第一阶段:他们不希望自己的悲伤影响别人,更愿意自我消化。而社会主流价值观也倡导,人们面对逆境时应坚韧不拔、自强不息,所以大部分人不轻易露出脆弱的一面。伤心事宁愿烂在肚子里也不肯说出来。这里涉及一个心理术语“Mum Effect” ,即对负面事情避而不谈, 可理解为汉语的“报喜不报忧”。
- 首先,受伤者不应把朋友小心翼翼的关心当成礼节性的问候。反而应该认真对待,明白对方是希望你对他们敞开心扉。不要敷衍回答,要说出自己真实的感受。
- 其次,受伤者不要进行自我隔离,可以找有相同经历的互助小组,通过相互倾诉,你们的悲伤会有所缓解。
- 不要抱怨朋友无法理解你的悲伤,因为哪怕是最亲的人,只要没有类似的经历也是难以共情的。
- 不要害怕在对方面前展示自己的”脆弱“,示弱非但不会影响你在对方心中的形象,反而会增进你们之间的情感联系。
或许,安慰者可以尝试诚恳地告诉对方:我没经历过这样的事情,我也不知道该怎么做,我甚至连要说什么样的话来安慰你都不懂。或许我帮不上什么忙,但只要你有需要,我一定出现。你要明白,这段艰难的旅程,你不是一个人在走,你有我们。如果安慰者仍然不敢开口,那么,或许可以写信或卡片,或者只需发个短信,告诉对方:"I acknowledge your pain. I'm here with you."
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
blur [blɜr] n.模糊的记忆 something that you cannot remember clearly
Most of the trip was a blur, but on the last day, I sat down for breakfast with Jeff King, who had been diagnosed earlier with cancer.
1-The days of the accident were a blur.
2-The memory of her grandfather is a blur who died when she was five. -
speak up 大胆讲、毫无顾虑地说出 to express opinion freely and frankly
I was grateful that they all reacted with kindness, saying they appreciated my speaking up-- and they started asking more questions.
1-You need to speak up when you find someone is stealing money on the bus.
2- I am not used to speaking up when I’m upset. -
act up 捣蛋;胡闹;出毛病;行动起来
原句: As the elephant in the room went unacknowledged, it started acting up, trampling over my relationships.
1-The mother told the little boy to stop acting up and ate the cereal.
2-What you say means little unless you act up. (行动起来)
I used to be a wicked kid. From age 4 to 6, I was always acting up at home and around the neighborhood. Even in my mom's office, the maternity department in a hospital, I was also a trouble maker. Since my mom was a nurse, I could wander around the whole office whenever and wherever apart from the labouring operations room.
What I did most of that time was tucking milk bottles to the new-born babies‘ mouths when they cried. Sometimes I played tricks on them. While the newborns were sucking milk, I suddenly took off their bottles, then they would cried and I hang on there for few seconds, and then gave them back. I did this back and forth several times a day.
Now I become much more mature and quiet. I have grown up to be an introvert adult who doesn't like speaking up the likes and dislikes in life. I prefer to self absorbing all the negative emotions by myself. But It seems I got quite a load there since I have never kicked the elephant out of the room after college graduation.