彼得前书5:8-98 你们要谨守、警醒。你们的仇敌魔鬼,好像吼叫的狮子走来走去,寻找可以吞吃的人”9 你们要用坚强的信心抵挡他,因为知道你们在世上的弟兄,也经历过同样的苦难。
Peter closes with a pair of closing exhortations: be sober-minded and be watchful. We’ve seen this repeated emphasis from Peter already in 1 Peter 1:13; 4:3 and 4:7. 彼得在最后提出了两点劝告:要谨守,警醒。我们在彼得前书1:13;4:3和4:7中已经看到了彼得的这种反复强调。
Believers are to possess a spiritual sobriety: alert, sober, and watchful. Thinking rightly and clearly about our identity and suffering. The reason for this alertness is because we have an enemy on the prowl, seeking to devour his prey. This enemy is the devil, Satan, and he is not a cute golden doodle puppy, but a deadly roaring lion. 信徒要拥有属灵的警醒:警觉、清醒、谨慎。正确、清晰地思考我们的身份和苦难。之所以要如此警惕,是因为我们有一个敌人在走来走去,想要吞吃牠的猎物。这个敌人就是魔鬼,撒旦,牠不是一只可爱的金毛小狗,而是一只致命的咆哮狮子。
How are we to respond? Verse 9 says, “Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” Notice three things. First, we can resist the devil. We are not powerless, but instead called to action and to fight. Second, we are to be “firm in our faith.” Believers triumph over the devil as we continue to place our faith in God. Third, we are to be encouraged by the truth that “the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” 我们该怎么办?第9节说:“你们要用坚强的信心抵挡他,因为知道你们在世上的弟兄,也经历过同样的苦难。”请注意三件事:首先,我们可以抵挡魔鬼。我们不是无能为力,而是蒙召采取行动,投入战斗。其次,我们要“坚固信心”。当我们继续把信心放在上帝身上时,信徒就会战胜魔鬼。第三,我们要为“在世上的弟兄,也经历过同样的苦难”这一事实而感到鼓舞。
Let me address the third point first. You are not alone in suffering. Our suffering is not unique or unforeseen. We know that “all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). You’re not alone. We will experience the normal opposition that Christians have faced from the beginning, and will face until Christ returns. Don’t feel sorry for yourself; you’re in good company. 我们先看第三点。你不是独自一人受苦。我们的苦难不是独一无二的,也不是不可预见的。我们知道,“所有立志在基督耶稣里过敬虔生活的,都必遭受迫害。”(提摩太后书3:12)你并不孤单。我们会经历基督徒从一开始就通常面临的反对,直到基督再来。不要自怨自艾,你有好伙伴。
Now let’s turn our attention to resisting the devil. How do we resist this roaring lion and how does faith factor in? The second phrase, “firm in your faith” suggests that our faith is what Satan is attempting to devour. How does Satan then devour a believer’s faith? The devil, which means “slanderer” or “accuser,” brings accusations against God’s people. 现在让我们把注意力转移到抵挡魔鬼上来。我们如何抵挡这头咆哮的狮子,信心又是如何起作用?第二个片语“坚强的信心”提示,我们的信心正是撒旦企图吞吃的东西。那么撒旦如何吞吃信徒的信心呢?魔鬼的意思是“诽谤者”或“控告者”,对神的子民提出控告。
Satan lies and deceives, bringing false accusations: 撒旦连蒙带骗,带来不实的控告:
• If you had more faith you would not be suffering. 要是你的信心够大,你就不会受苦了。
• If you really are loved by God he wouldn’t let you experience trials, hardships, or pain. 如果你真的蒙神所爱,祂就不会让你经历试炼、艰难或痛苦。
• If you’re really a child of God, he’d like you escape persecution. 如果你真是神的儿女,祂必定希望你能逃脱迫害。
• All this pain you’re experiencing, it means God doesn’t love you. 你所经历的这些痛苦,说明上帝并不爱你。
