西班牙作家塞万提斯曾说对过去不幸的记忆构成了新的不幸。 岁月是最好的打磨器。雪莱曾说过,冬天到了,春天还会远吗?
曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。芬芳岁月静好,一支缀满粉色桃花的枝条,独树一帜。满坡绿草如茵。你多想躺在草坪上。睁开眼帘,臆想出桃花潭水深千尺的美景。你能抵制春天迷一般的诱惑吗?长袖飘舞 ,和广寒宫的嫦娥相媲美。
天各一方,我们所经历的未必都是坏事。可以让我们明确我们的心意。芬芳的花朵源于勤劳的蜜蜂授粉。否则一切美景皆成空。 看似相似的花瓣各有千秋。无论是色泽大小形状因着光的不同而有所差异。泰山压顶淡然自若。
The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me ,which was quoted from Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes . Time is best machine to kill the time . Shirley said that if winter has come is spring far.
The complicated past situation has disappeared like the flowing clouds. The time is marvelous and fragrant with a bunch of flowers blooming in the stretching branch. The slope is covered with grass and you imagine the water of the peachy pond is thousands of depth .Can you resist the temptation of the whole enigma of spring? The long leaves are waving.We are separated and resemble the parallel lines .What we have experienced contributes to crystallizing our pieces of thoughts.Flavored flowers are pollinated by the hard-working bees or everything is opposite.The resembling pedals are peculiar actually due to the different angles from the sun and sizes.Mountain Tai put stressful pressure on you while you are elegant and never withdraw as the forever pine stands straight.