因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路”---梵高画展

因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路”---梵高画展

作者: 陈焱老师 | 来源:发表于2017-05-08 15:05 被阅读0次

因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路。”---梵高画展中的冬之悲凉。

因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路”---梵高画展


      梵高的语言表达力这么强!又从网上看了一些他写给Brother Theo 的信件。推荐大家阅读。


因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路”---梵高画展

      他关于日本艺术的描述:日本艺术带来的震撼,日本艺术家富有哲学意味和宗教情怀的审美,“在简单的生活中,他们就是盛开的鲜花” 。

因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路”---梵高画展


因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路”---梵高画展

         冲击很强烈,看到Pine trees at sunset, 听着耳机里的音乐与讲述,泪水就忍不住了。


因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路”---梵高画展



      他的Brother Theo 多棒啊,没有Theo, 就没有梵高。

梵高展的信息~喜欢艺术的朋友千万不要错过哟!展览时间:2017年4月28日至7月9日,每天10am-5pm。地址:180 ST KILDA ROAD, MELBOURNE。票价二十多元,耳机讲解八元。

梵高给Theo 的信:(http://vangoghletters.org/vg/letters/let413/letter.html)

Dear Theo,

Enclosed is the letter I was engaged in writing when I received your letter.2 To which, having read what you say attentively, I want to reply. I’ll start by saying that I think it noble of you, believing that I’m making it difficult for Pa, to take his part and give me a brisk telling-off.

I regard this as something that I value in you, even though you’re taking up arms against someone who is neither Pa’s enemy nor yours, but who definitely does, however, give Pa and you some serious questions to consider. Telling you what I tell you, that being what I feel, and asking: why is this so?

In many respects, moreover, your answers to various passages in my letter make me see sides to the questions that aren’t unfamiliar to me either. Your objections are in part my own objections, but not sufficiently. So I see once more your good will, your desire at the same time to achieve reconciliation and peace — which indeed I don’t doubt. But brother, I could also raise very many objections to your tips, only I think that would be a long-drawn-out way and that there’s a shorter way.

There’s a desire for peace and for reconciliation in Pa and in you and in me. And yet we don’t seem to be able to bring peace about.

2v:4 I now believe that I’m the stumbling block,3 and so I must try to work something out so that I don’t ‘make it difficult’ for you or for Pa any more.

I’m now prepared to make it as easy as possible, as tranquil as possible, for both Pa and you.

So you also think that it’s I who make it difficult for Pa and that I’m cowardly. So — well then, I’ll try to keep everything shut up inside me, away from Pa and from you. What’s more, I won’t visit Pa again, and I’ll stick to my proposal (for the sake of mutual freedom of thought, for the sake of not making it DIFFICULT for you either, which I fear is already inadvertently starting to be your opinion) to put an end to our agreement about the money by March, if you approve.

I’m deliberately leaving an interval for the sake of order and so that I’ll have time to take some steps that really have very little chance of success, but which my conscience won’t allow me to postpone in the circumstances.

You must accept this calmly and accept it with good grace, brother — it isn’t giving you an ultimatum. But if our feelings diverge too far, well then, we mustn’t force ourselves to act as if nothing is happening. Isn’t this your opinion too, to some extent?


You know very well, don’t you, that I consider that you’ve saved my life, that I shall never forget, I’m not only your brother, your friend, even after we put an end to relations that I fear would create a false position, but at the same time I have an infinite obligation of loyalty for what you did in the past by stretching out your hand to me and by continuing to help me.

Money can be repaid, not kindness such as yours.4

So let me get on with it — only I’m disappointed that a thoroughgoing reconciliation hasn’t come about now — and I’d wish that it still could, only you people don’t understand me and I fear that perhaps you never will. Send me the usual by return, if you can, then I won’t have to ask Pa for anything when I leave, which I ought to do as soon as possible.

I only have a quarter and a few cents in my pocket. So that is the account, which you will now understand when, in addition, you know that from the 20 Nov. money, which came 1 Dec., I paid for the lodgings in Drenthe for a long period, because there had been some hitch then that was later put right, and from the 14 guilders (which I borrowed from Pa and have since given back) I paid for my journey etc.

I’m going from here to Rappard’s.

And from Rappard’s perhaps to Mauve’s. My plan, then, is to try to do everything in calmness, in order.


There’s too much in my frankly expressed opinion about Pa that I cannot take back in the circumstances.5 I appreciate your objections, but many of them I cannot regard as sufficient, others I already thought of myself, even though I wrote what I wrote.

I set out my feelings in strong words, and of course they’re modified by appreciation of very much that’s good in Pa — of course that modification is considerable.

Let me tell you that I didn’t know that someone aged 30 was ‘a boy’, particularly not when he may have experienced more than just anyone in those 30 years. Regard my words as the words of a boy if you wish, though.

I am not liable for your interpretation of what I say, am I? That is your business.

As to Pa, I’ll also take the liberty of putting what he thinks out of my mind as soon as we part company.

It may be politic to keep what one thinks to oneself, however it has always seemed to me that a painter, above all, had a duty to be sincere — you yourself once pointed out to me that whether people understand what I say, whether people judge me rightly or wrongly, didn’t alter the truth about me.

Well brother, know that, even if there’s any sort of a separation, I am, perhaps much more even than you know or feel, your friend and even Pa’s friend. With a handshake.

Ever yours,


In any event I’m not an enemy of Pa’s or yours, nor shall ever be that.


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    本文标题:因为爱, "我选择做一条狗的道路”---梵高画展
