伊索寓言 Aesop's Fables

作者: 点学英语 | 来源:发表于2019-03-01 10:51 被阅读2次



伊索寓言 Aesop's Fables

作者:伊索 (Aesop) [古希腊]



第一篇:蚂蚁和蚱蜢 The Ant and the Grasshopper

The ants were spending a fine winter's day drying grain collected in the summertime.


A Grasshopper, perishing with  famine, passed by and earnestly begged for a little food.


The Ants inquired of him, "Why did you not treasure up food during the summer?"


He replied, "I had not  leisure enough. I passed the days in singing."


They then said in derision: "If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter."


第二篇:贪婪和嫉妒 Avaricious and Envious

Two neighbours came before Jupiter and prayed him to grant their hearts' desire.


Now the one was full of avarice, and the other eaten up with envy.


So to punish them both, Jupiter granted that each might have whatever he wished for himself, but only on condition that his neighbour had twice as much.


The Avaricious man prayed to have a room full of gold. No sooner said than done; but all his joy was turned to grief when he found that his neighbour had two rooms full of the precious metal.


Then came the turn of the Envious man, who could not bear to think that his neighbour had any joy at all.


So he prayed that he might have one of his own eyes put out, by which means his companion would become totally blind.


Vices are their own punishment.


第三篇:狼来了 The Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’

There was once a young Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some excitement. He rushed down towards the village calling out "Wolf, Wolf," and the villagers came out to meet him, and some of them stopped with him for a considerable time. This pleased the boy so much that a few days afterwards he tried the same trick, and again the villagers came to his help. But shortly after this a Wolf actually did come out from the forest, and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried out "Wolf, Wolf," still louder than before. But this time the villagers, who had been fooled twice before, thought the boy was again deceiving them, and nobody stirred to come to his help. So the Wolf made a good meal off the boy's flock, and when the boy complained, the wise man of the village said:


"A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth."




    本文标题:伊索寓言 Aesop's Fables
