Incident Identifier: E6EBC860-0222-4B82-BF7A-2B1C26BE1E85
CrashReporter Key: 6196484647b3431a9bc2833c19422539549f3dbe
Hardware Model: iPhone6,1
Process: TheElements [4637]
Path: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/5A9E4FC2-D03B-4E19-9A91-104A0D0C1D44/TheElements.app/TheElements
Identifier: com.example.apple-samplecode.TheElements
Version: 1.12
Code Type: ARM (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Date/Time: 2015-04-06 09:14:08.775 -0700
Launch Time: 2015-04-06 09:14:08.597 -0700
OS Version: iOS 8.1.3 (12B466)
Report Version: 105
- Incident Identifier: A unique identifier for the report. Two reports will never share the same Incident Identifier.(报告标识符,两个报告永远都不会共享一个标识符)
- CrashReporter Key: An anonymized per-device identifier. Two reports from the same device will contain identical values.(标识设备符,来自同一设备的报告,这个字段相同)
- Process: The executable name for the process that crashed. This matches the value for the CFBundleExecutable key in the application's information property list.(崩溃进程执行名,和CFBundleExecutable相应)
- Version: The version of the process that crashed. The value for this key is a concatenation of the values for the CFBundleVersion and CFBundleVersionString keys in the application's information property list.(崩溃进程的版本号,CFBundleVersionCF,BundleVersionString)
- Code Type: The target architecture of the process that crashed. This will be one of ARM-64 or ARM.(处理器架构)
- OS Version: The OS version, including the build number, on which the crash occurred.
Exception Codes
这里的Exception不要和Objective-C中的exceptions混淆(Objective-C中的exception也可能引起crash). 而这里的列举的是Mach Exception Type,Exception Subtype,处理器的Exception Codes, 和其它一些字段。
Listing 2 Excerpt of the Exception Codes section from a crash report.
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) //Mach Exception Type
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 //processor-specific
Triggered by Thread: 0 //the index of the thread, on which the crash occurred
试图访问法非法的地直址。Exception Subtype字段包含了一个kern_return_t来描述错误。在Exception Subtype之后的Exception Sub-code值则是试图访问的内存地址。
如果objc_msgSend或者objc_release靠近Backtrace(见下文), 崩溃的原因可能就是试图对一个已经deallocated 对象发送消息。请用Zombies instrument对野指针作进一步分析。
Abnormal Exit(非正常退出) [EXC_CRASH // SIGABRT]
发生这种崩溃大多数是因为没有catch Objective-C/C++ exceptions.
App Extensions如果花费太多时间去初始化以此类Exception退出(a watchdog termination).而且如果extensions是因为在launch的时候因被hang(挂起)而被杀死的,那么生成的crash report的Exception Subtype的会是LAUNCH_HANG. 因为extensions没有main函数,在你的extenxion以及依赖的库中的静态的构造函数和+load函数所花费的时间就是初始化时间,为了避免这种exception,你应该尽可能的减少在这些函数中的工作。
Similar to an Abnormal Exit, this exception is intended to give an attached debugger the chance to interrupt the process at a specific point in its execution. You can trigger this exception from your own code using the __builtin_trap() function. If no debugger is attached, the process is terminated and a crash report is generated.
Swift code will terminate the program with this exception type if it detects an unexpected condition at runtime such as:
- a non-optional type with a nil value
- a failed forced type conversion
Look at the Backtrace of the crashed thread to determine where the unexpected condition was encountered. Additional information may have also been logged to the device's console.
Guarded Resource Violation [EXC_GUARD]
System libraries可能把一些文件标记为guarded,如果对guarded文件进行普通的操作就会触发EXC_GUARD exception。 这类Exception就可以快速地定位问题所在:是否关闭了也被System library打开的文件。例如, 如果一个app关闭了由Core Data依赖的SQLite文件,Core Data就会在crash。Guard Exception是些此类问题得以更早地被注意,也更容易debug。
相对应地Exception Subtype是个bitfield:
- [63:61] - Guard Type: guarded resource的类型. 如果值是0x2, 则表示the resource 是个文件(a file descriptor).
- [60:32] - Flavor: exception被触发的情形:
- 如果位(1 << 0)被设置,则表明尝试对guarded 文件进行close().
- 如果位(1 << 1)被设置,对guarded文件调用dup(), dup2(), fcntl(), 上述三个函数的参数是F_DUPFD 或者F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC
- 如果位(1 << 2)被设置,试图通过socket来发送guarded文件
- 如果位(1 << 4)被设置,试图对guarded文件进行写操作
- [31:0] - File Descriptor: 试图去修改的文件描述符
Resource Limit [EXC_RESOURCE]
The process hit a resource consumption limit. This is not a crash, but a notification from the OS that the process is using too many resources. The exact resource is in the Exception Subtype field.
