
作者: 如果我热爱性感的我 | 来源:发表于2019-07-26 21:50 被阅读1次

    Probably in the Southern Song Dynasty, a family surnamed Li rose in Changle County, Jiaying Prefecture, Guangdong Province. Li Zimin, a parent, and his son Li Shangda, started their own business and prospered slowly. Their descendants multiplied and became a famous clan. Later, it was passed down from generation to generation to the tenth world.

    A man named Ji Runtang Tang came to Sichuan with his family for three years in Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty. He first lived in Xiaojiaqiao, Longchang, then moved to Fushun Ziliujing, where he lost his nationality. Since the killing of Zhang Xianzhong and Datu in the late Ming Dynasty in Sichuan, people in Huguang area have moved to live in a sparse area. This is also the reason why the Li family moved. Since Li Run-tang's entry into Sichuan, his family has been flourishing and his descendants have multiplied and passed on to the eighth generation. A comet in the ideological circle has emerged. He is a well-read and innovative man. That is Li Zongwu, who was founded with a "thick face and a black heart". Since the Republic of China, he has become a famous person in Sichuan. I had to read many of Li's works, communicate with each other, get acquainted with each other, and become a good friend. I began to know all his life and thoughts.

    He was not a man of fantasy and grotesqueness, who intended to frighten the world. He was neither honest nor dark-hearted; but he advocated "thick black". Learning, which calls itself the "Master of Thick Black Religion", is why this style of "irony and righteousness" comes from? People don't have to laugh at him and scold him. They should first reflect deeply on him. Sakya should not go to hell, Jesus should not be crucified, but Sakya said: "I do not go to hell, who goes to hell?" Jesus said, "Anyone who does not carry the cross is not worthy to be our disciple." Why is this coming? We should also reflect. Li Shi's views on education, politics and academic thought are all serious, but his thoughts are somewhat eccentric, often unspoken by his predecessors and unspoken by others, so the traditional scholars call him a bystander. Now that Li is an ancient man, he is no longer afraid to talk big, but his life's deeds are still unknown to the world, and many of his speech and ideas are ignored. In commemoration of this deceased friend, I spared no effort in writing and writing to preach the black religion so as to teach the world how to judge his merits and demerits.

    Li Zongwu was born on the thirteenth day of the first month of the fifth year in Guangxu. "Zongwu" Eryu was not his original name, which he later revised repeatedly. His name has changed several times. When he was young, his temper was very brutal and unreasonable, and the audience called him "King of Man". His father combined the word "King of Man" with the word "Quan" and added the word "Shiquan" to the word "Shiquan" for generations. Mr. fortune-teller said that he hit less "gold" and added Jin Peng to become Shiquan. Later, Mr. Private School said that he hit less "wood" and not a lot of gold. He also felt that his father had a bad name for his life, so he renamed himself the word "Confucian Confucius", which means that he believed in Confucius. Twenty-five years old, his thoughts changed greatly, and he was not satisfied with Confucianism. He thought that his patriarchal clan was better than Confucius, because he was renamed Zongwu. He often said, "This word"I"is the banner of my ideological independence.

    Later Zongwu, line, and the name of the world rank, almost no one knows. Zongwu had seven brothers and two sisters. Among his brothers, Zongwu had six lines and three brothers died early. The other six houses had to be set up. His father named them "Six Qiantang". Except for him, all his brothers worked in agriculture, but his seventh brother later opened the computer room, which had a slightly commercial nature. Zongwu believed in heredity and fetal education. He said that his good study was congenital because his father was studying behind closed doors in the years when he was born. He also cited Su's father and son as evidence. He said, "Su Laoquan, known as Su Laoquan, was 27 years old before he worked hard at reading. Kao Laoquan was born in Yiyou, Zhenzong Xiangfu, Song Dynasty, and Yihai, Renzong Mingdao, reached the age of 27 in the second year. Su Dongpo was born on December 19, the third year of the year, and Su Ziyou was born on February 20, the twentieth day of the twentieth year. Historically, at the age of 27, only Laoquan gave birth to two literary elites, and at the age of 40, only my father gave birth to a bishop. Dongpo has great talent and heroic articles, while Ziyou is very quiet, good at Huang Lao's learning, and he put Lao Tzu's interpretation into the ancient and modern masterpieces.

