Dialog 对话
(At Four Seasons Cafe)
Hero: Could I have the bill please?
Camilla: Sure. Would you like to pay now or should I charge it to your room?
Hero: I prefer to pay now please.
Camilla: Okay. You had a steak, two glasses of red wine, a chocolate cake and a cup of coffee. That would be $64.58.
Hero: Does it include service?
Camilla: No, our service charge is totally discretionary.
Oh, where is my wallet? Excuse me, my wallet is missing! I am pretty sure it was in my pocket a moment ago.
Camilla: What does your wallet look like?
Hero: Eh, it is a brown one. There is a credit card and some cash in it.
Camilla: Is this it? My colleague found it on the floor just now.
Hero: Thanks a million! I’ll just pay in cash. Here is 100. Just keep the change please.
Camilla: Thank you so much, sir!
Hero: Wait, wait a minute! This is not my wallet! I remember I didn’t bring so much cash in mine!
Language points 语言点
(At Four Seasons Cafe)
café /’kæfei/ cn. 小餐馆
A café serves simple meals and drinks.
customer /ˈkʌstəmə/ cn. 顾客
waitress /ˈweɪtris/ cn. 女服务员
waiter 男服务员
H: Could I have the bill please?
C: Sure. Would you like to pay now or should I charge it to your room?
H: I prefer to pay now please.
H: Could I have the bill please?
bill cn. 账单
water bill
Could/May/Can I have the bill please?
check [AmE] 餐厅账单
C: Sure. Would you like to pay now or should I charge it to your room?
pay /pei/ v. 付款
I prefer to pay now please.
He should pay her £100.
He is going to pay £100 for the bag.
The bag is going to cost him £100.
charge /tʃɑ:dʒ/ vt. 记账
charge … to … 算到…的账上
charge vt. 收(费)
I’m going to charge you £20 for the cleaning.
clean vt. 清洁
cleaning 动名词
charge cn. 要价,费用
There is an extra charge.
H: I prefer to pay now please.
prefer to do sth.
I would like to pay now please.
H: Okay. You had a steak, two glasses of red wine, a chocolate cake and a cup of coffee. That would be $64.58.
point /pɔɪnt/ cn. 点
正式:64 point 58
日常:64 point 58
2 point 50
2 point 50
That would be $64.58.
That will be $64.58.
H: Does it include service?
C: No, our service charge is totally discretionary.
include /in’klu:d/ vt. 包括、包含
The bill includes a service charge.
What does your service include?
discretionary /diˈskreʃənəri/ adj. 可酌情的
not a must
The service charge is totally discretionary.
The bill includes a discretionary 12.5% service charge.
%: percent /pəˈsent/
H: OK. Oh, where is my wallet? Excuse me, my wallet is missing! I am pretty sure it was in my pocket a moment ago.
wallet /ˈwɔlit/ cn. 钱包
miss vt. 想念;错过 [U10]
You can’t miss it. 【习语】
You will miss her. 【双关】
miss → missing adj.
My wallet is missing.
This is not my missing wallet.
H: … I am pretty sure it was in my pocket a moment ago.
pocket /ˈpɔkit/ cn. 口袋
in the pocket
I am sure (that)
结构类I think (that)
I am pretty sure (that) you will win!
C: What does your wallet look like?
H: Eh, it is a brown one. There is a credit card and some cash in it.
look like 看上去像
like prep. 像
You look like him.
You sound like him.
You are like him.
What … look like?
What does he look/sound like?
What is he like?
H: Eh, it is a brown one. There is a credit card and some cash in it.
brown /braun/ adj. 棕色的
credit /ˈkredit/ ucn. 信用
card /ka:d/ cn. 卡
bank card
cash /kæʃ/ ucn. 现金
C: Is this it? My colleague found it on the floor just now.
H: Thanks a million! I’ll just pay in cash. Here is 100. Just keep the change please.
C: Thank you so much, sir!
C: Is this it? My colleague found it on the floor just now.
This/That is it!
Is this/that it?
colleague /ˈkɔli:ɡ/ cn.
just now 刚才
H: Thanks a million! I’ll just pay in cash. Here is 100. Just keep the change please.
C: Thank you so much, sir!
million /ˈmiljən/ n. 百万
a million
two million
Thank you very/so much!
Thanks a million! 【随意】
pay in cash
pay by credit card
pay with a credit card
Alipay / WeChat
pay by Alipay/WeChat
pay with Alipay/WeChat
change ucn. 零钱
Keep the change please.
Sorry, I have no change.
H: Wait, wait a minute! This is not my wallet! I remember I didn’t bring so much cash in mine!
remember sth./that
I can’t remember it.
I remember (that) she walked in the rain for one and a half hours.
so much cash
×so many cash
mine 物主代词
= my wallet
yours / his / hers / ours / theirs
This is my bill and that is theirs.
New Words生词
1. café /’kæfei/ cn. 小餐馆
2. customer /ˈkʌstəmə/ (英)
/ˈkʌstəmər/ (美)cn. 顾客
3. waitress /ˈweɪtris/ cn. 女服务员
4. waiter /ˈweɪtə/(英)
5. bill /bɪl/ cn. 账单
6. check [AmE] 餐厅账单
7. pay /pei/ v. 付款
8. charge /tʃɑ:dʒ/(英)
/tʃɑ:rdʒ/(美)vt. 记账cn. 要价,费用
9. point /pɔɪnt/ cn. 点
10. include /in’klu:d/ vt. 包括、包含
11. discretionary /diˈskreʃənəri/ adj. 可酌情的
12. percent /pəˈsent/(英)
13. wallet /ˈwɔlit/(英)
/ˈwɑːlit/ (美)cn. 钱包
14. pocket /ˈpɔkit/ cn. 口袋
15. brown /braun/ adj. 棕色的
16. credit /ˈkredit/ ucn. 信用
17. card /ka:d/ (英)
/ka:rd/(美)cn. 卡
18. cash /kæʃ/ ucn. 现金
19. colleague /ˈkɔli:ɡ/ (英)
/ˈkɑːliːɡ/(美) cn.同事
20. million /ˈmiljən/ n. 百万
Language points 语言点
1. 一般过去时:过去的事件、动作
1. 规则变形:-ed
walked /t/
seemed /d/
started /id/
yesterday 昨天
the day before yesterday 前天
before 以前
… ago …前
just now 刚才
2. 不规则变形
C: You had a steak.
