
作者: 酸城市 | 来源:发表于2020-03-19 15:34 被阅读0次

    the fate of the soul is there where the inner and outer world meet. The middle is the myth.今天艺术家的运用就是让内部世界与外部世界交汇。

    why we need hero and heroine? Because they did something beyond the normal range.physical deed:sacrifice.spiritual deed:a mode of experiencing the supernatural things and come back to communicate it.    PSYCHO  像人生                Celtic myth:1.someone found the lure of deer,animals get into the forests 2.father's deed 参军

    myth varied from culture to culture?                no.佛教贪嗔痴

    No reward.Why sacrifice?  The consciousness that give yourself (Maybe that is the true self?)transformation by trials

    the meaning of myth? to find a experience about being a life.myths are clues.花,叶的意义又是什么呢?(听到这里我哭了 真的落泪)

    the interview from Joseph Compbell