    About Lao Quan worked hard at reading, at first he worked hard, then he became more and more conscientious and quiet. Therefore, Dongpo Zi was composed of two people with different endowments. I was born in the last years of my father's hard study, so I am quiet, like Lao Tzu, quite a lot of reasons; unfortunately, I was born in a farm, for learning is not the way, it is a shame." He said that his strange ideas were also attributed to his father. In fact, his family had been living for generations, and his personality was somewhat special. Let's go back to his great-grandfather and look at his lineage. Zongwu's great-grandfather, who was very famous and serious, was the owner of a dyeing shop, but nobody did not respect him. Parents and children of all nationalities should wear irregular clothes and be drunk. If they come to his shop, they should hold their breath and dare not cross. However, he has no strong words for people, and still has a kind, gentle and harmonious attitude. Never in his life did he feel guilty. He lived seventy years. Before dying, the family members were asked to put their hands in towels, bathe themselves on their faces, wear a slightly irregular hat, tidy their hands, and then die on a few occasions.

    Zongwu's grandfather, Mingleshan, worked as a farmer and sold vegetables; he sold candles and straw shoes in his spare time and peddled along the street. He is tall and simple-minded. When someone speaks to him, he will stand and answer, and the dung will be on his shoulder, and he will not know how to put it down. Meet a cunning person, deliberately take him happy, talk for a long time, he will change his left shoulder for the right shoulder, right shoulder for the left shoulder, causing people in the street to laugh. He went to bed after supper, and by the time his family went to bed, he had woken up and would never sleep again. When you are asleep, you can't wake up, such as "Here comes the robber!" That's a shock. After going to bed late, he tidied up the dishes that should be sold tomorrow. After tidying up, he took a pole and went to the vegetable garden. The vegetable garden is near the main road. The thieves who steal things from it are often taken by him and returned to the owner. So the thieves are very afraid of him and often make a detour. At home, he was reluctant to eat meat on weekdays. At the end of the year, he cut ten kilograms of meat and was ready to pickle it. With a knife, he trimmed and trimmed the edges and corners, and cut down about half a jin. He ordered his wife to pull out radishes for soup, and told him earnestly, "The big ones are for sale, while the small ones are for growth. We must choose a nest of twins and broken ones that cannot be sold before we can transfer them."

    His wife searched all over the nursery and could not find one, so he tolerated the pain and allowed it to be pulled out and used. The soup is hot. He holds the spoon himself, puts it into the bowl, pours it into the pot, and then pours it into the pot, and then pours it into the pot. His wife asked, "What are you doing?" He said, "I want to share it with my family and workers, suffering from unfairness and universality." It took too long to die of illness. His wife, on the side of cutting meat, dedicated herself to the spirit and cried at the first sight, saying to herself, "More tears than meat"! Because of his regret, he took the pole he used in his life and treasured it, and said, "The descendants of later generations, such as Changda, often wrapped in red ribbons, hang on the beam of the auditorium for eternal commemoration!" It is said that the pole was kept by his descendants for nine years in the Republic of China and was destroyed by thieves. His wife, Zeng Shi, was the daughter of a wealthy family in Gaoshanzhai. After marriage, she accompanied her husband all the year round, carrying water and dung, and never complained. Sometimes Guining sees the leftover food of cats and dogs, that is to say, how can my family get such leftover food? When Zong Wu was a child, he heard his parents repeatedly mention this matter and warned their brothers, "Our ancestors were poor at this time. They were so hard-working and hard-to-eat that they had reached such a point that we must not forget them as our children and grandchildren."

    Zongwu's father, Gao Ren, Yu Jingan. After his father's death, he was a farmer, working with his wife and working hard all day, just like his parents. Often the pole left by his father was taken out as a precaution, so that his family became more prosperous and he was able to purchase land. Unfortunately, at the age of 40, the doctor warned him, "Lose your household chores and rest in peace, or you will die!" He pays his wife all the housework and devotes himself to the care of his illness. Three years later, it begins to heal. During his convalescent period, he got the chance to read books. First, he found books such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Romance of Nations. Later, he read four lectures. He read them again and again. From them, he could see that the truth is "book is the world, and the world is the book." Later, he only read three books, but he didn't read any of the others. Which three books? The first is the Oracle Guangxun, which was promulgated by Qianlong and followed by Zhu Bolu's motto of governing the family. The second is "A Brief Survey of Moving the Heart", which only reads one of the books. It contains such famous quotations as Sima Guang and Tang Yixiu, which he calls a motto book. The third is Yang Jisheng's memorial to Yan Song's ten evils and five good deeds, followed by a will (on the eve of Jiaoshan's going to righteousness, the book teaches the son, what he says is the way of doing things at home).