These lies are from the very pit of hell. How do we resist him then? We don’t believe Satan and we believe in God’s word instead. We call to mind the truth that God’s word declares about us. We are his beloved. We are elect exiles, born again to a living hope, who have received the good news by the Holy Spirit. We have been ransomed with the precious blood of Christ. We have been born of imperishable seed through the living and abiding word of God. We have tasted of the pure spiritual milk of the word. We are living stones built upon the very cornerstone of Jesus Christ. We are blessed, and have the Holy Spirit resting and indwelling us right now. That’s how we resist Satan—by believing and cleaving to the promises of God. Both what he’s done in the past and what he will do in the future. 这些谎言来自地狱的深渊。那我们该如何抵挡呢?我们不相信撒旦,而是相信神的话语。我们回想神的话语所宣告的关于我们的真理。我们是蒙爱的。我们是蒙拣选的寄居者,重生获得了永活的盼望,靠着圣灵接受了好消息。我们已得基督宝血赎回。我们是藉着神活泼常存的道,从不能坏的种子蒙了重生的。我们已经尝到了神的话语如纯净的灵奶。我们是建立在耶稣基督这块房角石上的活石。我们是蒙福的,现在就有圣灵安住在我们里面。这就是我们如何抵挡撒旦—相信并坚守神的应许。无论是祂过去的所作所为,还是将来的所作所为。
James 4:7–8 tells us similarly, “[7] Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. [8] Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” When we resist Satan will flee. We resist by submitting to God, and drawing near to him in faith and prayerful trust. We remind ourselves of what is true of us in Christ: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). 雅各书4:7-8也同样告诉我们:“[7]你们应当顺服 神,抵挡魔鬼,魔鬼就逃避你们。[8] 你们应当亲近 神,神就亲近你们。”当我们抵挡的时候,撒旦就逃走了。我们通过顺服于神,在信心和祷告的信任中亲近祂来抵挡撒旦。我们提醒自己,我们在基督里的真实情况。“我已经与基督同钉十字架;现在活着的,不再是我,而是基督活在我里面;如今在肉身中活着的我,是因信 神的儿子而活的;他爱我,为我舍己”(加拉太书2:20)。
So are Peter’s readers experiencing fiery trials and suffering? Yes. Will we experience trials and suffering? Yes. But does experiencing suffering change or compromise our identity in Christ and our eternal destination as his children? A million times no! Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Not even the hot steaming jaws of Satan himself. 那么,彼得的读者是否正在经历如火的考验和苦难呢?是的。我们会经历考验和苦难吗?是的。但是,经历苦难是否会改变或损害我们在基督里的身份和我们作为祂儿女的永恒归宿?一百万次的不!没有什么能使我们与基督的爱隔绝。甚至连撒旦自己那热气腾腾的下巴都不能。
I want the seriousness of this text to land on us, but not to paralyze us. Is Satan deadly? Yes. He can devour our faith if we succumb to his lies and accusations. But should we fear him? No. Like the holy women of old, we are “not to fear anything that is frightening” (1 Peter 3:6). How should we think about Satan? Satan is like a lion at the zoo. If we foolishly climb past the barriers and somehow enter into the lion’s den, we will become his lunch. But if by faith we remain in Christ, looking into the lion’s den from a safe distance, through 2-inch thick bullet proof Plexiglas, we have nothing to fear. His roar may be ferocious, but we will be safe from his jaws. We are to continually entrust our souls to God until he returns or takes us home. 我希望这段经文的严肃性能感动我们,而不是把我们吓瘫掉。撒旦是致命的吗?是的。如果我们屈服于牠的谎言和指责,牠就会吞噬我们的信心。但我们需要怕牠吗?不需要。就像古时圣洁的妇人,我们要“不怕任何恐吓”(彼得前书3:6)。我们应该如何看待撒旦?撒旦就像动物园里的狮子。如果我们傻乎乎地爬过栅栏,不知怎么进入狮穴,我们就会成为它的午餐。但如果我们凭着信心安住在基督里,透过2英寸厚的防弹有机玻璃,从安全的距离看狮穴,我们就没有什么可害怕的。它的咆哮也许很吓人,但我们可以从狮口中安全逃脱。我们要不断地将自己的生命交托给神,直到祂再来或接我们回天家。
Conclusion 结语
