1 Netflix 网飞(在线影片租赁网站)
2 Happy ending 大团圆结局
3 Spoilers 剧透
4 Subtitles 字幕
5 Channel 频道
6 Episode 集
7 Season 季
1 我只想待在这儿看电视。
I just want to stay here and watch TV.
2 你想上网飞点播吗?
You want to Netflix something?
3 最近看了什么好的电视剧吗?
Seen any good TV shows lately?
4 是大团圆结局吗?
Is there a happy ending?
5 我现在还不想剧透。
I'd like to keep this spoiler free for now.
6 我得看字幕。
I have to look at the subtitles.
7 我不记得是哪个频道了。
I don't remember the channel.
8 我一集都没落下。
I never missed an episode.
9 我只是想吃一小勺雪糕。
I just want to eat a spoon ice cream
10 他们只是想打篮球。
They just want to play basketball.
11 我们可以搜索一下。
We can google.
12 我得跟我妈妈进行视频通话。
I need to FaceTime with my mother.
13 别忘了给我发微信。
Don't forget to Wechat me.
It's been photoshopped.
15 最近吃了什么好吃的菜吗?
Have you eaten anything good lately?
16 他最近出去玩了吗?
Has he been anywhere lately?
17 我们一直看“星际迷航”系列的电影吧。
Let's have a "Star Trek " marathon.
18 我喜欢一直在网飞上点电影。
I love Netflix marathon.
19 我今天还没有吃晚餐。
I have not eaten dinner today.
29 他已经买了那本书。
He has bought the book.
21 是悲剧结局吗?
Is there a bad ending ?
Is there an opening ending?
I would like to make a reservation.
I would like to buy this book.
I have to use movie subtitles.
26 我不记得他的生日是什么时候了。
I didn't remember when his birthday is.
27 萨米不记得她自己的电话号码了。
Sammy doesn't remember her telephone number.
28 他是《权力游戏》的忠实粉丝。他一集都没落下。
He is a huge fan of Game of Throne. He has never not missed an episode.
29 这一季的最后一集播出了。
The season finale is on.