读《Me before you》,思考应该过什么样的人生

读《Me before you》,思考应该过什么样的人生

作者: 记忆的瓶子Pinky | 来源:发表于2018-11-24 11:46 被阅读58次

    读《Me before you》,思考应该过什么样的人生

    学习笔记|| 读《Me before you》,思考应该过什么样的人生

    《Me Before You》一部催泪爱情小说,译为《遇见你之前》,作者是Jojo Moyes,出版于2012年1月5日。之后作者又写了《After You》(你离开之后)、《Still Me》(依然是我),构成爱情三部曲。今天看完了三部曲中的第一部《Me Before You》。





    男主角Will做出这样的决定时对他母亲说了这些话,“I don’t want to live like this, Mother. This is not the life I chose. There is no prospect of my recovery, hence it is a perfectly reasonable request to ask to end it in a manner I see fit. ”四肢瘫痪、时时与病痛作斗争并不是他想要的生活,既然康复无望,提前终结似乎也是合理的要求。

    男主角护理者Nathan说“I want him to live if he wants to live. If he doesn’t, then by forcing him to carry on, you, me – no matter how much we love him – we become just another shitty bunch of people taking away his choices.”尊重他人决定,无论周围人多么爱他,都没有剥夺他人自己做出决定的权利。

    还有女主角父亲所说的一段话“I’m just thinking of what I know about Will Traynor, what I know about men like him. And I’ll say one thing to you. I’m not sure anyone in the world was ever going to persuade that man once he’d set his mind to something. He’s who he is. You can’t make people change who they are.”要表达的意思同样是尊重他人的选择。

    一个人是否可以拥有选择自己生死的权利,这是个难以回答的问题,涉及到道德、人权、法律等,从人性道德上看大多数忍都难以接受这种做法,从法律上容易构成故意杀人罪,从人权方面看似乎应该尊重病人的选择,To be, or not to be, that is a question。


    I was twenty-six years old and I wasn’t really sure what I was. Up until I lost my job I hadn’t even given it any thought. I supposed I would probably marry Patrick, knock out a few kids, live a few streets away from where I had always lived. Apart from an exotic taste in clothes, and the fact that I’m a bit short, there’s not a lot separating me from anyone you might pass in the street. You probably wouldn’t look at me twice. An ordinary girl, leading an ordinary life. It actually suited me fine.

    直到她失去了工作,找到一份看护人工作,去面试时,男主角母亲问她是否有工作志向及追求的梦想?“Do you have aspirations for a career? Would this be a stepping stone to something else? Do you have a professional dream that you wish to pursue?”,女主角回答的是,她还没有思考过这个问题,只是想找到一份工作。“ I haven’t really thought that far. Since I lost my job. I just want to work again.”


    男主角Will鼓励女主角去音乐会时,女主角认为那不是她所喜欢的it’s not her cup of tea,Will说,“你都没有做过,你怎么知道你不喜欢,又怎么知道你属于哪种人?” “How do you know? You’ve done nothing, been nowhere. How do you have the faintest idea what kind of person you are?”

    结果参加音乐会带给女主角一次奇妙无比的体验,这是她听过最美好的声音,思想放飞,思考一些从来没有思想过的事情,“I had thought I might be bored. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.And it made my imagination do unexpected things; as I sat there, I found myself thinking of things I hadn’t thought of for years, old emotions washing over me, new thoughts and ideas being pulled from me as if my perception itself were being stretched out of shape. It was almost too much, but I didn’t want it to stop. I wanted to sit there forever. I hadn’t realized that music could unlock things in you, could transport you to somewhere even the composer hadn’t predicted. It left an imprint in the air around you, as if you carried its remnants with you when you went. ”

    Will推荐女主角一些她从来没有看过的书时,女主角再次认为这些书不是她的类型,Will告诉女主角要挑战自己“Challenge yourself a bit.”,女主角让男主角停止告诉自己做什么,她也许只想看电视,也许就想读一本书,也许太累了什么都不想做,“I wish you’d stop telling me what to do. What if I like watching television? What if I don’t want to do much else other than read a book?What if I’m tired when I get home? What if I don’t need to fill my days with frenetic activity?”


