AWS Aurora Notes

AWS Aurora Notes

作者: Jiafu | 来源:发表于2020-09-18 20:57 被阅读0次


    The big idea was to move away from the monolithic architecture of traditional databases and decouple storage from compute. In particular, we moved the lower quarter of the database kernel to an independent scalable and distributed service that managed logging and storage. With all I/Os written over the network, our fundamental constraint is now the network.

    How does it decouple storage from compute?

    In Aurora, the only writes that cross the network are redo log records. No pages are ever written from the database tier, not for background writes, not for checkpointing, and not for cache eviction. Instead, the log applicator is pushed to the storage tier where it can be used to generate database pages in background or on demand.


    Aurora vs MySQL

    AWS Aurora store data to a distributed storage system instead of local disks.


    One approach to tolerate failures in a replicated system is to use a quorum-based voting protocol. If each of the V copies of a replicated data item is assigned a vote, a read or write operation must respectively obtain a read quorum of Vr votes or a write quorum of Vw votes. To achieve consistency, the quorums must obey two rules. First, each read must be aware of the most recent write, formulated as Vr + Vw > V. This rule ensures the set of nodes used for a read intersects with the set of nodes used for a write and the read quorum contains at least one location with the newest version. Second, each write must be aware of the most recent write to avoid conflicting writes, formulated as Vw > V/2.

    A common approach to tolerate the loss of a single node is to replicate data to (V = 3) nodes and rely on a write quorum of 2/3 (Vw = 2) and a read quorum of 2/3 (Vr = 2). We believe 2/3 quorums are inadequate. To understand why, let’s first understand the concept of an Availability Zone (AZ) in AWS. An AZ is a subset of a Region that is connected to other AZs in the region through low latency links but is isolated for most faults, including power, networking, software deployments, flooding, etc. Distributing data replicas across AZs ensures that typical failure modalities at scale only impact one data replica. This implies that one can simply place each of the three replicas in a different AZ, and be tolerant to large-scale events in addition to
    the smaller individual failures.

    In Aurora, we have chosen a design point of tolerating (a) losing an entire AZ and one additional node (AZ+1) without losing data, and (b) losing an entire AZ without impacting the ability to write data. We achieve this by replicating each data item 6 ways across 3 AZs with 2 copies of each item in each AZ. We use a quorum model with 6 votes (V = 6), a write quorum of 4/6 (Vw = 4), and a read quorum of 3/6 (Vr = 3). With such a model, we can (a) lose a single AZ and one additional node (a failure of 3 nodes) without
    losing read availability, and (b) lose any two nodes, including a single AZ failure and maintain write availability. Ensuring read quorum enables us to rebuild write quorum by adding additional replica copies.

    The log is the database.

    Our model of segmenting a storage volume and replicating each segment 6 ways with a 4/6 write quorum gives us high resilience. Unfortunately, this model results in untenable performance for a traditional database like MySQL that generates many different actual I/Os for each application write. The high I/O volume is amplified by replication, imposing a heavy packets per second (PPS) burden.

    The Burden of Amplified Writes is too heavy.





          本文标题:AWS Aurora Notes
