

作者: 月牙儿的季节 | 来源:发表于2022-10-08 00:49 被阅读0次

    英文 Blitz 是闪电战、突袭的意思。
    突袭诗由Robert Keim创造。特点是用50行短句来构建突兀的画面或思绪,对读者造成视觉或者心灵冲击。

    Droves and Mayhem

    Crowds everywhere
    Crowds screaming
    Screaming in voices
    Screaming in droves
    Droves of people
    Droves of sheep
    Sheep that follow orders
    Sheep that march along
    Along to nowhere
    Along to everywhere
    Everywhere but here
    Everywhere they can go
    Go somewhere else
    Go far away
    Away to a pasture
    Away to the country
    Country air and farms
    Country people and manners
    Manners that delight
    Manners that entice
    Entice me away from crowds
    Entice me to nowhere
    Nowhere like home
    Nowhere to escape
    Escape from the noise
    Escape from the chaos
    Chaos of the city
    Chaos of the sidewalk
    Sidewalk full of nonsense
    Sidewalk full of ads
    Ads that want attention
    Ads that steal money
    Money we don’t have
    Money we need
    Need to get away
    Need to relax
    Relax in a bed
    Relax for hours
    Hours uninterrupted
    Hours of peace
    Peace and tea
    Peace and hobbies
    Hobbies like painting
    Hobbies like people watching
    Watching the crowds
    Watching the mayhem
    Mayhem of the streets
    Mayhem in the city



