

作者: 叹息林上 | 来源:发表于2017-05-07 22:48 被阅读14次

Vocabulary :

1.fuss:nnecessary excitement, worry or activity 无谓的激动(或忧虑、活动);大惊小怪

E.g.  It's a very ordinary movie─I don't know what all the fuss is about (= why other people think it is so good) . 这是部很普通的电影——我不懂为什么就轰动一时。

2.outing: a day devoted to an outdoor social gathering

3.transpire:  if it transpires that sth has happened or is true, it is known or has been shown to be true 公开;透露;为人所知

被发现;为人所知 When it transpires that something is the case, people discover that it is the case.

E.g. As it transpired, the Labour government did not dare go against the pressures exerted by the City. 后来人们得知,工党政府不敢与伦敦金融界施加的压力相对抗。

4.bangle:  a piece of jewellery in the form of a large ring of gold, silver, etc. worn loosely around the wrist 手镯

5.part with: If you part with something that is valuable or that you would prefer to keep, you give it or sell it to someone else. 放弃,交出,卖掉(贵重物品或舍不得的东西)

6....unofficial political aide onprimetimetelevision last November.

primetime: 黄金时段

7.step into: to do sb's job or work when they are suddenly or unexpectedly unable to do it 临时顶替某人工作;临时顶缺

8.aspirational:adj. wanting very much to achieve success in your career or to improve your social status and standard of living 渴望成功的;一心想提高社会地位和生活水平的

9.henceforward: Henceforward means from this time on. 从今以后

10.fold into: to add one substance to another and gently mix them together 把…调入;拌入

11.accessible: that can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc. 可到达的;可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;可见到的

12.violate: to go against or refuse to obey a law, an agreement, etc. 违反,违犯,违背(法律、协议等) 【synonyms】floutE.g.to violate international law

13.federal ethics laws: 联邦道德法

14.folk: people in general 人们

15.woe: the troubles and problems that sb has 麻烦;问题;困难

16.befall: to happen to sb 降临到(某人)头上;发生在(某人)身上E.g. They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them.他们并不知道即将降临到他们头上的厄运。

17.ascension: the act of moving up or of reaching a high position 上升;升高;登上

18. In the wake ofdwindlingconsumer interest and a social media campaign,

dwindling: to become gradually less or smaller (逐渐)减少,变小,缩小

19.boycott:to refuse to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting 拒绝购买(或使用、参加);抵制E.g. We are asking people to boycott goods from companies that use child labour. 我们正呼吁大家抵制雇用童工的公司的产品。

20.irremediable: too bad to be corrected or cured 无法纠正的;不可治愈的


E.g. an irremediable situation 无法补救的画面

21.whiff:a slight sign or feeling of sth 轻微的迹象(或感觉);一点点;些许

22.toxicity: the quality of being poisonous; the extent to which sth is poisonous 毒性;毒力

the effect that a poisonous substance has 毒性作用;毒性反应

23.injunction: an official order given by a court which demands that sth must or must not be done (法院的)强制令,禁制令E.g. to seek/obtain an injunction 请求 / 得到强制令

23.barring: except for; unless there is/are 除了;除非

You use barring to indicate that the person, thing, or event that you are mentioning is an exception to your statement.

E.g. Barring accidents, we should arrive on time.除非有意外情况,我们应可按时到达。

24.bust: to break sth 打破;摔碎  E.g.  I bust my camera 我把照相机摔坏了

25.not likely: used to disagree strongly with a statement or suggestion (表示坚决不同意)决不可能,绝对不会

26.metropolitan: connected with a large or capital city 大城市的;大都会的 E.g.the New York metropolitan area 纽约市区

connected with a particular country rather than with the other regions of the world that the country controls 本土的 E.g. metropolitan France/Spain 法国 / 西班牙本土

27.snowflakes:  is used to describe a person perceived as overly sensitive and fragile, often in a mocking way.

