我的宝藏歌单||In My Secret Life

作者: 深蓝的心灵田园 | 来源:发表于2020-07-13 13:39 被阅读0次

    撑一支竹篙 载一船星辉 在深深岁月里低吟浅唱 音乐里品人生 生活里有故事 故事中有你我


    歌词是一首歌曲的灵魂所在,人们往往由歌曲联系内观自我, 每一个人都不同,他看过的云,行过的路,遇到的人,皆形成了一个只有自己了然的秘密之境,听歌的感受,很多时候不过是把自己走过的路回味过一遍,把心灵深处那些伤痛的甜蜜的遗憾的回忆翻出来,把爱过的错过的想过的人再温习过……






    I saw you this morning
    You were moving so fast
    Can't seem to loosen my grip
    On the past
    And I miss you so much
    There's no one in sight
    And we're still making love
    In my secret life
    In my secret life
    In my secret life
    I smile when I'm angry
    I cheat and I lie
    I do what I have to do
    To get by
    But I know what is wrong
    And I know what is right
    And I'd die for the truth
    In my secret life
    In my secret life
    In my secret life
    Hold on hold on my brother
    My sister hold on tight
    I finally got my orders
    I'll be marching through the morning
    Marching through the night
    Moving cross the borders
    Of my secret life
    Looked through the paper
    Makes you want to cry
    Nobody cares if the people
    Live or die
    And the dealer wants you thinking
    That it's either black or white
    Thank god it's not that simple
    In my secret life
    I bite my lip
    I buy what I'm told
    From the latest hit
    To the wisdom of old
    But I'm always alone
    And my heart is like ice
    And it's crowded and cold
    In my secret life
    In my secret life
    In my secret life
    In my secret life
    In my secret life




        本文标题:我的宝藏歌单||In My Secret Life
