天有不测风云 ,人有旦夕祸福。因此每一个人为自己策划一份保险是非常有必要的,否则如果一旦生病,不仅要承受病痛的痛苦,还要为筹备费用而苦恼,更会为拖累家人而内疚。
I learned in the circle of friends today that an acquaintance was ill and launched a crowdfunding for help, and felt it necessary to talk about insurance.
Although company employees basically buy social insurance and medical insurance, many people, especially some rural people and freelancers, are not aware of insurance.
There are unpredictable winds and clouds in the sky, and people have disaster and blessings. So it is very necessary for everyone to plan an insurance for themselves, otherwise if you get sick, you will not only suffer from the pain of illness, but also suffer for the preparation cost, and feel guilty for dragging your family.
I immediately took action to advise uninsured family members and friends to actively buy them for a rainy day.