28.elite: a group of people in a society, etc. who are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc. 上层集团;(统称)掌权人物,社会精英E.g. In these countries, only the elite can afford an education for their children 在这些国家里,只有上层人士才供得起子女上学。

29.offload: to get rid of sth/sb that you do not need or want by passing it/them to sb else 把(担子等)转移(给别人);减轻(负担);卸(包袱)E.g. It's nice to have someone you can offload your problems onto.你有个能分忧的人真是不错。

30.striped: marked with a pattern of stripes 有条纹的 E.g. a striped shirt 条纹衬衫

31.Hopewell Mini Chain Crossbody Bag: Ivanka Trump 品牌下的一款包

32.sackful: the amount contained in a sack 一大袋(的量)

33.ecommerce aggregator :电子商务网站

34. skyrocket:to rise quickly to a very high level 飞涨;猛涨

35. resale site:转售网站

36. outstrip:to become larger, more important, etc. than sb/sth 比…大(或重要等);超过;胜过 【synonyms】surpass

37.liberal-minded: 思想开明的,豁达的。


urbanite: a person who lives in a town or city 城市居民

38.purge: to make yourself/sb/sth pure, healthy or clean by getting rid of bad thoughts or feelings 净化(心灵、风气等);涤荡  .E.g.Nothing could purge the guilt from her mind. 她内心的愧疚是无法消除的。

39.geopolitical:the political relations between countries and groups of countries in the world; the study of these relations 地缘政治;地理政治学

40.aspiration :a strong desire to have or do sth 渴望;抱负;志向E.g. I didn't realize you had political aspirations. 我没有意识到你有政治上的抱负。

41.imbue: to fill sb/sth with strong feelings, opinions or values 使充满,灌输,激发(强烈感情、想法或价值)【synonyms】infuseE.g.He was imbued with a desire for social justice. 他满怀着寻求社会正义的愿望

42.life-enhancing: making you feel happier and making life more enjoyable 增加生活乐趣的

43.chicer: 时髦的

44.sophisticated: 善于社交的;高雅时髦的;见过世面的 Someone who is sophisticated is comfortable in social situations and knows about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important.

E.g. Recently her tastes have become more sophisticated. 最近她的品位越发优雅时髦起来。

45.elevate: to give sb/sth a higher position or rank, often more important than they deserve 提拔,晋升,提升(到不应有的位置) 【synonyms】raise, promote

46.pitch: to set sth at a particular level 确定标准 , 定位于

47.echelons:  a rank or position of authority in an organization or a society 职权的等级;阶层

48.big-ticket: adj. costing a lot of money 高价的E.G. big-ticket items 高价项目

49.mainstream:the ideas and opinions that are thought to be normal because they are shared by most people; the people whose ideas and opinions are most accepted 主流思想;主流群体

50.asymmetric: having two sides or parts that are not the same in size or shape 不对称的   【反义词】symmetrical

51.gilt-lacquered: 镀金的

super-shiny luxury :超奢华奢侈品


1.Last week, it was announced by the brand’s new president Abigail Klem (who stepped

into the role in January) that the aspirational, fine-jewellery collection of which this bracelet wasa prized example will henceforward be folded intothemain line and made more accessible. 上周, 在一月临时上任的品牌新主席Abigail Klem宣称,作为有前景可用于珠宝收藏系列中的绝佳例子的这款首镯将会并入主线产品,这会使它更容易为大众所接触到。

[笃师版: 上周,一月份正式上任的品牌新总裁Abigail Klem宣布:以此款手镯为经典产品的高端魅惑系列珠宝将融入主流产品线,更显亲民。]

Fine-jewelry高端珠宝,和fashion jewelry时尚珠宝形成对比,fine

jewelry未必是能够有现货的,如果有需求甚至需要提前预定,在宝石材质上一般也都是以五大贵宝石为主,对于追求品质的客户,甚至可以提出对宝石级别的要求,这样也基本等同于高级定制的范畴了。而fashion jewelry一般是指款式比较时尚的珠宝,在宝石材质上也会采用五大贵宝石,但也有半宝石作为主石,一般都是批量的成品生产,有库存的现货,基本不会接受客户的特定要求。


art, Fine dining,感兴趣的童鞋可以自行扩展下下~~


Step into the role:进入角色

be made accessible: easy toobtain or use

eg. The need for a health servicethat is accessible to all



jewelry collection形成对比,指针对大多数人群的主流产品线。

2. It’s tempting to read this as yet another woe in the catalogue of ills that have befallen the brand since President Donald Trump’s ascension to power. 自从特朗普总统登基掌权后,到现在为止读到另一个恶化目录中的遭殃落到这个品牌上的消息是很诱人的。


It’s tempting to也是第二次出现了哦~~~,原意是:….有诱惑力,衍生为倾向于…

Another woe in the catalogue of ills:很有意思的比喻,值得好好体会,但无需内化,作为被动储备即可。Ills不幸,疾病,catalogue of ills:一系列的不幸,都能成册了~~


