2017年. 克拉申教授发表了一篇题为“Polyglots and the Comprehension Hypothesis”的文章,对其二语习得理论做了进一步的完善补充。下面是该文的摘要以及克拉申教授的一些总结,现扼要摘出,供大家参考。
Abstract: Lomb Kato and Steven Kaufman have each acquired at least 15 languages as adults, many without living the country where the language is spoken. Their observations about language acquisition are in close agreement with the claims of current second language acquisition theory.
The polyglots understand that the driving force behind language acquisition is comprehensible input, and they recognize the limited role of conscious knowledge of grammar and error correction.
They reject the popular idea that all you need is to “go the country” (“immersion”).
They seek high interest “compelling” input.
They warn us about striving for perfectionism, both in terms of producing and
understanding language.
- They urge us to “trust the process.”