    “one day you might wish you had,”he said, quietly. “Do you know what I would do if I were you?’I’d be doing night school. I’d be training as a seamstress or a fashion designer or whatever it is that taps into what you really love.I’d be finding out what I could do that didn’t cost much – keep-fit classes, swimming, volunteering, whatever. I’d be teaching myself music or going for long walks with somebody else’s dog, or –”
    “Well, there wasn’t much time left after work, but I tried to do something every day. I did rock climbing at an indoor centre, and squash, and I went to concerts, and tried new restaurants -”
    “And I tried to learn new languages for places I thought I might visit one day. And I saw my friends – or people I thought were my friends ... ”
    And I planned trips. I looked for places I’d never been, things that would frighten me or push me to my limit. I swam the Channel once. I went paragliding. I walked up mountains and skied down them again.  I know a lot of these need money, but a lot of them don’t.     
    I worked out what would make me happy, and I worked out what I wanted to do, and I trained myself to do the job that would make those two things happen.’

    这是一部励志小说,一点也不夸张,小说中也随处可见“Knowledge is power知识就是力量,”“You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible生命只有一次,应尽可能活得精彩”这种励志文字。


    “Who do you think got me to apply to college? Who do you think encouraged me to make something of myself, to travel places, to have ambitions? Who changed the way I think about everything? About myself even? Will did. I’ve done more, lived more, in the last six months than in the last twenty-seven years of my life. So if he wants me to go to Switzerland, then yes, I’m going to go. Whatever the outcome.’

    最后Will留给女主角一封信,再次鼓励女主角跳出自己的舒适区comfort zone,体验不同的人生,做个无畏者,勇敢面对人生,突破自己,别轻言放弃。To live boldly. Push yourself. Don’t settle.

    Clark, I can practically hear you starting to hyperventilate from here. Don’t start panicking, or trying to give it away – it’s not enough for you to sit on your arse for the rest of your life. But it should buy you your freedom, both from that claustrophobic little town we both call home, and from the kind of choices you have so far felt you had to make.
    It always does feel strange to be knocked out of your comfort zone. But I hope you feel a bit exhilarated too. Your face when you came back from diving that time told me everything; there is a hunger in you, Clark. A fearlessness. You just buried it, like most people do.
    I’m not really telling you to jump off tall buildings, or swim with whales or anything (although I would secretly love to think you were), but to live boldly. Push yourself. Don’t settle. Wear those stripy legs with pride.  

    小说中比较励志的另一个人物就是女主角Louisa的妹妹Treena,单亲妈妈,追求梦想,重返大学学习,当女主角问她重返学校的情况时,她说“It’s the best. I can’t tell you, Lou, the joy of just using my brain again. I feel like there’s been this big chunk of me missing for ages ... and it’s like I’ve found it again. ”


    “I’m really desperate to use my brain again. Doing the flowers is doing my head in. I want to learn. I want to improve myself. And I’m sick of my hands always being freezing cold from the water.”
    “ I really need to do this, Lou. I want more for Thomas, more for both of us. The only way I’ll get anywhere is by going back to college. I haven’t got a Patrick. I’m not sure I’ll ever have a Patrick, given that nobody’s been remotely interested since I had Thomas. I need to do the best I can by myself.”


    She looked a bit like a different person. It was weird. Just a few weeks away from home could rub the familiarity right off someone. I felt like she was on the path to being someone I wasn’t quite sure of. I felt, weirdly, as if I were being left behind.


    “I raised two chilren, I kept my career, helped out at the school, the PTA, and joined the bench once the children didn’t need me any more.I loved my job. I did it because I believe in order, in a moral code. I believe that there is a right and a wrong, unfashionable as that view might be.”




    不过终有一天,春天还会到来,就像小说中所说,Spring arrived overnight, as if winter, like some unwanted guest, had abruptly shrugged its way into its coat and vanished, without saying goodbye.冬天就像不受欢迎的客人,都没有说再见,就灰溜溜的消失了,然后一夜之间春天来了。

    总之,喜欢这本书,也许接下来某个时间会去读作者Jojo Moyes这套爱情三部曲中的另外两本书《After You》和《Still Me》。《Me Before You》这部小说被拍成了电影,还没来得及看,期待着看这部电影





        本文标题:读《Me before you》,思考应该过什么样的人生