3.In particular, the brand’s inventory is skyrocketing on second-hand resale sites such as ThredUP, where demand for IvankaTrump-branded products in conservative cities such as Houston in Texas is massively outstripping the rate at which more liberal-minded coastal-dwelling urbanites are purging themselves of them. 尤其是像THREDUP 这样的二手转售网站上的该品牌库存暴涨,像德克萨斯的休斯敦这样的保守城市对伊万卡品牌产品的需求大幅超过相较更开放自由化的沿海地区城市居民的需求,后者正逐渐放弃对这一品牌的认可。



demand in conservative cities is massively outstripping the rate(后面都是对此rate的解释,即东西岸城市人群摒弃该品牌的速度。)


Outstrip/surpass the rate

Purge of: clean out清洗,清除,也是一个比喻,并不常见,建议作为被动储备。

4.The business of fashion,accessories and especially jewellery is built on the basis, like those of cars and houses, that they are imbued with various life-enhancing qualities.



Be imbued with:高频词组----使充满,eg. The film is imbued

with the star’s rebellious spirit.这部电影充满了那位明星的反叛精神。/

He is imbued with patriotism.他充满爱国热忱。

5.By buying into a brand, so there tail culture has it, webuy into a society of similarly-minded sophisticates who share our values and wallet size. 通过购买一个品牌,相应带来的文化就是,我们进入了一个志同道合的人聚集的圈子,与其分享我们的价值观和钱包的尺寸。


Asophisticateis someone who knows about culture, fashion, and othermatters that are considered socially important.

6.Most brands recognize that their survival depends on partnering with high-street retailers in collaborations that will bounce them into a broader market. 许多品牌意识到他们的生存依赖于与商业大街零售商的合作,在合作中可以将他们反弹到更广阔的市场。


High-street retailers: The term "High Street"

is used to describe stores found on a typical high street to differentiate them

from more specialised, exclusive and expensive outlets (often independent

stores) — for example, "High Streetbanks"

(instead of the less-commonprivateorinvestment banks) or "High Street

shops" (instead ofboutiques).高街,指英国(在美国被称为Main Street)城市的主要商业街,商店品牌都比较大众化,都是批量生产的产品。High Street shops高街店和boutique精品店是一组对比,前者基本都是连锁店,而后者则更高端,甚至提供私人定制。


1. Show an intense passion for : 对..表现出强烈的热情

2. Poor sales : 销路不佳

3. Increased publicity : 加大宣传( 上升的曝光率)

4. Givean unfairadvantage overother competitors 给其不公平的优势以凌驾于竞争对手之上

5. Permanent injunction 长期禁制令

6. Metropolitan, liberal, latte-drinking snowflakes 大都市化,自由主义者,喝着拿铁咖啡的小资们

7. Sales increased/surged /skyrocketed销售额增长/激增

8. Just as….so is…正如..如此是(正如……也是)

9.pitch themselves atthe highest echelons of luxury 将他们定位在奢侈品的最高消费阶层(以顶级奢侈品为标准)

10.make them accessibletomore ordinary folk 使他们更易接近普通大众百姓

11. accessible price 平易近人的价格

12. collaboration with /team-up with: 合作/搭档协作

13. Expand one’s entry-level offering 扩展一个人的入门级产品

14. accessible wilderness: 无人问津的荒野 [品牌定位盲区]

Mindmap :

by 叹息林上





1.steppedinto the role : 我查的是带有临时上任的意思,而笃师表示是上任。再回去看词汇来源,原短语表达是step into the breach 才有此含义(to do sb's job or work when they are suddenly or unexpectedly unable to do it)

2. fine-jewellery : 被忽略的一个专有名词, 高端珠宝。 fine这里一个不常被注意的意思 : attractive and delicate 精巧的;精美的, 同样的还有fine dining 精致餐饮 fine features

3. it's tempting to .....倾向于,为自己的忘性敲脑袋。

4.catalogue of ills 一系列的不幸

5. such as Houston in Texas is massively outstripping the rate at which more liberal-minded coastal-dwelling urbanites arepurging themselves ofthem 这句我本身翻译得没有达到意思,比如笃师是……。增速远超东海岸更为自由开明都市人群摒弃该品牌的速度 (rate at是形容后面整个从句的中心词)

6. tail cuture : 零售业中的文化(对这个tail困惑了好久,不知怎么理解好)

7. accessible wildness: 笃师的直译是品牌定位盲区,看在文中的解释(伊万卡的品牌就处于这样一种状态,精英阶层看不进眼想摒弃,普通大众想追随这一品牌却又为价格望而却步,下一步确实它需要调整它的定位人群和目标价格以占得更大的市场)