- The exception subtype WAKEUPS indicates that a thread was waking up too many times per second, which forces the CPU to wake up very often and consumes battery life. You should investigate why this is happening and avoid it if possible.
- The exception subtype MEMORY indicates that the process has crossed a memory limit imposed by the system. This may be a precursor to termination for excess memory usage.
Other Exception Types
还有一些未命名的以16进制表示的(e.g. 00000020)Exception Type. 如果遇到这类Exception,真接查看Exception Codes:
- 0xbaaaaaad, 表明此日志是系统快照(stackshot), 而不是一个crash report。按住Home键和任意音量键就会产生一个system stackshot,所以这类异常很多时候,是由用户无意识触发的,并不代表错误。
- 0xbad22222, 意味着一个VoIP app因为resumed太频烦而被iOS结束。
- 0x8badf00d, 意味着app因为watchdog timeout而被结束。App花费太多的时间去launch,terminate,或响应系统事件。常见的场景一般发生在如下函数:
- application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
- applicationWillResignActive:
- applicationDidEnterBackground:
- applicationWillEnterForeground:
- applicationDidBecomeActive:
- applicationWillTerminate:
- 0xc00010ff, 意味着app是在响应a thermal event时被操作系统所killed。This may be due to an issue with the particular device that this crash occurred on, or the environment it was operated in. For tips on making your app run more efficiently, see iOS Performance and Power Optimization with Instruments WWDC session.
- 0xdead10cc, app已进入background运行还持有系统资源(如通讯录数据库)而被系统killed。
- 0xdeadfa11, 用户强制app退出。用户操作:按住并关按钮直到出现"滑动来关机" -> 按Home键。
Applicaton Specific Information
Application Specific Information:
MyApp[134] was suspended with locked system files:
crashes含有额外的一些信息,帮助我们更好地理解app crash时的运行环境
- 未symbolicated之前:
Last Exception Backtrace:
(0x2f82ffce 0x39fdecca 0x2f82fea8 0x301dcd56 0x3217fd2c 0x3205dae0 0x3217fb9c 0x3217e92a 0x32125c42 0x321195c8 0x321194b0 0x3982fc 0x3212017a 0x3211f774 0x321267d2 0x321b6ffa 0x2b1f7c 0x2b17ba 0x39727e 0x320504c6 0x32050284 0x321dc386 0x320f9d7e 0x320f9b88 0x320f9b20 0x3204bd74 0x31cc9626 0x31cc4e36 0x31cc4cc8 0x31cc46da 0x31cc44ea 0x31cbe218 0x2f7fb2a0 0x2f7f8c44 0x2f7f8f86 0x2f763f0a 0x2f763cee 0x3466865e 0x320af168 0x637186 0x3a4ebab2)
- symbolicated之后:
Last Exception Backtrace:
0 CoreFoundation 0x2f82ffce __exceptionPreprocess + 126
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x39fdecca objc_exception_throw + 34
2 CoreFoundation 0x2f82fea8 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 96
3 Foundation 0x301dcd56 -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 86
4 UIKit 0x3217fd2c __53-[UITableView _configureCellForDisplay:forIndexPath:]_block_invoke + 392
5 UIKit 0x3205dae0 +[UIView(Animation) performWithoutAnimation:] + 68
6 UIKit 0x3217fb9c -[UITableView _configureCellForDisplay:forIndexPath:] + 96
7 UIKit 0x3217e92a -[UITableView _createPreparedCellForGlobalRow:withIndexPath:] + 430
8 UIKit 0x32125c42 -[UITableView _updateVisibleCellsNow:] + 1802
9 UIKit 0x321195c8 -[UITableView _visibleCells] + 20
10 UIKit 0x321194b0 -[UITableView setSeparatorStyle:] + 120
11 WYPatient 0x003982fc -[WYAccountSettingViewController tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:] (WYAccountSettingViewController.m:129)
12 UIKit 0x3212017a -[UISectionRowData refreshWithSection:tableView:tableViewRowData:] + 2374
13 UIKit 0x3211f774 -[UITableViewRowData rectForFooterInSection:heightCanBeGuessed:] + 292
14 UIKit 0x321267d2 -[UITableViewRowData rectForTableFooterView] + 358
