

作者: 随机运动 | 来源:发表于2019-01-19 08:12 被阅读0次

I have done my work yesterday as hard as I could and finished it. This morning I received some comments from the office. To address these, Igor up early and worked almost two hours before breakfast. I figured out hot to test the model scenario to make sure that there is no mistake. And I did find two minor errors that would affect the flow distribution. That was great. I then emailed results back to the office. It’s their weekend starting right now. I have 13 hours of advantage. If they have more questions, I can still answer before the Monday deadline.

It's funny that I have written so much out here and nobody cares. Should I care? Yes I do. But this is out of my control. My articles are definitely not interesting because it's almost all about myself. So why a third person would care or have the time to care? I can't blame them. But I don't want to change what I love to do. After all, is this what this effort is all about? You do what you love to do, not to concern what other people think about you or what you are doing. So far, I enjoy the process. Maybe someday, my article will become interesting to the other on this app. I do hope so. So I can get some critical comments as feedback.

Today I will be traveling. It's going to pleasant day for doing that. I pray for our safety. I pray for everything we plan to accomplish goes smoothly and safely return our homo. So help me God.


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