Native Audio Plugin SDK
Thisdocument describes the built-in native audio plugin interface of unity 5.0. Wewill do this by looking at some specific example plugins that grow incomplexity as we move along. This way, we start out with very basic conceptsand introduce more complex use-cases near the end of the document.
本文档介绍unity 5.0中内建的音频插件接口,通过一些的插件例程并不断提高难度的方式进行讲解。这样,我们会从基本概念的开始而到文档结尾部分会涉及到复杂的用例。
Firstthing you need to do is to download the newest audio plugin SDK from here.
Thenative audio plugin system consists of two parts:
The native DSP (Digital Signal Processing) plugin which has to be implemented as a .dll (Windows) or .dylib (OSX) in C or C++. Unlike scripts and because of the high demands on performance this has to be compiled for any platform that you want to support, possibly with platform-specific optimizations.
The GUI which is developed in C#. Note that the GUI is optional, so you always start out plugin development by creating the basic native DSP plugin, and let Unity show a default slider-based UI for the parameter descriptions that the native plugin exposes. We recommend this approach to bootstrap any project.
Notethat you can initially prototype the C# GUI as a .cs file that you just dropinto the Assets/Editor folder (just like any other editor script). Later on youcan move this into a proper MonoDevelop project as your code starts to grow andneed better modularization and better IDE support. This enables you to compileit into a .dll, making it easier for the user to drop into the project and alsoin order to protect your code.
Alsonote that both the native DSP and GUI DLLs can contain multiple plugins andthat the binding happens only through the names of the effects in the pluginsregardless of what the DLL file is called.
另外,原生的DSP和GUI DLL中都可以包含多个插件,调用时的动态绑定仅通过插件中的效果名称进行而不必在意调用了哪个DLL。
What are all these files?
Thenative side of the plugin SDK actually only consists of one file(AudioPluginInterface.h), but to make it easy to have multiple plugin effectswithin the same DLL we have added supporting code to handle the effectdefinition and parameter registration in a simple unified way(AudioPluginUtil.h and AudioPluginUtil.cpp). Note that the NativePluginDemoproject contains a number of example plugins to get you started and show avariety of different plugin types that are useful in a game context. We placethis code in the public domain, so feel free to use this code as a startingpoint for your own creations.
Developmentof a plugin starts with defining which parameters your plugin should have. Youdon’t need to have a detailed master plan of all the parameters that the pluginwill have laid out before you start, but it helps to roughly have an idea ofhow you want the user experience to be and what components you will need.
Theexample plugins that we provide have a bunch of utility functions that make iteasy Let’s take a look at the“Ring Modulator”example plugin. This simpleplugin multiplies the incoming signal by a sine wave, which gives a niceradio-noise / broken reception like effect, especially if multiple ringmodulation effects with different frequencies are chained.
提供的示例插件包括一系列功能函数以方便使用,在“Ring Modulator”例子插件中,将输入信号与sine波形复合,产生一种radio-noise / broken reception(收音机噪声/接收中断)似的效果,特别是将多个不同频率的ring modulation效果串联起来后。
Thebasic scheme for dealing with parameters in the example plugins is to definethem as enum-values that we use as indices into an array of floats for bothconvenience and brevity.
enum Param
intInternalRegisterEffectDefinition(UnityAudioEffectDefinition& definition)
intnumparams = P_NUM;
definition.paramdefs = new UnityAudioParameterDefinition [numparams];
RegisterParameter(definition, "Frequency", "Hz",
0.0f,kMaxSampleRate, 1000.0f,
RegisterParameter(definition, "Mix amount", "%",
0.0f,1.0f, 0.5f,
100.0f, 1.0f,
Thenumbers in the RegisterParameter calls are the minimum, maximum and defaultvalues followed by a scaling factor used for display only, i.e. in the case ofa percentage-value the actual value goes from 0 to 1 and is scaled by 100 whendisplayed. There is no custom GUI code for this, but as mentioned earlier,Unity will generate a default GUI from these basic parameter definitions. Notethat no checks are performed for undefined parameters, so the AudioPluginUtilsystem expects that all declared enum values (except P_NUM) are matched up witha corresponding parameter definition.
