

作者: 姚争杰 | 来源:发表于2019-02-27 23:02 被阅读17次






      文:原创    图:源自网络

Dream and the Reality

I have read an article that said a painter rented a courtyard in the countryside at the foot of the mountain and cost 4000 yuan to buy 20 years of usage. After simple renovation he moved into the cottage that is inside the yard and lived a happy and leisurely life.

It gave me a leap in my heart after reading the article. Is this the life that I want?  Stay away from the noise of the city and go into nature, and have the life of "Picking chrysanthemum under the bamboo fence,Looking to the Southern Mountain leisurely."

A company in my hometown guesses the thinking like mine. They launched a project to satisfy people who want the life in the countryside. Costing 100 thousand yuan to buy a plot of land and cost 50 thousand yuan to build a cottage on the plot. Then moving in the cottage, you will realize your idea soon - planting on the plot and eating the grains and vegetables yourself. We can lay on the bed, look up to the moon through the window and count the numbers of stars in the sky. It is a very romantic scene, isn't it?  

In fact, this is merely a dream. It may seem impossible to come true. Because my families won't agree with me to carry out the absurd plan at all. I am a retired man now and my healthy situation is not very well. I will encounter all kinds of difficulties in my existence if I live in the countryside. I probably have no ability to plant the plot myself and harvest grains from the field, like an old farmer. I can't adapt to the living environment that has no telephone, TV set, and Network. How can I go to hospital to see the doctor if I am ill?  If my daughter comes back to see me, would she live with me in the countryside? So the dream is only a dream, but the life is truth. Life wouldn't let the absurd plan to be a reality.

It is not necessarily to satisfy these conditions on geography environments to fit retired people’s requires such as peaceful and quiet. They also have access to get these life conditions in the city. So we mentioned the peace and quiet is more refers to the old people's own mentality. If you keep the calm in your heart, you will have a leisurely life, even if you live in the center of city. 

Essay: Original    Pictures: From Network


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