

作者: 希鲁鲁特 | 来源:发表于2018-07-10 15:53 被阅读10次



2.为什么我要来讲???对于专业演讲来说非常重要 (解释了为毛听众要花时间买帐?)

3.第一个过渡 中文,那么让我们进入正题 ,英文,很简单,well

4.逻辑清晰给出结构  我将从几个方面围绕主题进行讲解(3原则,一般说3点)

5. 第一点


7. 第二点

8. 过渡

9 最后

10 总结升华(请一下苏格拉底或者某诗人)

11.one more thing (乔帮主和罗胖善于使用的计量)


hello every one. it is a pleasure tocommunicate with you. and thank you all for giving me the chance to make apresentation here, with a topics "who am I. " My Chinese name is LiLin, and my english name is Aaron. in the next 5 minutes, i will try my best tomake myself known to you, while to be honest, if we want to understand eachother deeper we need more time in the future.

Who am i?i like

this topics, it makes me feel like a philosopher. there are many brilliant heads

used to discuss this topics in human history. Now,

it’s my turn.

Who am i? I would like to discuss this topicsin 4 aspects.

Firstly, like everyone, I am defined by what i do. i am a teacher who has been working

in China agricultural university for 7 years. majoring in and i have just open my own

company, i am a business man.

Secondly, I am

defined by relationships. these relationships gives me different status. I am a son, a husband, a friend and a


Thirdly, I am

defined by you.according to results of certain research, it was the first 30 seconds that

determine the expression of a person. it is cruel but true. i think now there

are almost 20 different me in this space because there are that many

expressions in your eyes.

Finally, I am

defined by myself, who am I in my own eyes, it is the most important part. It

reminds me a film. there is a famous line in the film, it said there was a kind

of bird which had no feet, so the bird must fly and can not stop until the

end of life.  I am like that bird. in my eyes i am anexplorer of the world and myself, searching for the truth until the end of life.

Above is all me,

so who am I? i am ateacher, a father, a leader and an explorer.

I am here open to outside.

thank you.


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