I don’t know if you saw it, but our passage calls us to fight the fight of faith by resisting the devil by faith in God’s promises, and it calls us to rest under God’s mighty hand, humbling ourselves and casting our anxieties upon him. The Christian life is both, humility and resting, and alertness and fighting. Stay ready O Christian, but sleep soundly, because God has got you. 不知道大家看到了没有,我们这段经文呼召我们凭着对神应许的信心来抵挡魔鬼,打信心的仗,也呼召我们安息在神大能的手下,谦卑自己,把忧虑卸在神的身上。基督徒的生活既是谦卑而安息,又是警醒和战斗。基督徒啊,要做好准备,但要睡得安稳,因为上帝已经得着了你。
Let me close with this final word on the phrase “under the mighty hand of God.” What is that a reference to? It refers back to the Exodus when God delivered Israel from Egypt with his “mighty hand” (see Exodus 3:19; 32:11; Deuteronomy 5:15). 最后,请允许我就“服在神大能的手下”这句话说几句。这指的是什么?它指的是出埃及时,神用祂“大能的手”把以色列人从埃及救出来(见出埃及记3:19;32:11;申命记5:15)。
Why does Peter use this phrase? To call to mind God’s power and protection in delivering his chosen people. God’s hand was not too short to save. God’s hand was not powerless against his enemies. No! God displayed his powerful judgment against his enemies. He had a heavy hand to reveal his sovereign power and glory. All the world will see the might of Yahweh in the Exodus. And God’s mighty hand, for his people, is a hand of protection, deliverance, and fulfillment of all of his promises. 彼得为什么要用这个片语?要叫人想起神拯救祂所拣选的子民的大能和保护。神的手并不太短,以致不能拯救。神的手并不是无力对抗敌人。绝不!神向祂的敌人展示了祂大能的审判。祂有重手可以彰显着祂的主权和荣耀。世人都会在出埃及记中看到耶和华的大能。而神大能的手,对祂的子民来说,就是保护、拯救、实现祂所有应许的手。
We close by singing “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” by Martin Luther. Here these lyrics: 最后我们唱马丁·路德的《坚固堡垒》。歌词如下:
The Prince of Darkness grim,— 幽暗之君虽猛,
We tremble not for him; 不足令我心惊,
His rage we can endure, 他怒我能容忍,
For lo! His doom is sure,— 日后胜负必分,
One little word shall fell him. 主言必使他败奔。
I will admit, I did not know what word Luther meant in that final phrase “one little word shall fell him.” Do you know? What one little word will fell the Prince of Darkness? Martin Luther identified it not as Jesus, but “Liar!” When Satan fires an accusation our way, we declare “Liar!” and we keep on trusting and entrusting ourselves to God. 我承认,我不知道路德在最后一句话中所说的“主言必使他败奔”是什么意思。你知道吗?谁能一开口就让幽暗之君败奔?马丁·路德认定它不是耶稣,而是“骗子!”当撒旦向我们发起控告的时候,我们就宣告:“骗子!”我们继续信靠,把自己交托给神。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: Under God’s Mighty Hand 讲道标题:服在神大能的手下
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 5:5–9 讲道经文:彼得前书5:5-9
Main Point: Believers are to be humble and alert, casting their anxieties upon him, under the mighty hand of God until Christ returns. 要点:信徒要谦卑警醒,将忧虑卸给祂,服在神大能的手下,直到基督再来。
Outline: 纲要:
1. A call to submit (5a) 1.顺服的呼召(5a节)
2. A call to be humble (5b–7) 2.谦卑的呼召(5b-7节)
3. A call to be alert (8–9) 3.警醒的呼召(8-9节)
Intro Question: Are you experiencing any anxiety right now with the current state of our world, your own situation and circumstances, or as you reflect upon our future? How is our situation similar to dissimilar to the context of Peter’s original audience? 引言中的问题:你现在是否对我们这个世界的现状、你自己的处境和环境,或者你对我们的未来进行反思的时候,感到焦虑?我们的情况与彼得最初的读者的背景有什么相似与不同之处?
