Love island
Why lesbians flock to Lesbos
And why locals, once leery, now welcome them
INSPIRED BY THE erotic poetry of Sappho, who was born on the island 2,600 years ago, many languages—including English (“lesbian”), Greek (“lesvia”) and Japanese (“rezubian”)—use the demonym of her birthplace to describe sexual attraction between women. This linguistic fact has spawned a growing tourism industry in Sappho’s birth village of Eresos, in a remote corner of the island of Lesbos. Joanna Savva, a local travel agent, estimates that 3,000-4,000 gay women now visit Eresos every summer, up from under 1,000 a couple of decades ago. The village has only 1,500 full-time residents, but three lesbian bars. Hundreds of tourists attend a women’s festival every September, where activities range from political discussions to beach parties. Many visitors to Eresos keep coming back every year, and some have even stayed on to run businesses. “I immediately fell in love with the place,” says Katie Kalt, who runs a café in Eresos from May to October, but designs data-management systems in Switzerland during the winter. “I felt very accepted.”
据英国《经济学人》网站12月15日的消息:2600年前,萨福生于这座岛上。受萨福抒情诗的启发,英语 (“lesbian”), 希腊语 (“lesvia”) 和日语 (“rezubian”)等语言都以其出生地的名字来形容女人之间的性吸引。这一语言学上的事实已在萨福出生的埃雷索斯村落催生出蒸蒸日上的旅游产业。埃雷索斯村位于莱斯博斯岛的偏远一隅。在一家当地旅行社工作的乔安娜-萨瓦(Joanna Savva)估计,每年夏天有3000至4000名女同性恋到埃雷索斯旅游,而在几十年前这一数字还不到1000。虽然这个村子只有1500名常住居民,但却有三家女同性恋酒吧。每年9月份,数百名游客会参加当地的妇女节,活动内容则是涵盖政治讨论和海滩派对。许多到埃雷索斯的游客每年都会归来,有人甚至会留下来做生意。凯蒂·卡尔特从5月到10月在埃雷索斯经营一家咖啡馆,但冬天在瑞士设计数据管理系统。她说:“我立刻爱上了这个地方。我有被很好接纳的感觉。”
Although locals on Lesbos are now friendly towards lesbian visitors, this was not always the case. Homophobia used to be widespread. Ten years ago, three islanders even tried to reclaim the word “lesbian”: they unsuccessfully demanded that Greek courts ban its use to describe gay women. But attitudes have since softened considerably, as lesbian tourists have filled hotels, bars and restaurants in Eresos. As Ms Savva puts it, “People here have learnt the value of the pink dollar.”
Its value may have appreciated in recent years. Media attention during the migrant crisis in 2015, when the island became the entry-point to Europe for hundreds of thousands of asylum-seekers, scared off many visitors. Only 44,000 came last year, down 40% from 2015. But Ms Savva says tourist numbers in Eresos, which is also far from the camps, proved resilient.
Lesbos is not the only Greek island to attract gay tourists. Nearby Mykonos has developed a reputation as a frenetic party hotspot for gay men. But with acceptance of homosexuality growing across the rich world, some wonder if places like these will appeal to future generations of gay travellers. Lillian Jensen, the Norwegian owner of a lesbian bar in Eresos, says many younger lesbians “want to go to more mainstream places”. But for now, she remains optimistic about Eresos’s prospects. “There’s nowhere else in Europe quite like it,” she says.
