

作者: 沪江英语 | 来源:发表于2018-06-26 09:57 被阅读34次

Starbucks Is Set To Close 150 Stores Across The US


Starbucks will close 150 poorly performing company-operated stores next year, about three times as many as it typically closes.


The affected stores are located in mostly urban areas that are densely populated with Starbucks locations.


The company told investors late Tuesday that it expects same-store sales to grow just 1% for the quarter that begins next month, lowering its previous guidance. The stock slumped 3.5% in after-hours trading.


"Our recent performance does not reflect the potential of our exceptional brand and is not acceptable," Starbucks (SBUX) CEO Kevin Johnson said in a statement. "We must move faster to address the more rapidly changing preferences and needs of our customers."

星巴克首席执行官Kevin Johnson 在一次声明中指出:“我们最近的表现并未反应出我们这个独特品牌的潜力,也是我们无法接受的,我们必须加快步伐,以应对客户变化更快的喜好和需求。”

"In this last quarter, we had an unplanned initiative related to the incident in Philadelphia that culminated in closing stores," Johnson said on a call from the Oppenheimer Consumer Conference on Tuesday afternoon. "It is not an excuse," for the 1% growth rate, he added. Chief Financial Officer Scott Maw said that the closures "had an impact."

Johnson星期二下午在接到奥本海默消费者大会来电时说:“在上一季度,我们有一次临时行动与促使关店呼声达到高潮的费城事件有关”。对于1%的增长率,他补充说到:“我们并非在找借口”,首席财务官Scott Maw说那次关店确实造成了影响。

Starbucks closed 8,000 stores on the afternoon of May 29 to offer about 175,000 employees mandatory anti-bias training after two black men were arrested at a store in Philadelphia while waiting for a friend.


Outgoing chairman Howard Schultz said the training cost Starbucks "tens of millions" of dollars. The training also delayed the launch of Starbucks' spring and summer marketing campaign by about two weeks.


To help boost sales, Starbucks will develop more healthy drinks, like low-sugar iced tea, for an increasingly health-conscious customer base.


The company said that so far in 2018, Frappucino sales have fallen by 3%. Last year, sales of the sugary blended beverage were up 4%, compared to 5% in 2016 and 17% in 2015.


The company is also planning on boosting its digital initiatives and getting more customers to sign up for its app.


So far, there have been no details released about which stores will close, or when they will shut down. But CEO Kevin Johnson told Bloomberg the focus is on cities because of economic restraints. 

截止到目前,公司没有透露任何细节表明要关闭哪些店或者何时关店。但首席执行官Kevin Johnson对彭博新闻社透露由于经济束缚,关店会集中在城市地区。

The closing stores are “in major metro areas where [there are] increases in wage and occupancy and other regulatory requirements,” he said. “Now, in a lot of ways, it’s middle America and the South that presents an opportunity.”