Behindthe scenes the RegisterParameter function fills out an entry in theUnityAudioParameterDefinition array of the UnityAudioEffectDefinition structurethat is associated with that plugin (see“AudioEffectPluginInterface.h”). Therest that needs to be set up in UnityAudioEffectDefinition is the callbacks tothe functions that handle instantiating the plugin (CreateCallback),setting/getting parameters (SetFloatParameterCallback/UnityAudioEffect_GetFloatParameterCallback),doing the actual processing (UnityAudioEffect_ProcessCallback) and eventuallydestroying the plugin instance when done (UnityAudioEffect_ReleaseCallback).
Tomake it easy to have multiple plugins in the same DLL, each plugin is residingin its own namespace, and a specific naming convention for the callbackfunctions is used such that the DEFINE_EFFECT and DECLARE_EFFECT macros canfill out the UnityAudioEffectDefinition structure. Underneath the hood all theeffects definitions are stored in an array to which a pointer is returned bythe only entry point of the library UnityGetAudioEffectDefinitions.
Thisis useful to know in case you want to develop bridge plugins that map fromother plugin formats such as VST or AudioUnits to or from the Unity audioplugin interface, in which case you need to develop a more dynamic way to setup the parameter descriptions at load time.
Instantiating the plugin
Thenext thing is the data for the instance of the plugin. In the example plugins,we put all this into the EffectData structure. The allocation of this musthappen in the corresponding CreateCallback which is called for each instance ofthe plugin in the mixer. In this simple example there’s only one sine-wave thatis multiplied to all channels, other more advanced plugins need allocateadditional data per input channel.
struct EffectData
struct Data
floatp[P_NUM]; // Parameters //参数
floats; // Sine output of oscillator // sine波形输出
floatc; // Cosine output of oscillator // cosine波形输出
unsignedchar pad[(sizeof(Data) + 15) & ~15];
Waita minute! What’s all that union and padding stuff about? Well, unless youdevelop your plugin for the PlayStation 3 you can ignore this and just focus onthe members inside the“Data”structure, but in case you want to port yourplugin to this platform you need to be aware that on PS3 the signal processingis happening on the SPUs and in order to transfer data back and forth betweenthe main CPU and the SPU you need to make sure that the data is aligned to a 16byte boundary, and thus the“pad”array makes sure that the total size of theEffectData structure will be a multiple of 16 even though the actual Datastructure where our plugin data lives may not be divisible by 16. Thisrestriction makes the code a little funkier to look at, but in the end thebenefit is that there’s only one piece of shared code to maintain on allplatforms and that it’s easy to port your code to the PS3 if you follow the wayit’s done in the examples.
UnityAudioEffectState* state)
EffectData*effectdata = new EffectData;
memset(effectdata, 0, sizeof(EffectData));
effectdata->data.c = 1.0f;
state->effectdata= effectdata;
InternalRegisterEffectDefinition, effectdata->data.p);
TheUnityAudioEffectState contains various data from the host such as the samplingrate, the total number of samples processed (for timing), or whether the pluginis bypassed, and is passed to all callback functions.
Andobviously to free the plugin instance there is a corresponding function too:
UnityAudioEffectState* state)
EffectData::Data* data =&state->GetEffectData()->data;
delete data;
Themain processing of audio happens in the ProcessCallback:
UnityAudioEffectState* state,
float*inbuffer, float* outbuffer,
unsigned intlength,
intinchannels, int outchannels)
EffectData::Data* data =&state->GetEffectData()->data;
float w =2.0f * sinf(kPI * data->p[P_FREQ] / state->samplerate);
for(unsignedint n = 0; n < length; n++)
for(inti = 0; i < outchannels; i++)
outbuffer[n * outchannels + i] =
inbuffer[n * outchannels + i] *
(1.0f - data->p[P_MIX] + data->p[P_MIX] * data->s);
data->s += data->c * w; // cheap way to calculate a sine-wave //计算sine波形的低代价方法
data->c -= data->s * w;
We’vestripped the PS3-specific parts from this function in this listing. TheGetEffectData function at the top is just a helper function casting the effectdatafield of the state variable to the EffectData::Data in the structure wedeclared above.
Othersimple plugins included are the NoiseBox plugin, which adds and multiplies theinput signal by white noise at variable frequencies, or the Lofinator plugin,which does simple downsampling and quantization of the signal. All of these maybe used in combination and with game-driven animated parameters to simulateanything from mobile phones to bad radio reception on walkies, brokenloudspeakers etc.
TheStereoWidener, which decomposes a stereo input signal into mono and sidecomponents with variable delay and then recombines these to increase theperceived stereo effect.
A bunch of simple plugins withoutcustom GUIs to get started with.
Which plugin to load on which platform?
