
作者: 李蒙蒙先生 | 来源:发表于2015-09-30 19:18 被阅读44次

    Writing down this title, I seemingly walk closer with Obama, the president of US, who takes the word as his campaignslogan. America needs to formulate new policies to resolve its crisis as our national media reports, but what should I do to be the one I have ever desired?

    This night, I had buffet dinner with several classmates that we haven’t deliver thoughts with each other for nearly 4 months. In the process of debate(of course,it is) while dining, I found myself in free and easy manners other than those before. I am changing with the experience of being an assistant in Beijing. Backing to Jiaozuo, My heart emits a strong sense of belongings to the city----HPU becomes one lifelong part of vita, Longyuan Lake turns better than normal,Tower South Street gets cleaner----complaints against Jiaozuo disappear, Even my attitudes towards life get changed.

    To be the one I want, I have to experience more, read more and ponder more.

    Sleep earlier tonight for my go-home trip next morning.


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