

作者: 崽崽哥 | 来源:发表于2020-05-26 09:27 被阅读0次










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Three to four years flew by and years of reading had well enlightened him. One day, in the wet season, it was sticky and wearing, and Wang, fatigued from grazing the buffalo, seated himself on the green. The next moment the sky got overcast and a shower came and went. The dark cloud, with a silver lining, dissipated to let through a generous spot of sunshine, and the lake glowed up. Beyond the shore of the lake, in patches of cyan, purple, and green, the mountain showed itself, and nearby, the trees, now their branches virtually sluiced and their greenness fresh, looked all the more lovely. Standing in the lake were a dozen or so lotuses, their buds dotted with crystal-clear drops and on their leaves beads rolling to and fro. "The ancients were not wrong in observing 'the viewer is part of the view'", Wang reflected while considering the beautiful scene. "Pity no artist around. What a delight if he could make a painting of a few of the lotuses." This gave him an idea. "There's no new skill that is too sophisticated to learn," he reasoned. "Why not try to paint lotuses myself?"


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