德在人先,利居人后(mindis the first man, and advantages isthe seco...[作者空间]
义侠交友,纯心作人(The righteous man makes friends, pure heart mak...[作者空间]
脱俗成名,超凡入圣(Become famous and transcendent) 【原文】 作人无甚高远事业,摆...[作者空间]
路要让一步,味须减三分(One step in the road, three points in the tas...[作者空间]
眼前放得宽大,死后恩泽悠长(The eyes were wide and long after death) 【原...[作者空间]
澹泊明志,肥甘丧节(Dan Bo Ming Zhi, fat Gan funeral festival) 【原文】...[作者空间]
得意须早回头,拂心莫便放手(Don't let go of your pride) 【原文】 恩里由来生害,故快意...[作者空间]
静中观心,真妄毕见(Look at your heart in silence) 【原文】 夜深人静独坐观心,始觉...[作者空间]
闲时吃紧,忙里悠闲(Be busy in your leisure) 【原文】 天地寂然不动,而气机无息稍停;日月...[作者空间]
淡中知真味,常里识英奇(The light knows the true taste, often knows t...[作者空间]
和气致祥,喜神多瑞(Be kind and auspicious, happy God) 【原文】 疾风怒雨,禽鸟...[作者空间]
良药苦口,忠言逆耳(A good medicine tastes bitter) 【原文】 耳中常闻逆耳之言,心中...[作者空间]
出污泥而不染,明机巧而不用(Don't dye the sludge, but it's clever) 【原文】...[作者空间]
心事宜明,才华须韫(Your mind should be clear, your talent must be ...[作者空间]
抱朴守拙,涉世之道(Hold simple and prudent, the way of the world) ...[作者空间]
弄权一时,凄凉万古(For a moment, desolate forever) 【原文】 栖守道德者,寂寞一时...[作者空间]