"What if you could unplug that lower part of your brain entirely and instead connect with a decision-making computer that gives you logically derived instructions, as we do with our investment systems? Suppose this computer- based decision-making machine has a much better track record than you because it captures more logic, processes more information more quickly, and makes decisions without being emotionally hijacked. Would you use it? In confronting the challenges I’ve faced in the course of my career I’ve created exactly such tools, and I am convinced that I would not have been nearly as successful without them. I have no doubt that in the years ahead such “machine-thinking” tools will continue to develop and that smart decision makers will learn how to integrate them into their thinking. I urge you to learn about them and consider using them.
假如你能让大脑较低层次的部分停止工作, 将一个决策计算机连到大脑,由其提供以逻辑为 基础的指示,就像我们用桥水的投资系统做的那 样,你觉得如何?假设这个基于计算机的决策机 器的决策质量比你的好得多,因为它拥有更强的 逻辑能力,能更快地处理更多的信息,在决策时 不被情绪左右,你会这样做吗?为了应对职业生 涯中的各种挑战,我已经打造了这样的工具,而 且我相信,假如没有它们我绝不可能这么成功。 我毫不怀疑,未来这样的“机器思考”工具将继续 发展,而聪明的决策者将学会用它们来思考问 题。我建议你了解这些工具并考虑使用它们。"