- 读Geopolitical Alpha(四)——The Wiza
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(一)——前言
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(三)——The Cons
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(五)——Politics
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(六)——Politics
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(八)——Constitu
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(十)——The Time
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(七)——Politics
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(九)——The Time
- 读Geopolitical Alpha(二)——We’re No
好吧,还是绿野仙踪 —— 过去的好时光啊。
“The most valuable commodity I know of is information.”
— Gordon Gekko, Wall Street
I aim to give the investor and businessperson the tools to break openthe black box of consultants, to be able to differentiate a stellar one from asubstandard one. The constraint framework allows investors to criticallyevaluate and wield the insights from experts and frees them from blinddependence.
First, no matter what the person across your conference table tells you, he is not in actual intelligence.
作者的进一步解释,这个是要特意强调谦逊和概率思考 —— 就是不要相信吹牛B:
The way to differentiate a good political consultant from the bad ishumility. Not necessarily humility of behavior, but intellectual humility – doubt – built into his or her analysis. If your consultant givesyou a high-conviction view without a scenario analysis or a probabilitydecision tree, he is not humble and is likely overstating his statisticallyinsignificant insights. The real experts will present you with either a setof scenarios and data points to monitor or a decision tree with probabilities.
Second, political and geopolitical paradigm shifts discussed inChapter 1 have moved the market-relevant questions from the frontiersof economic development to the core... in the complex political and economic systems of the most liquidmarkets – the G20 economies – the constraints to power are too great.
Third, intelligence-driven forecasting can lead to “funneling,” theoversimplification and mass dissemination of information from a handful, or even just one, source.
Fourth, policymakers and the markets enjoy a reflexive relationship,meaning policymakers often use the markets to force action fromtheir political counterparts.
Finally, are you sure you are speaking with an expert?
Most investors think that the way to political or geopolitical insight is through access to intelligence. No matter how many times they get burned, they keep buzzing back to dive-bomb the “intelligence” streetlamp.
That said, I don’t think investors should wall themselves off in theiroffice and draw decision-tree diagrams with no contact to the outsideworld. They just need to approach all aspects of that outside world withhealthy skepticism.
Academics: Academia is filled with undervalued and underappreciated assets.
Technocrats: Talk to retired policymakers and insiders, but adjustyour expectations... If you intend to speak with former government officials, go for the second- and third-tier technocrats and bureaucrats rather than the top dogs.
Regulators: Sector-specific insights do exist and are valuable. If you need sector intelligence, hire a consultant that specializes in regulatory analysis.
As investors, we cannot outsource our fiduciary duty to someone else.
The ultimate forecasting buck stops with us.