Words and phrases
1.He said a little sheepishly.
Sheepishly: looking or feeling embarrassed because you have done sth silly or wrong窘迫地;难为情地;不好意思地
e.g. I grinned sheepishly when I entered the classroom seeing a couple hugging.
2.Or playing little tin god in your life```
Tin god: someone who behaves as if they are more important or powerful than they really are 自以为了不起的人
e.g.I don’t like the persons who are tin god and look down upon others.
3.One person's mission is another person's minutia.
Minutia: a minute or minor detail
e.g. he had memorized the many minutiae of his youth.
4.Instead of a sore spot, it became a source of joy and strength to both father and son.
a sore point/spot/subject :something that makes you upset, angry, or embarrassed when someone mentions it类似于我们所说的“痛处”
e.g. Don’t mention my puppy love; it is kind of a sore spot.
Outline of Paradigms of Independence

今天给我最多的感触便是P problems are pc opportunites,很多时候自己都是不想解决问题,选择逃避问题,殊不知问题可以是转化成机会,一个可以锻炼自己解决问题,处理各种麻烦事的机会。逃避问题只会堆积更多的问题,只会后患无穷。反过来改变一下心态,把问题转化成机会,就有动力去做事情了。