No.36 弗朗西斯科·戈雅 | 开拓浪漫主义艺术的先驱

No.36 弗朗西斯科·戈雅 | 开拓浪漫主义艺术的先驱

作者: 经典油画 | 来源:发表于2019-05-12 00:24 被阅读9次

    Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes


    西班牙, (1746-1828)

    弗朗西斯科·何塞·德·戈雅·卢西恩特斯(Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes,),出生于西班牙萨拉戈萨,西班牙浪漫主义画派画家。

    —— By ArtYouhua



    The Adoration of the Name of The Lord,1772

    The Fight at the Venta Nueva,1777

    Charles IV of Spain and his family,1800

    Nude Maja,1800

    Portrait of Maria Teresa de Vallabriga on horseback,1783

    Summer, or The Harvest,1786

    The Straw Manikin,1791-1792

    The Third of May 1808 (Execution of the Defenders of Madrid),1814

    The Madhouse,1812-1814

    Saturn Devouring His Son,1819-1823

    The Esquilache Riots,1766-1767

    Triple generation,1760-1769

    The Sacrifice to Priapus,1771

    Hanibal vencedor contempla Italia desde los Alpes,1771

    The Sacrifice to Vesta,1771

    The Rape of Europa,1772

    Birth of the Virgin,1772

    The Burial of Christ,1770-1772



    The Quail Shoot,1775

    Picnic on the Banks of the Manzanares,1776

    Portrait of Leandro Fernandez de Moratin,1799

    Dance of the Majos at the Banks of Manzanares,1777

    Brigand Murdering a Woman,1798-1800

    Brigand Stripping a Woman,1798-1800

    The Maja and the Masked Men,1777

    Brother Juan Fernandez de Rojas,1800

    The Parasol,1777

    Cardinal Luis Maria de Borbon y Vallabriga,1798-1800

    The Blind Guitar Player,1778

    The Kite,1777-1778

    Boys playing soldiers,1779

    Plague Hospital,1798-1800

    The Crockery Vendor,1779

    Portrait of the Countess of Chincon,1797-1800

    The Fair at Madrid,1779

    Sketch for Truth Rescued by Time, Witnessed by History,1797-1800

    The Swing,1779

    The Clothed Maja,1800

    Vagabonds Resting in a Cave,1798-1800

    Crucified Christ,1780

    Portrait of Maria Teresa of Ballabriga, Countess of Chinchon,1800

    Fight with a young bull,1780

    Cardinal Luis Maria de Borbon y Vallabriga,1800

    The Holy Family,1780


    The Count of Tajo,1800

    Self portrait,1783

    Manuel Godoy, Duke of Alcudia, 'Prince of Peace',1801

    St. Bernardino of Siena preaching to Alfonso V of Aragon,1782-1783

    Self portrait with spectacles,1801

    The Count of Floridablanca,1783

    Portrait of Don José Queralto,1802

    Portait of Maria Teresa de Borbón y Vallabriga,1783

    Count Fernand Nunez VII,1803

    The Family of the Infante Don Luis,1784

    Dona María Tomasa Palafox, The Marquesa de Villafranca Painting her Husband,1804

    Duchess Countess of Benavente,1785

    Antonia Zárate,1805

    The Annunciation,1785

    Dona Teresa Sureda,1805

    The Annunciation,1785

    Wife of Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez,1785

    Portrait of the Joaquina, nee Tellez Giron y Alfonso Pimental, 10th Marquesa de Santa Cruz as the Muse, Euterpe,1805

    The school scene,1785

    Woman with a Fan,1805

    A woman and two children by a fountain,1786

    Dismemberment of the corpse of Jesuit Brefeb,1805

    Marquesa Mariana de Pontejos,1786

    Bartholomew Suerda,1804-1806

    Dona Isabel de Porcel,1806

    The Marquesa de Pontejos,1786

    Portrait of Pedro Mocarte, a Singer of the Cathedral of Toledo,1806

    Boys With Mastiff,1786

    Portrait of José Antonio, Marqués de Caballero,1807

    Autumn, or The Grape Harvest,1786-1787

    Portrait of the Actor Isidro Meiquez,1807

    Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga,1787

    Francisca Sabasa y Garcia,1804-1808

    Highwaymen Attacking a Coach,1786-1787

    Majas on a Balcony,1808

    Sketch for The Death of Saint Joseph,1787

    The Bookseller's Wife,1805-1808

    The Fall or The Accident,1787

    Allegory of the City of Madrid,1810

    The Greasy Pole,1786-1787

    Dona Narcisa Baranana de Goicoechea,1810

    The Injured Mason,1786-1787

    The Snowstorm (Winter),1786-1787



        本文标题:No.36 弗朗西斯科·戈雅 | 开拓浪漫主义艺术的先驱
