烟柳大道 Willow Avenue

烟柳大道 Willow Avenue

作者: 一蓑烟雨行 | 来源:发表于2020-06-09 19:03 被阅读0次


According to legend, "Willows by the Sayu River" formed into a natural landscape because the ancestors of the Yi and Han people planted willows on both sides of the Sayu River in order to protect the river bank. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, it became one of the Eight Scenes in Zhaoyang, Yunnan Province with "Moon in the Dragon Cave", "Reflection Mirroring the Enbo Tower", "Trees in Baoshan Mountain", "Clouds in Phoenix Mountain", "Pearl Spring Water", "Clouds in Rainy Mountain", "Willows by the Mother River". Willow Avenue is 17.8 kilometers long with more than 1,500 willow trees, most of which are over 100 years old. Willows along the Sayu River are lush or straight or tilted out with different species and various shapes.


  • 烟柳大道 Willow Avenue


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    本文标题:烟柳大道 Willow Avenue