H: It was in my pocket a moment ago.
C: My colleague found it on the floor just now.
You had a steak.
You have a steak.
It was in my pocket a moment ago.
It is in my pocket.
My colleague found it on the floor just now.
My colleague finds it on the floor.
beam/is → was /wɔz/
are →were /wɜ:/
My wallet is missing! It was in my pocket.
×My wallet is missing! It is in my pocket.
My credit card and passport are missing! They were in my pocket.
havehave/has →had
You have a steak.
You had a steak.
I had a girlfriend.
findfind → found /faund/
i → ou
▲My colleague finds it on the floor.
√My colleague found it on the floor just now.
bringbring →brought /brɔ:t/
i →ou
/ŋ/→ ght
I remember I brought a lot of cash in my wallet.
×I remember I bring a lot of cash in my wallet.
×I remembered I brought a lot of cash in my wallet.
2. 一般过去之否定
It is not in my pocket.
It was not in my pocket.
be + not
wasn’t / weren’t
I don’t bring a lot of cash in my wallet.
H: I remember I didn’t bring so much cash in mine!
did /did/ do之过去式
don’t/doesn’t do → didn’t do
did not do
规则动词 = 不规则动词
A. I am not in the office at that moment.
B. I didn’t in the office at that moment.
C. I didn’t was in the office at that moment.
D. I wasn’t in the office at that moment.
I wasn’t in the office at that moment.
A. He wasn’t homework yesterday.
B. He wasn’t do homework yesterday.
C. He didn’t homework yesterday.
D. He didn’t do homework yesterday.
He didn’t do homework yesterday.
我等了卡米拉一个小时,但她没有来。(wait, come)
I waited for Camilla for an hour, but she didn’t come.
come→came /keim/
√Camilla came an hour later.
√Camilla was an hour late.
3. 一般过去之疑问
am/is/are not→was/were not
do/does not→did not
H: When did you start to have the signs? (U16)
×When do/will you start to have the signs?
Are you lost?
Were you lost?
Do you have the signs of illness?
Did you have the signs of illness?
be ill/sick
take one’s temperature
Was she ill?
Did you take her temperature?
take→took /tuk/
She wasn’t ill.
H: … give you something to bring down your fever (U17)
give→gave /geiv/
But I took her temperature and (then) gave her some medicine / something to bring down her fever.
Was she ill?
Did you take her temperature?
She wasn’t ill.
But / I took her temperature / and gave her some medicine to bring down her fever.
am/is →was
by 翻转英语Camilla老师


(1) 我早餐吃了块牛排。
I ____ (have) a steak for breakfast.
(2) 你原来看上去像你妈妈,说话听起来也像她。
You ____ (look) like your mother, and ____ (sound) like her too.
(3) 我的笔不见了!它不在我的口袋里!我记得我把它带来了!
My pen ____ (be) ____ (miss)! It____ (be) not in my pocket! I remember I ____ (bring) it here!
(4) 他不在餐馆里。我等了他一个小时,但是他并没有来。后来Peter在警察局找到了他。
He____ ( be) in the restaurant. I ____ (wait) for him for an hour, but he____ (do) come. Then Peter ____ (find) him at the police station.
(5) 你什么时候吃的早餐?你吃了什么?我没看见。你把冰激凌当早餐吃了吗?
When ____ (do) you____ (have) the breakfast? What____ (do) you____ (eat)? I____ (do) see it. ____ (do) you____ (eat) ice-cream for breakfast?
(1) I had a steak for breakfast.
(2) You looked like your mother, and sounded like her too.
(3) My pen is missing! It is not in my pocket! I remember I brought it here!
(4) He was not/ wasn’t in the restaurant. I waited for him for an hour, but he didn’t come. Then Peter found him at the police station.
(5) When did you have the breakfast? What did you eat? I didn’t see it. Did you eat ice-cream for breakfast?
(1) Could I h____the____ please? I p____to pay now.
(2) Sure. Sir, you are going ____ ____£739.16 for the computer.
(3) What? This computer____ going____ ____ me £739.16?
(4) Yes. We’re going to c____ you £739.16, £680 f____ ____ computer and £59.16 for the VAT. That w____ ____ £739.16.
(5) Does it i ____ s____?
(6) No, ____ _____.
(7) Oh! My c____ c ____ is m____! I’m p____ _____ it ____ in my hand a m____ ____!
(8) Is it in your w____? Maybe it’s in your p____. You can also pay ____ ____.
(9) Can I p____ ____ Alipay or WeChat?
(1) Could I have the bill please? I prefer to pay now.
(2) Sure. Sir, you are going to pay £739.16 for the computer.
(3) What? This computer is going to cost me £739.16?
(4) Yes. We’re going to charge you £739.16, £680 for the computer and £59.16 for the VAT. That would be £739.16.
(5) Does it include service?
(6) No, it doesn’t.
(7) Oh! My credit card is missing! I’m pretty sure it was in my hand a moment ago!
(8) Is it in your wallet? Maybe it’s in your pocket. You can also pay in cash.
(9) Can I pay by/ with Alipay or WeChat?