Start my tech blog.Hopefully I could go further : )
Lander sends back first close-up shot of previously unexp...
1、Who is going to take the first shot? 谁想要来开第一枪? We are t...
文/霜夕 2016年11月23日,洛阳大雪。风雪夜归,很想写些文字,但是实在是太过疲惫,就一直拖到了现在。入豫六年...
深度学习: Zero-shot Learning / One-shot Learning / Few-shot L...
元学习包括Zero-Shot/One-Shot/Few-Shot 学习,模型无关元学习(Model Agnosti...
give sth. a shot 努力尝试某事 To give sth. a shot is to try to ...
1 give it a shot 试一试 Just give it a shot! You can do it. ...
创建 screen_shot.sh 添加命令别名 alias alias android_screen_shot=...
本文标题:First shot