    In addition, there is a three-character annotated book, believe it or not. Of the three great books, only the first two remain unsolved. A few days before he died, he couldn't bear to put down his reading. He often says, "What do you do with reading so much? In each book, I think that chapter is good, that is, to write him down dead and follow it; the rest of the unsatisfactory, you do not have to read it." He likes to read aloud most. In Sheng Yu Guangxun, there are two sentences: "People don't know filial parents, but they don't care about their parents'love for their children." In A Brief Review of the Mind, there are these sentences: "Poverty begets thrift, thrift begets wealth, wealth begets luxury, luxury begets lewd chivalry, obscene begets poverty." Of course, he read so little, and never wrote a word in his life, especially rare. When Zong Wu was seven or eight years old, something urgent happened. His father asked him to bring his pen and ink. When he brought it, his father said he would not write. But Zong Wubian said, "My strange thought originated from my father.

    The way I read books also came from my father." This should be proved in a long time. Zongwu's father dared not do heavy work after his arrogant illness, but occasionally pulled sugarcane leaves or covered with ash when planting one Hu of beans. But when he had time to read, naturally his favorite books. Whenever a worker came to work in the field, he carried a cigarette pole or a fire cage (a kind of stove), sat on the edge of the field with books, sometimes in the light of the day with the worker, and sometimes read by himself. He is very expert in farming. He always inspects the ridges every morning. He often says, "I sleep at home. I know how workers work in the fields." When his family returned from the field, he often asked, "Where is the worker?" If the answer is incorrect, he laughs and says, "Don't talk nonsense!" He paid attention to getting up early all his life.

    He said that he had read three people's mottos of governing a family and advocated getting up early. Zhu Boluyun: "Rise at dawn"; Tang Yixiuyun: "Sleep early, get up early, do housework diligently"; Han Wei Gongyun: "Run a family early, do everything naturally, enjoy the night, everything is afraid of slippage." Therefore, although he did not get up as early as his father, he was always crowing and arbitrary, even in the mid-winter snow. At that time, there was no match. Every morning, he struck the flint with a chain of fire and lit the lamp. Then he lit the fire cage with charcoal, drank alone at one temperature and one wine, then sat down with smoke in his mouth until dawn. At this time, he planned the work that the workers should do and what they should do properly. So he handled the housework in a reasonable and orderly way, and the workers did not waste any time working. He was afraid that the workers would get up late and delay their work, and he hated to shout at them every morning.

    So he made the door very tight, and when he saw the white on the window, he slammed the door open, and the workers woke up naturally. Because of his love of getting up early and thinking, he never failed to negotiate with others in his life. He often said, "When dealing with people, I have to think about how he comes and how I should respond. When dealing with people, I can deal with whatever he comes from." When he recovered from his illness, there was a house nearby that he wanted to sell to him. He also wanted to sell it, but because the price was too high, he deliberately said to the seller, "The price is too high, I can't afford it." But they would not let things go because of their intrigue and involvement. Neighbors complained that he should buy or not, and they said he would go to the government to complain, but he did not pay attention to it. Even if he dug his way out of the house, he would go by the house shield and not care about others. As a result, the courtyard, or sell with him, at this time there were all kinds of entanglements, he still won the final victory.

    Zongwu told me that his seventh brother Shiben was born when his father was fighting with his neighbours. Sure enough, his parents died, his brother and sister-in-law died, and the funeral was handled by him alone. He did everything in a reasonable way. Shiben also said to people, "I am all right, sit up and doze off; when I have something to do, I am a hundred times more energetic. Over the past few years, fortunately, a few people have died in the family, but there is still something to do. Otherwise, the day will be really sad!" So Zong Wu proved his heredity and fetal teachings, and he hoped to do some scientific research. When his father died, he lived sixty-nine years, and by then he had become a well-off home. Guangdong people's ancestor memorial, local concept and the spirit of unity are very strong. Since Li's arrival in Shu, the graves of his ancestors and the security of his people are still deeply remembered. So they also sent people to visit the tombs in Guangdong, and to pay tribute to the fathers, elders and children of the same clan. There are ancestral temples in Sichuan.

    The establishment of ancestral temples is said to be from other provinces to Sichuan, often bullied by local people, so they made an appointment. Every family surnamed Li in Guangdong set up a meeting, called the "Pang Pang Hui". If anyone comes to bully, they will join them in desperation. Later, some people said that it was illegal to hold a "flattering party". Only then did the ancestral temple be rebuilt. When Cantonese enter Sichuan, they must choose Cantonese to marry their daughter-in-law. Occasionally, they must marry local women, and they must learn to speak Cantonese at the beginning. Families and relatives should speak Cantonese, or peddle ancestors. From Run Tang to Zongwu, the Li family has lived for eight generations, but his nine brothers and sisters are all related to Cantonese. It is not surprising that if we believe in genetics, a Li Zongwu with strange ideas will emerge from this strong national character and the blood traditions passed down from generation to generation.



