老子说 - 道德经(7)

作者: 伊莲说 | 来源:发表于2019-02-14 23:47 被阅读4次



道德经第六章 原文


The universe is everlasting.
The reason the universe is everlasting
Is that it does not live for Self.
Therefore it can long endure.

Therefore the Sage puts himself last,
And finds himself in the foremost place;
Regards his body as accidental,
And his body is thereby preserved.
Is it not because he does not live for Self,
That his Self is realized?
-- Lin Yutang 林语堂

Heaven is eternal, the Earth everlasting.
How come they to be so? Is it because they do not foster their own lives.
That is why they live so long.
Therefore the Sage,
Puts himself in the background, but is always to the fore.
Remains outside, but is always there.
Is it not just because he does not strive for any personal end.
That all his personal ends are fulfilled?
-- Arthur Waley 亚瑟·威利


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