
作者: 奋斗的香梨 | 来源:发表于2017-08-18 22:56 被阅读42次

    Now, as they talked on, a dog that lay there lifted up his muzzle, pricked his ears . . . It was Argos, long-enduring Odysseus’ dog he trained as a puppy once, but little joy he got since all too soon he shipped to sacred Troy.

    In the old days young hunters loved to set him coursing after the wild goats and deer and hares. But now with his master gone he lay there, castaway, on piles of dung from mules and cattle, heaps collecting out before the gates till Odysseus’ serving-men could cart it off to manure the king’s estates. Infested with ticks, half-dead from neglect, here lay the hound, old Argos.

    Ah, but he’s run out of luck now, poor fellow . . .his master’s dead and gone, so far from home, and the heartless women tend him not at all. Slaves, with their lords no longer there to crack the whip, lose all zest to perform their duties well. Zeus, the Old Thunderer, robs a man of half his virtue the day the yoke clamps down around his neck.”

    With that he entered the well-constructed palace, strode through the halls and joined the proud suitors. But the dark shadow of death closed down on Argos’ eyes the instant he saw Odysseus, twenty years away.

    这个片段让人从一条狗身上都能感受到时过境迁的沧桑感。hound,old Argos与前面的puppy形成对比,这样的对比其实不光是单纯的讲这条狗老去了,更多的体现的是奥德赛心理的变迁。想必颓然的他想起当年养这个puppy时,自己过的是多么体面的日子。可是他走后,再也不会有人将这条狗当回事了——甚至,除了养猪奴和妻、子,都没有人把奥德赛当回事。





