
作者: 缕缕芳香 | 来源:发表于2021-10-01 14:18 被阅读0次

Yesterday it was National Day. A lot of people went out to play on holidays. I also went outside to play. I was a little tired when it got dark. I had dinner at Pizza Hut. The pizza here was delicious. I ordered a set meal. There was steak ,vegetable salad, chicken wings, spaghetti and drink. My favorite food was chicken wings and steak. I stabbed a chicken wing with a fork , put it in my mouth and bit it. A sweet and fragrant taste flowed into my mouth, all the way to my heart.They were very delicious and
I can't get enough of them.
I had a delicious dinner on National Day. This was an unforgettable day.


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