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
1. Why would Peter need to call out those who are “younger” to be subject to the elders? 1.为什么彼得要叫那些“青年人”顺服长老呢?
2. Why would a humble attitude and disposition be important towards one another in the church? How might trials, pain, or suffering make it all the more necessary? 2.为什么教会中彼此谦卑的态度和性情很重要?试炼、痛苦或苦难怎么使谦卑更显必要?
3. How does God’s opposition against the proud and his exaltation of the humble at the proper time motivate humility, and help us not run from humility? 3.神敌挡骄傲的人,适时高举谦卑的人,如何激励谦卑,帮助我们不背离谦卑?
4. Why is being alert and clear-mindedness important for resisting the devil? 4.为什么说谨守和警醒醒对抵挡魔鬼很重要?
5. What are some lies, slander, or accusations you are tempted to believe, instead of resisting Satan, firm in your faith? 5.有哪些谎言、诽谤或指责是你受引诱去相信,而不是抵挡撒旦,坚定信仰?
6. How does the knowledge of persecution around the world encourage us as we face trials or persecution? 6.当我们面对试炼或逼迫时,了解世界各地的逼迫如何鼓励我们?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
7. How are we doing in submitting to the leadership and shepherding care of the elders? Are you a member of the church, and if not, is there a reason you are resistant to become one? 7.我们在顺服长老们的领导和牧养关怀方面做得怎么样?你是教会的会员吗,如果不是,你是否有抗拒成为教会会员的原因?
8. Can you think of any situations or circumstances in the church where more humility is needed? 8.你能想到教会中有什么情况或环境需要更多的谦卑吗?
9. What are some anxieties that you can cast upon the Lord? Spend some time discussing how God cares for you and where we have experienced tangible expressions of God’s loving care. 9.你有什么忧虑可以卸给主呢?花一些时间讨论神如何关怀你,以及我们在哪些地方经历过神爱的关怀的具体表现。
10. When are we tempted to be spiritually dull, drunk, or sleepy, instead of watchful and vigilant? 10.什么时候我们会被引诱在灵性上发呆、醉酒或困倦,而不是儆醒和警惕?
11. What are some promises of God that we can engage in fighting against the lies and accusations of Satan? 11.在对抗撒旦的谎言和指控时,我们可以应用哪些神的应许?
Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
Praise God for his sovereign power, his mighty hand, his loving care for his children, and for the support and care of the body of Christ and of church elders. Confess any sins of pride, arrogance, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency, instead of a humble attitude and disposition towards others and towards God. Thank God that we can resist the lies and accusations of Satan through faith in Christ, rehearsing his promises, and remembering his loving care for his children. Ask God for grace to submit to the loving oversight of shepherds, to clothe yourself with humility towards others and under God’s mighty hand, to cast your anxieties on God, and to resist the devil. 为神主宰的权柄,为祂大能的手,为祂对儿女的爱护,为基督的身体和教会长老的支持和关怀,而赞美神!承认任何骄傲、自大、自力、自足的罪,缺乏对他人和对神谦卑的态度和性情。感谢神,使我们能藉着对基督的信心,重温祂的应许,记念祂对儿女的爱护,抵挡撒旦的谎言和指控。求神赐下恩典,让你顺服于牧者的爱的监督,以谦卑的态度作为装束,服在他人和神大能的手下,把忧虑卸在神的身上,抵挡魔鬼。


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