Nativeaudio plugins use the same scheme as other native or managed plugins in thatthey must be associated with their respective platforms via the plugin importerinspector. You can read more about the subfolders in which to place plugins here. The platform association is necessary so that thesystem knows which plugins to include on a each build target in the standalonebuilds, and with the introduction of 64-bit support this even has to bespecified within a platform. OSX plugins are special in this regard since theUniversal Binary format allows them to contain both 32 and 64 bit variants inthe same bundle.
Nativeplugins in Unity that are called from managed code get loaded via the[DllImport] attribute referencing the function to be imported from the nativeDLL. However, in the case of native audio plugins things are different. Thespecial problem that arises here is that the audio plugins need to be loadedbefore Unity starts creating any mixer assets that may need effects from theplugins. In the editor this is no problem, because we can just reload andrebuild the mixers that depend on plugins, but in standalone builds the pluginsmust be loaded before we create the mixer assets. To solve this, the currentconvention is to prefix the DLL of the plugin“audioplugin”(case insensitive)so that the system can detect this and add it to a list of plugins that willautomatically be loaded at start. Remember that it’s only the definitionsinside the plugin that define the names of the effects that show up insideUnity’s mixer, so the DLL can be called anything, but it needs to start withthe string“audioplugin”to be detected as such.
Forplatforms such as IOS the plugin code needs to be statically linked into theUnity binary produced by the generated XCode project and there - just likeplugin rendering devices - the plugin registration has to be added explicitlyto the startup code of the app.
OnOSX one bundle can contain both the 32- and 64 bit version of the plugin. Youcan also split them to save size.
Plugins with custom GUIs
Nowlet’s look at something a little more advanced: Effects for equalization andmultiband compression. Such plugins have a much higher number of parametersthan the simple plugins presented in the previous section and also there issome physical coupling between parameters that require a better way tovisualize the parameters than just a bunch of simple sliders. Consider anequalizer for instance: Each band has 3 different filters that collectivelycontribute to the final equalization curve and each of these filters has the 3parameters frequency, Q-factor and gain which are physically linked and definethe shape of each filter. So it helps the user a lot, if an equalizer pluginhas a nice big display showing the resulting curve, the individual filter contributionsand can be operated in such a way that multiple parameters can be setsimultaneously by simple dragging operations on the control instead of changingsliders one at a time.
CustomGUI of the Equalizer plugin. Drag the three bands to change the gains and frequenciesof the filter curve. Hold shift down while dragging to change the shape of eachband.
Soonce again, the definition, initialization, deinitialization and parameterhandling follows the exact same enum-based method that the simple plugins use,and even the ProcessCallback code is rather short. Well, time to stop lookingat the native code and open the AudioPluginDemoGUI.sln project in MonoDevelop.Here you will find the associated C# classes for the GUI code. The way it worksis simple: Once Unity has loaded the native plugin DLLs and registered thecontained audio plugins, it will start looking for corresponding GUIs thatmatch the names of the registered plugins. This happens through the Nameproperty of the EqualizerCustomGUI class which, like all custom plugin GUIs,must inherit from IAudioEffectPluginGUI. There’s only one important functioninside this class which is the bool OnGUI(IAudioEffectPlugin plugin) function.Via the IAudioEffectPlugin plugin argument this function gets a handle to thenative plugin that it can use to read and write the parameters that the nativeplugin has defined. So to read a parameter it calls:
plugin.GetFloatParameter("MasterGain", outmasterGain);
whichreturns true if the parameter was found, and to set it, it calls:
whichalso returns true if the parameter exists. And that’s basically the mostimportant binding between GUI and native code. You can also use the function
plugin.GetFloatParameterInfo("NAME", outminVal, out maxVal, out defVal);
带有自定义的GUI的音频插件的定义、初始化、反初始化和参数控制与简单插件中使用基于枚举值的方法是完全一致的,ProcessCallback的代码甚至可以更短,现在可以关闭原生代码学习GUI开发了,在MonoDevelop中打开AudioPluginDemoGUI.sln工程,在此你可以看到与GUI代码相关的C#类,其工作方式简单:一旦Unity完成原生插件的DLL的加载并注册其中的音频插件,它就会通过EqualizerCustomGUI类的名称属性来寻找和注册的插件名称对应的GUI,和所有的带自定义GUI音频插件一样,必须继承自IAudioEffectPluginGUI接口。在此类中只有一个重要的函数:bool OnGUI(IAudioEffectPlugin plugin),通过函数参数IAudioEffectPluginplugin为函数提供了一个原生插件的句柄,可以用来读写原生插件定义中的相关参数,其中,方法plugin.GetFloatParameter("MasterGain",out masterGain);用于读取一个参数设置,若该函数返回真,则参数被发现;为了设置参数需要调用函数:plugin.SetFloatParameter("MasterGain", masterGain);
和读取函数一样,该函数在参数存在的情况下返回真值。基本上,这些是GUI和原生代码之间最重要的关联函数。也可以用函数plugin.GetFloatParameterInfo("NAME", out minVal, outmaxVal, out defVal);
toquery parameter“NAME”for it’s minimum, maximum and default values to avoidduplicate definitions of these in the native and UI code. Note that if yourOnGUI function return true, the Inspector will show the default UI slidersbelow the custom GUI. This is again useful to bootstrap your GUI development asyou have all the parameters available while developing your custom GUI and havean easy way to check that the right actions performed on it result in theexpected parameter changes.