15 UIKit 0x321b6ffa -[UITableView setTableFooterView:] + 358
16 WYPatient 0x002b1f7c -[WYBaseTableViewController defaultConfigTableView] (WYBaseTableViewController.m:94)
17 WYPatient 0x002b17ba -[WYBaseTableViewController viewDidLoad] (WYBaseTableViewController.m:35)
18 WYPatient 0x0039727e -[WYAccountSettingViewController viewDidLoad] (WYAccountSettingViewController.m:39)
19 UIKit 0x320504c6 -[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] + 514
20 UIKit 0x32050284 -[UIViewController view] + 20
21 UIKit 0x321dc386 -[UINavigationController _startCustomTransition:] + 630
22 UIKit 0x320f9d7e -[UINavigationController _startDeferredTransitionIfNeeded:] + 414
23 UIKit 0x320f9b88 -[UINavigationController __viewWillLayoutSubviews] + 40
24 UIKit 0x320f9b20 -[UILayoutContainerView layoutSubviews] + 180
25 UIKit 0x3204bd74 -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:] + 376
26 QuartzCore 0x31cc9626 -[CALayer layoutSublayers] + 138
27 QuartzCore 0x31cc4e36 CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 346
28 QuartzCore 0x31cc4cc8 CA::Layer::layout_and_display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 12
29 QuartzCore 0x31cc46da CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 226
30 QuartzCore 0x31cc44ea CA::Transaction::commit() + 310
31 QuartzCore 0x31cbe218 CA::Transaction::observer_callback(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 52
33 CoreFoundation 0x2f7f8c44 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 280
34 CoreFoundation 0x2f7f8f86 __CFRunLoopRun + 726
35 CoreFoundation 0x2f763f0a CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 518
36 CoreFoundation 0x2f763cee CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
37 GraphicsServices 0x3466865e GSEventRunModal + 134
38 UIKit 0x320af168 UIApplicationMain + 1132
39 WYPatient 0x00637186 main (main.m:18)
40 libdyld.dylib 0x3a4ebab2 tlv_initializer + 2
从iOS设备上得到的Crash logs是不包含函数或者方法的名字的(symbols). 你看到的全是一堆十六进制地址如下所示:
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 TheElements 0x00000001000effdc 0x1000e4000 + 49116
1 UIKit 0x000000018ca5c2ec 0x18ca14000 + 295660
2 UIKit 0x000000018ca5c1f4 0x18ca14000 + 295412
3 QuartzCore 0x000000018c380f60 0x18c36c000 + 85856
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000198fb9368 0x198fb8000 + 4968
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000198fbd97c 0x198fb8000 + 22908
6 CoreFoundation 0x000000018822dfa0 0x188150000 + 909216
7 CoreFoundation 0x000000018822c048 0x188150000 + 901192
8 CoreFoundation 0x00000001881590a0 0x188150000 + 37024
9 GraphicsServices 0x00000001912fb5a0 0x1912f0000 + 46496
10 UIKit 0x000000018ca8aaa0 0x18ca14000 + 486048
11 TheElements 0x00000001000e9800 0x1000e4000 + 22528
12 libdyld.dylib 0x0000000198fe2a04 0x198fe0000 + 10756
1 UIKit 0x000000018ca5c2ec 0x18ca14000 + 295660
- 序号 - 1
- 库名字 - UIKit
- 函数调用地址 - 0x000000018ca5c2ec
- 分成两部分基地址和偏移量 - 0x18ca14000 + 295660
这根本看不出什么来,所以你需要将它符号化- Symbolication,转化成可读的函数或者方法名。
- XCode
- Symbolicatecrash command
1. Using XCode
- Crash report
- Symbol filef(.dSYM)
- Application bundle(.app file. 从.ipa中获取)
- 连接你的设备至mac
- 从"Window"菜单中选择"Devies"
- 在左边的"DEVICES"列下,选择你的iOS设备
- 点击"View Device Logs"
- 将你的crash report拖到出现的面板的左列
- Xcode会自动符号化并display
2. 使用 symbolicatecrash 命令
export DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
