

作者: 原小虾 | 来源:发表于2016-05-28 04:38 被阅读269次

       美国学校十分珍视community,应该就是我们说的社区。我所在的学校叫做 Pathfinder, 那相应的,小孩在这里就读的所有家庭都属于Pathfinder community. 在两年任期即将结束前,万分感怀,写下了这封告别信,与大家分享。也希望给有需要的同仁提供一个思路。

Goodbye, Pathfinder.

It’s hard for me to write in English but it’s even harder for me say goodbye to all of you.

I was planning to leave quietly like a poet or a loner likeI have never been here. Or like a ninja turtle, just be cool.However, tonight I had my last webinar from myprogram preparing the guest teachers for the re-adjustment when we get home.All of a sudden, like someone touched the softest part in the bottom of myheart, I want to say goodbye to every one of you no matter whether we have metor not; no matter whether we have talked or not. I also want to thank so manypeople who have been there for me and thank so many of you for saying hi to meand making me feel at home. I still remember during the first month I got here,Gillian, one of our parents, taught me how to iron clothes, use the microwaveand washer. How time flies! It seems like it happened yesterday, vivid andfresh.

During the past two years, my students have been so patientwith me and they grew with me. When my kid told me I was one of the bestteachers and I had improved so much, I was so happy. I have learned so much fromthem, kind, humble, creative, encouraging, forgiving… I won’t forget all thosehugs and Nihao, Yiheng!

My coworkers are the best in the world! They have showed mehow to be a real educator, professional and everything for students’ good, alsoworkaholic. I love walking into their classrooms; sitting down just like kidsand listening to them.

Parents, you are so involved in kids’ learning. I amimpressed and cheered! Every time I see parents walk with kids in the hallway, Ifeel learning is valued! There is nothing else we can do other than being therefor the kids and valuing their education!

I also want to take this chance to thank “my people”, agroup of Pathfinder teachers who threw me a wedding party! My wedding daystarted with Victoria, our music teacher, arriving at my place that morning andhugging me when I didn’t have my family around. I am not going to name all ofthem, however, I know it’s Pathfinder’s Magic and culture. Love them all.

Last but not least, I’d like to thank school administrators,David and Lisa, for bringing a Chinese program to Pathfinder. Thanks for givingour kids the chance to be world citizens and expand their world to the otherside of Pacific Ocean!

Love Pathfinder, and thank you Pathfinder.


Chinese teacher


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