在此不详谈均衡器和多波段插件的DSP库处理过程,感兴趣的话,这些过滤器资料来自于Robert Bristow Johnson超牛的音频EQ Cookbook,其中曲线绘制使用了Unity提供的一些内部API函数来绘制频率反馈的抗锯齿曲线。
Wewon’t discuss the details about the DSP processing that is going on in theEqualizer and Multiband plugins here, for those interested, the filters aretaken from Robert Bristow Johnson’s excellent Audio EQ Cookbook and to plot thecurves Unity provides some internal API functions to draw antialiased curvesfor the frequency response.
Onemore thing to mention though is that both the Equalizer and Multiband pluginsdo also provide code to overlay the input and output spectra to visualize theeffect of the plugins, which brings up an interesting point: The GUI code runsat much lower update rate (the frame rate) than the audio processing anddoesn’t have access to the audio streams, so how do we read this data? Forthis, there is a special function for this in the native code:
UnityAudioEffectState* state,
int index,
EffectData::Data* data =&state->GetEffectData()->data;
if(index>= P_NUM)
if(value !=NULL)
*value =data->p[index];
if(valuestr!= NULL)
valuestr[0] = 0;
Itsimply enables reading an array of floating-point data from the native plugin.Whatever that data is, the plugin system doesn’t care about, as long as therequest doesn’t massively slow down the UI or the native code. For theEqualizer and Multiband code there is a utility class called FFTAnalyzer whichmakes it easy to feed in input and output data from the plugin and get aspectrum back. This spectrum data is then resampled by GetFloatBufferCallbackand handed to the C# UI code. The reason that the data needs to be resampled isthat the FFTAnalyzer runs the analysis at a fixed frequency resolution whileGetFloatBufferCallback just returns the number of samples requested, which isdetermined by the width of the view that is displaying the data. For a verysimple plugin that has a minimal amount of DSP code you might also take a lookat the CorrelationMeter plugin, which simply plots the amplitude of the leftchannel against the amplitude of the right channel in order to show“howstereo”the signal is.
Left:Custom GUI of the CorrelationMeter plugin.
Right:Equalizer GUI with overlaid spectrum analysis (green curve is source, red isprocessed).
Atthis point we would also like to point out that both the Equalizer and Multibandeffects are kept intentionally simple and unoptimized, but we think they serveas good examples of more complex UIs that are supported by the plugin system.There’s obviously a lot of work still in doing the relevant platform-specificoptimizations, tons of parameter tweaking to make it fell really right andrespond in the most musical way etc. etc…We might also implement some of theseeffects as built-in plugins in Unity at some point simply for the convenienceof increasing Unity’s standard repertoire of plugins, but we sincerely hopethat the reader will also take up the challenge to make some really awesomeplugins–and who knows, they might at some point end up as built-in plugins.;-)
Convolutionreverb example plugin. The impulse response is decaying random noise, definedby the parameters. This is only for demonstration purposes, as a productionplugin should allow the user to load arbitrary recorded impulses, theunderlying convolution algorithm remains the same nevertheless.
Exampleof a loudness monitoring tool measuring levels at 3 different time scales. Alsojust for demonstration purposes, but a good place to start building a monitortool that conforms to modern loudness standardizations. The curve renderingcode is built into Unity.