<symbolicatecrash file path> <crash file path> <.dSYM file path>
find /Applications/Xcode.app -name symbolicatecrash -type f
<symbolicatecrash file path> <crash file path> <.dSYM file path> > <output file path>
<symbolicatecrash file path> [--output OUTPUT_FILE] <crash file path> <.dSYM file path>
这里的Exceptions就是程序中的Exceptions。如out-of-bounds collection access容器的越界访问,修改不可变对象,没有实现protolocl的required方法等。
如果一个Exception没有被caught,会有一个叫做uncaught exception handler的函数来解析它。这个handler默认logs异常信息和backtrace到设备的console然后结束程序。中有最后的未被捕捉的异常才会被写进生成的crash report中,并实写在"Last Exception BackTrace"中,如下:
Last Exception Backtrace:
(0x2f82ffce 0x39fdecca 0x2f82fea8 0x301dcd56 0x3217fd2c 0x3205dae0 0x3217fb9c 0x3217e92a 0x32125c42 0x321195c8 0x321194b0 0x3982fc 0x3212017a 0x3211f774 0x321267d2 0x321b6ffa 0x2b1f7c 0x2b17ba 0x39727e 0x320504c6 0x32050284 0x321dc386 0x320f9d7e 0x320f9b88 0x320f9b20 0x3204bd74 0x31cc9626 0x31cc4e36 0x31cc4cc8 0x31cc46da 0x31cc44ea 0x31cbe218 0x2f7fb2a0 0x2f7f8c44 0x2f7f8f86 0x2f763f0a 0x2f763cee 0x3466865e 0x320af168 0x637186 0x3a4ebab2)
因为Last Exception Backtrace只包含了最后一个未捕捉的异常的信息,你应该根据初始设备的console logs来更好地分析导至崩溃的原因。
Thread State
Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (32-bit):
r0: 0x00000000 r1: 0x00000000 r2: 0x00000000 r3: 0x3a544aa9
r4: 0x00000006 r5: 0x3c30818c r6: 0x185bb250 r7: 0x27daea40
r8: 0x185bb250 r9: 0x00000001 r10: 0x3267bfcc r11: 0x27dae830
ip: 0x00000148 sp: 0x27daea34 lr: 0x3a60b797 pc: 0x3a5a11f0
cpsr: 0x00000010
列举了崩溃线程的ARM thread state:崩溃时寄存器的值。看不懂没关系,分析crash report时这部分信息并不是必须的,不过它可以帮助我们更好的crash 发生时的状态。
Binary Images
Binary Images:
0x55000 - 0x154cfff WYPatient armv7 <b1cae54dc3e1375fab7637c420e3b025> /var/mobile/Applications/E935C852-F448-4B56-9934-76472B9CE336/WYPatient.app/WYPatient
0x2be7b000 - 0x2be9bfff dyld armv7 <651a31c39f71311f965f8ac44de02c88> /usr/lib/dyld
0x2e4ef000 - 0x2e5d7fff RawCamera armv7 <8f62f266f7d539a5a388221dfe90db50> /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle/RawCamera
每一行描述了一个binary image的详细信息,以第一条为例:
- 0x55000 - 0x154cfff: binary image的地址空间
- WYPatient:二进制包名
- armv7:处理器架构
- <b1cae54dc3e1375fab7637c420e3b025>:二进制包的UUID
- /var/mobile/Applications/E935C852-F448-4B56-9934-76472B9CE336/WYPatient.app/WYPatient:在disk上的路径
理解Low Memory Reports(内存不足)
当内存不足发生时,(Low-memory notifications)被发送到每一个正在运行的app或者进程,要求释放内存,从而减少内存压力。如果内存还是不足系统会终止background processes 来缓解内存压力。如果能释放出足够的内存来,那你的app会继续运行。否则你的app会被iOS强制终止,因为没有足够的内存让你的app继续执行下去,这时就会有law memory report生成。
low memory report与其它的crash report不同,它没有backtraces。它的头和一般的crash report的Header相似。H
Header之后就列举了系统的内存统计信息。其中Page Size字段最值得关注。
low memory report中最重要的部分当属进程表了。进程表列举了low memory report生成时所有正在运行的进程,包括系统守护进程。如果一个进程被jettisoned,原因会写在[reason]列。一个进程被jettisoned可能因为下列原因:
- [vm-pageshortge]/[vm-thrashing]/]vm]: 进程因为内存压力而被终止(内存不足发生)
- Note: Note: The system avoids killing the frontmost app when vnodes are nearly exhausted. This means that your application, when in the background, may be terminated even if it is not the source of excess vnode usage.
- [highwater]: A system daemon crossed it's high water mark for memory usage.(系统守护进程内存使用超出了水准)
- [jettisoned]: be jettisoned 其它一些原因
当你看到一个law memory crash,你应该考虑检查你消耗内存的代码和你对low memory通知的响应。
Memory Usage Performance Guideline
Advanced Memory Analysis with Instruments
Overview of iOS Crash Reporting Tools: Part 1/2
Part 2/2
上面两篇文章介绍了Crash Repoting Tools。