A Farmer and his wife live in a small house in the country. They are very poor. Then one day something fantastic happens. 【fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ adj. 奇异的,怪诞的; happens /ˈfhæpənz/ 发生 】
Farmer: Good morning, dear.
Wife: Good morning.
I’ll fry you some eggs. 【fry /fraɪ/ v. 油煎,油炸 】
The wife goes out to the barn to get some eggs. She suddenly shouts loudly to the Farmer. [ barn /bɑːn/ n. 畜棚,谷仓;suddenly /ˈsʌd(ə)nli/ adv. 突然地,出乎意料地;shouts /ʃaʊts/ v. 呼喊;高声谈笑,shout 的第三人称单数;loudly /ˈlaʊdli/ adv. 大声地,响亮地 ]
Wife: Come out here, dear! Quickly!
Farmer: Why? What’s the matter? 【matter /ˈmætə(r)/ n. 事情,问题】
The Farmer runs out to the barn.
Wife: Look at this!
Farmer: What is it?
Wife: It’s a golden egg!
Farmer: A golden egg?
Where did you get is?
Wife: From this Goose.
It laid this golden egg. 【 laid /leɪd/ v.下蛋,产卵 (lay 的过去分词) 】
Goose: Quack, quack! 【quack /kwæk/ v. (鸭子)呱呱叫,嘎嘎叫 】
Farmer: I can’t believe it. 【believe /bɪˈliːv/ v. 相信 】
It’s so shiny and beautiful. 【shiny /ˈʃaɪni/ adj. 光滑发亮的,有光泽的】
What shall we do with it?
Wife: Sell it at the market.
Farmer: Good idea.
I’ll sell it and buy some meat. 【 meat /miːt/ n. 肉类 】
Wife: Yes.
I’ll cook you a delicious meal tonight. 【 cook / v. 煮,烧;kʊk/ meal /miːl/ n. 一餐 】
Farmer: Yahoo! Thank you, Goose!
The Farmer goes to the market that afternoon and gets a good price for the golden egg. The Farmer and his Wife have a nice dinner that night, but they can’t fall asleep. They are so excited and hope that the goose will lay another golden egg tomorrow morning. 【price /praɪs/ n. 价格;dinner /ˈdɪnə(r)/ n. 正餐,晚餐;fall /fɔːl/ v.进入某状态 】
Goose: Cock –a –doodle-doo!!! 【 咕咕咕咕 】
Farmer: Wake up, dear.
Let’s see if the Goose laid another golden egg.
Wife: Okay. Let’s hurry.
The two rush out to the barn. 【rush /rʌʃ/ v. 冲,奔 】
Farmer: Look!
Another golden egg!
Wife: Thank you, Goose.
We will be rich soon. 【soon /suːn/ adv. 很快,马上,不久】
Farmer: Yes. Thanks to the Goose.
Feed it well, dear. 【 feed /fiːd/ v. 饲养,喂养 】
Wife: Of course.
I will feed it the best food.
After that, the Farmer and his Wife gave the Goose the best food. They loved the Goose. The Goose kept laying a golden egg every day. Some months later, the couple moved to a bigger house. They were very happy. 【 kept /kept/ v. 保持,处于;继续,重复,keep 的过去式和过去分词;couple /ˈkʌp(ə)l/ n. 两个,几个,一对夫妇;moved /muːvd/ v. 搬迁,move 的过去式和过去分词形式 】
Farmer: Thanks to the Goose, we are not poor anymore. 【anymore /ˌeniˈmɔː(r)/ adv. (不)再,再也(不)】
Wife: That is true. 【 true /truː/ adj. 真实的;正确的 】
But I’m getting curious. 【curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/ adj. 好奇的,求知欲强的 】
Farmer: About what?
Wife: The Goose doesn’t look special. 【 special /ˈspeʃ(ə)l/ adj. 特殊的,特别的 】
Farmer: So what?
Wife: But how can it lay golden eggs?
Farmer: Good question.
Now I’m getting curious, too. Hmm…
More months passed and the Farmer and his Wife became quite rich. 【became /bɪˈkeɪm/ v. 变得(become 的过去式);quite /kwaɪt/ adv. 相当,很;非常,十分 】
Farmer: We are now quite rich.
Thanks to the Goose.
Wife: Yes.
But I want to get really rich fast.
Farmer: How?
Wife: Think.
We don’t know how the Goose lays the golden eggs.
But we know where they are coming from.
Farmer: We do? Where?
Wife: From the Goose’s stomach, of course. 【stomach /ˈstʌmək/ n. 胃;腹部 】
So its stomach must be full of golden eggs. 【full /fʊl/ adj. 满的】
Farmer: Perhaps. I don’t know.
Wife: Can’t you see?
We can become really rich all at once.
Farmer: What do you mean? 【mean /miːn/ v. 意味着】
Wife: Cut open the Goose’s stomach. 【cut /kʌt/ v. (尤指用刀)切,割,砍,剪,削,剁】
Take out all of the golden eggs inside.
