
作者: Swufe小小只 | 来源:发表于2020-03-24 18:50 被阅读0次
    Les Trios Ages

    The moment I saw this mural, I thought of this word, freedom of speech.Perhaps in my mind, some politics who overemphasize political correctness arein this figure, just like thieves.

    Please allow me to describe in this way, because they prefer to use some high-sounding excuses to limit our right rather than deprive it openly.

     Apparently, setting this kind of limitation on the table will cause resistance. On the contrary, news media becomes their beneficial tool, delivering what these politics want to us. Or they even make political correctness their shield behind which they kill our mind depending on their preferences and political intentions. This multiple era allows people to have different stands.But leaders should let us hear different voices, as long as they are legal. A harmoniousand friendly social system can tolerant different views, which can make acountry have more potentials.

    What’s more, these governors should have the awareness that the freedomof speech is crucial to realize democracy and restrict the power. Only writingit down in the law is not enough, we need to see practical actions so that weknow our fundamental right is guaranteed and we can see the bright future of this society. Otherwise, this kind of autocracy can only violate the democraticrights entitled by the Constitution. In this situation, the disappointment breedsand the unsatisfaction accumulates. When this generation choose covering theirchildren’s eyes which may prevent the next generation from experiencing thesame frustration, these politics are turning into the architects of their own destruction.

    Rather than critical works, it is an alarm bell not only to theseleaders, but also to us. When we are facing authority, keeping silence can do nothing. The freedom of speech is what we were born with. We have to defend it.Maybe an individual’s efforts can’t make a change. But what if there are millions or even billions of people? I guess the result can’t always be frustrating.



