《奥德赛》--第9章--漫漫返程路(grueling and g

《奥德赛》--第9章--漫漫返程路(grueling and g

作者: AmyzLearning | 来源:发表于2017-08-09 21:05 被阅读17次


What a long voyage! What kinds of hardships did he endure? Iron willed he undoubtedly is, I would say.

so I’m to weep and grieve, it seems, still more. Well then, what shall I go through first, what shall I save for last?


But they never won the heart inside me, never. So nothing is as sweet as a man’s own country, his own parents, even though he’s settled down in some luxurious house, off in a foreign land and far from those who bore him.


East or west, home is the best. Calypso and Circe famed for their matchless beauty and tried to hold him back, but as Odysseus mentioned, they would not win the heart inside him, never... Although his homeland was  rugged and his voyage was fraught with hardships Zeus inflicted on him, his mind was set ---- returning his home safe and sound.

And now, at long last, I might have reached my native land unscathed

At Cicone' stronghold, that rich hual blinded his companions' eyes so that those mutinous fools did not want to cut and sail away. As a result, Zeus presented he and his comrades with disasters as punishment, which meant that they were doomed to suffer blow on a mortal blow. This eventually gave them a pounding and sadly claimed six lives of his companions.

Moreover, they were hit by a hurricane' blast, slashing the sails into rags. 英雄面对近在咫尺的死亡也会如同凡人一样-- cringing at death. Luckily and eventually, when they reached the shoreline, for two days and two days, they lay by, eating their heart out, bent with pains and bone-tired.

From there we sailed on, our spirits now at a low ebb, and reached the land of the high and mighty Cyclops

接着便是让人品尝之后便流连忘返的lotus which could dissolve eaters' desire of returning home and merely linger there with those lotus-eaters grazing on lotus.

之后,他们精神低迷地来到一个岛,这里住着盛气凌人的Cyclops, 毫无法纪的brutes。


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本文标题:《奥德赛》--第9章--漫漫返程路(grueling and g