Farmer: You mean kill the Goose?
Wife: Yes.
A golden egg a day is too slow. 【slow /sləʊ/ adj. 耗时的,太慢的 】
I want to become really rich. Now!
Farmer: But it has given us a golden egg every day.
It made us rich. We can’t kill it now. 【made /meɪd/ v. 造成,词make 的过去式和过去分词形式 】
Wife: Why not?
Don’t you want to become richer faster? 【richer /rɪtʃə/ adj. 更富有的;faster /fɑ:stə(r)/ adv. 更快地】
Farmer: Yes, but we are rich right now.
Wife: Yes. But I want to become really really rich.
I want to live in the city.
Bring the knife from the kitchen. 【bring /brɪŋ/ v. 拿来,带来】
Farmer: If you wish, dear. 【 wish /wɪʃ/ v. 希望(做某事 )】
The Farmer brings a sharp knife from the kitchen. The Goose sees the knife and starts crying and runs away. The Wife hides the knife behind her back. 【sharp /ʃɑːp/ adj. 锋利的,尖的;hides /haɪdz/ v. 隐瞒,躲藏,鞭打,hide 的第三人称单数】
Goose: Quack, quack!
Wife: What’s the matter, Goose? 【matter /ˈmætə(r)/ n. 事情,问题】
I have something delicious for you.
Goose: Quack, quack!
Wife: it’s running away!
Go and catch it! 【catch /kætʃ/ v. 接住;抓住,捉住】
Farmer: Okay, dear.
Come here, Goosey.
Goose: Quack, quack!
Wife: Catch it, catch it!
Farmer: I got it!
Goose: Quack, quack!
The Farmer catches the Goose and the Wife is about to cut open its stomach.
Wife: We will be really rich soon. 【soon /suːn/ adv. 很快,马上,不久】
How many eggs will there be?
Farmer: I don’t know.
But there must be many.
I’m getting curious now.
Hurry up. Cut it open.
Wife: Okay, here I go.
Goose: (scream)Q-U-A-C-K!!! 【 scream /skriːm/ v. (因伤痛、害怕、激动等)尖叫】
The Goose’s stomach is cut open. The Farmer and his Wife look surprised. 【surprised /səˈpraɪzd/ v. 使惊奇,使诧异,使感到意外(surprise 的过去式和过去分词形式)】
Farmer: Where are the golden eggs?
Wife: I don’t know.
There must be some inside.
Look carefully! 【carefully /ˈkeəfəli/ adv. 小心地,仔细地】
Farmer: There are none! 【none /nʌn/ pron. 全无】
What have we done?
Wife: No golden eggs?
Farmer: Poor Goose.
We were too greedy. 【greedy /ˈɡriːdi/ adj. 贪婪的,贪心的】
So we will become poor again.
Wife: Poor us!
Farmer: Boo-hoo-hoo.
MORAL: Don’t be greedy.
Did you enjoy the story? Now. let's do the workbook. Are you ready? Okay, let's begin.
Phonics time six: Long vowel Aa /eɪ/
ape /eɪp/ n. 猿,类人猿 tape /teɪp/ n. 磁带,录音带
cave /keɪv/ . 洞穴,山洞 vase /veɪs/ n. 花瓶,(装饰用的)瓶
face /feɪs/ n. 脸,面部 wave /weɪv/ n. 海浪
snake /sneɪk/ n. 蛇 lake /leɪk/ n. 湖,湖泊
plate /pleɪt/ n. 盘子,碟子
Listen and draw a line to match the picture.
Number one: The cow says moo moo.
Number two: The cat says meow meow.
Number three: The dog says woof woof.
Number four: The horse says neigh neigh.
Number five: The pig say oink oink.
Listen and rewrite the scrambled sentence.
Number one: What's the matter?
Number two: Where did you get it.
Number three: It's so shiny and beautiful.
Number four: Thanks to the goose.
Number five: A golden egg a day is too slow.
Number six: Where are the golden eggs?
Listen and write the number in correct order.
Numberone: I'm getting curious.
Number two: Thank you goose.
Number three: We were too greedy.
Number four: You mean kill the goose?
Number five: It's so shiny and beautiful.
Number six: There are none!
Number seven: It's running away!
Number eight: I want to get really rich fast.
Number nine: Quack, quack!
Chant and song: Good morning.
One day I saw downy duck, With feathers on his back; I said ," Good morning, downy duck", And he said,"Quack, quack. quack".
One day I saw a timid mouse, He was so shy and meek; I said," Good morning, timid mouse", And he said," Squeak, squeak, squeak".
One day I saw a curly dog, I met him with a bow, I said," Good morning, curly dog", And he said," Bow-bow-bow".
One day I saw a scarlet bird, He woke me from my sieep; I said," Good moning, scarlet bird", And he said," Cheep, cheep, cheep".