Synchronizing to the DSP clock
Timefor some fun exercises. Why not use the plugin system to generate sound insteadof just processing it? Let’s try to do some simple bassline and drumsynthesizers that should be familiar to people who listen to acid trance–somesimple clones of some of the main synths that defined this genre. Take a lookat Plugin_TeeBee.cpp and Plugin_TeeDee.cpp. These simple synths just generatepatterns with random notes and have some parameters for tweaking the filters,envelopes and so forth in the synthesis engine. Again, we won’t discuss thosedetails here, but just point out that the state->dsptick parameter is readin the ProcessCallback in order to determine the position in the“song”. Thiscounter is a global sample position, so we just divide it by the length of eachnote specified in samples and fire a note event to the synthesis enginewhenever this division has a zero remainder. This way, all plugin effects stayin sync to the same sample-based clock, and ifyou would for instance play a prerecorded piece of music with a known tempothrough such an effect, you could use the timing info to applytempo-synchronized filter effects or delays on the music.
是时候做些有趣的工作了,与其只是处理音频,也可以使用插件系统产生声音哦。咱们从一个简单的单音节鼓点合成器开始,听acid trance的人应该很熟悉这种风格,通过简单的复制定义了这种风格的基本合成器来实现这种效果。代码在Plugin_TeeBee.cpp和Plugin_TeeDee.cpp中。该合成器使用随机音符生成鼓点并具有一些用于调整滤波器、封包等的参数。在此我们还是不涉及具体实现,但是要指出的是state->dsptick参数会被传入ProcessCallback函数中以确定“歌曲”的位置,这个计数器代表了一个全局的采样位置,我们用计数器除以采样中指定的每个音符的长度,每当整除时,就发出一个音节,以此实现插件效果与采样时钟的同步。如果你打算用此插件播放一个节拍已知的预录制的音乐,你可以用计时信息设置节拍-同步滤波器效果或者音乐播放的延迟。
Simple bassline and drum synthesizers to demonstratetempo-synchronized effects.
Thenative audio plugin SDK is the foundation of the Spatialization SDK whichallows developing custom spatialization effects that are instantiazed per audiosource. More information about this can be found here.
Thisis just the start of an effort to open up parts of the sound system to highperformance native code. We have plans to integrate this in other parts ofUnity as well to make the effects usable outside of the mixer as well asextending the SDK to support other parameter types than floats with support forbetter default GUIs as well as storage of binary data.
Havea lot of fun creating your own plugins. Hope to see them on the asset store.;-)
Whilethere are many similarities in the design, Unity’s native audio SDK is notbuilt on top of other plugin SDKs like Steinberg VST or Apple AudioUnits. Itshould be mentioned that it would be easy for the interested reader toimplement basic wrappers for these using this SDK that allow using such pluginsto be used in Unity. It is not something the dev-team of Unity is planning todo. Proper hosting of any plugin quickly gets very complex, and dealing withall the intricacies of expected invocation orders and handling custom GUIwindows that are based on native code quickly grows by leaps and bounds whichmakes it less useful as example code.
虽然设计上存在相似性,但是Unity的原生音频SDK不像Steinberg VST或AppleAudioUnits一样在其他插件SDK的基础上实现。顺便一提,感兴趣的读者使用此SDK轻松实现对它们进行基本封装并在Unity中使用。这不是开发团队计划要做的事,合理容纳任意插件将使得Unity变得十分复杂,而管理错综复杂的期望调用顺序和基于原生代码的自定义GUI窗口的处理需求会急速增长,而这些都使得示例代码的更有意义。
Whilewe do understand that it could potentially be quite useful to load your VST orAU plugin or even effects for just mocking up / testing sound design, bear inmind that using VST/AU also limits you to a few specific platforms. Thepotential of writing audio plugins based on the Unity SDK is that it extends toall platforms that support software-mixing and dynamically loaded native code.That said, there are valid use cases for mocking up early sound design withyour favourite tools before deciding to devote time to develop custom plugins(or simply to be able to use metering plugins in the editor that don’t alterthe sound in any way), so if anyone wants to make a nice solution for that,please do.
我们当然知道提供VST或AU插件,甚至只是用于模仿和测试声音设计的效果会为用户带来益处,但请记住,使用VST/AU也会将你限制在特定的平台上,编写开发基于Unity SDK的音频插件的优势就在于它可以在所有平台实现软件混音和原生代码的动态加载支持。也就是说它可以支持以下的用例:用自己熟悉的工具进行早期音效设计,进而决定是否花时间进行自定义插件开发(或者简单使用编辑器中的metering插件,而无需对声音进行任何修改)。因此,如果你想得到优秀的解决方案,就请使用它吧