今天我挑选出来和孩子一起亲子阅读的绘本是《Dear Zoo》。这是一本以Animals in the zoo 为主题的绘本,课程中Caesy老师也特意提到了这本吸引孩子们的绘本。书中还有一些翻翻页,能够很大程度上吸引孩子们在的注意力。
Ok. Let's begin.

Look at the cover. What can you see on the cover.
Wow, a lion. Where is it?
It's in the cage. Right?
Emm, What color is the cage?
It's red. Yearh, very good.
And there is a letter hanging on the cage.
What did it say? Let's have a look.
Oh, it's a letter from the zoo.
Let's find out what's happened.

I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet.
They sent me an…
Oh, it's a yellow cage. And some notices on it. It says"very heavy".
Let,s open it. Oh, it's an elephant.
He was too big. I sent him back.
So they sent me a…

Can you guess? What's it?
It's fragile. And we can see its head.
Is it a giraffe? Let's open the cage and check out.
Oh, it's a giraffe. Very good. You are right. Give me five.
He was too tall! I sent him back.
So they sent me a…

Let's have a look. It's a big cage, a big red cage. And have notice on it. "Danger!" 此处可以解说一下danger 就是很危险的意思。
Can you guess what's it?
Is it a tiger?
No, no.
Is it a lion?
Oh, let's open the cage and find out.
Yes, it's a lion.
He was too fierce! I sent him back.
So they sent me a…

A blue cage. What's in it? We can see its head from the window.
Can you guess?
Is it a monkey?
No, it isn't.
Is it a hippo?
No,it isn't.
Oh, we can see the notice "with care."就是要小心谨慎,小心搬运的意思。
Is it a camel?
Let's open the cage and check out.
Oh, it's a camel.
He was too grumpy(脾气暴躁的,所以我们要小心).I sent him back.
……后面的每一个动物都以此类推利用孩子们的好奇心,翻翻页,首先让孩子猜一猜到底是什么呢?然后揭晓答案,让他们在这种游戏阅读中找到成就感,这样他们就不会觉得英文好无聊呀,就一直有兴趣看下去,到底最后动物园给他寄了一个什么pet,他又留下来了呢? 孩子们通过一边探索一边了解到最后动物园给他送来一只小狗当宠物很开心。

这次亲子绘本阅读孩子们完全没有跟妈妈说:"妈妈,不要讲英文"。 这是我们之前在阅读英文绘本的时候常有的事。 这次孩子们完全被妈妈所表达出来的情绪,被妈妈设计的一些情节所吸引,加上我有时候用一些肢体动作和夸张的语气牢牢吸引住了孩子们的注意力。

