方案1: 不纠错直接组装。输入数据分为两种情况,一种是用所有的原始数据(包括长度过滤2K/5K以下),一种则是选择最长的30X, 40X作为输入。
miniasm: https://github.com/lh3/miniasm
SMARTdenovo: https://github.com/ruanjue/smartdenovo
RA: https://github.com/lbcb-sci/ra,个人对这个工具极其失望,运行速度慢,内存管理差,中断之后会删除所有中间文件。
Flye: - https://github.com/fenderglass/Flye
注: 不纠错直接组装得到的contig,需要先进行三代自纠错,才能用二代纠错,否则比对率会比较低。
方案2: 纠错后组装,然后挑选所有数据或者最长的30X, 40X作为输入。可供选择的纠错工具如下
NextDenovo: https://github.com/Nextomics/NextDenovo
注: NECAT, Canu可以从头跑到尾,其中NECAT是MECAT的继任者,专门处理Nanopore组装。
### 对于PacBio data:
## wget https://zenodo.org/record/1172816/files/E.coli_PacBio_40x.fasta
## flye --pacbio-raw E.coli_PacBio_40x.fasta --out-dir out_pacbio --genome-size 5m --threads 4
Parameter descriptions
usage: flye (--pacbio-raw | --pacbio-corr | --nano-raw |
--nano-corr | --subassemblies) file1 [file_2 ...]
--genome-size SIZE --out-dir PATH
[--threads int] [--iterations int] [--min-overlap int]
[--meta] [--plasmids] [--no-trestle] [--debug]
[--version] [--help] [--resume]
Assembly of long and error-prone reads
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pacbio-raw path [path ...]
PacBio raw reads
--pacbio-corr path [path ...]
PacBio corrected reads
--nano-raw path [path ...]
ONT raw reads
--nano-corr path [path ...]
ONT corrected reads
--subassemblies path [path ...]
high-quality contigs input
-g size, --genome-size size
estimated genome size (for example, 5m or 2.6g)
-o path, --out-dir path
Output directory
-t int, --threads int
number of parallel threads [1]
-i int, --iterations int
number of polishing iterations [1]
-m int, --min-overlap int
minimum overlap between reads [auto]
--asm-coverage int reduced coverage for initial contig assembly [not set]
--plasmids rescue short unassmebled plasmids
--meta metagenome / uneven coverage mode
--no-trestle skip Trestle stage
--polish-target path run polisher on the target sequence
--resume resume from the last completed stage
--resume-from stage_name
resume from a custom stage
--debug enable debug output
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Estimated genome size (required)
- Minimum overlap length
- Metagenome mode
- Reduced contig assembly coverage
- Number of polishing iterations
- Re-starting from a particular assembly stage
使用——恢复,以恢复先前可能提前终止的汇编程序的运行( 使用相同的输出目录),会继续从之前完成的哪一步开始,就是支持断点续传。
当然你也可以从值重新某一步: --resume-from stage_name, where stage_name is a choice of assembly, consensus, repeat, trestle, polishing
Flye output
改程序主要包括assembly, consensus, repeat, trestle, polishing五个阶段。所以最终会生成这几个文件夹。

assembly.fasta - Final assembly. Contains contigs and possibly scaffolds (see below).
assembly_graph.{gfa|gv} - Final repeat graph. Note that the edge sequences might be different (shorter) than contig sequences, because contigs might include multiple graph edges (see below).
assembly_info.txt - Extra information about contigs (such as length or coverage).