絮叨||Be on time

作者: Heather大妞 | 来源:发表于2016-05-05 14:29 被阅读323次

Early is on time, and on time is late.

It's easy to forget manners when you're all alone. From showing up late to meetings and forgeting simple things like "please"and "thank you", otherwise polite and well-bahaved humans can come off as a complete jerks in a contract.And be-on-time is the most important thing  fou us. Nomatter in a date or a meeting.

Early is on time, and on time is late.

Following this simple priciple,I gained more from my first job, and I will keep going and stick with it.You can have a try,then maybe you will find everything becomes easy and you will be unhurried and happy the whole day.Maybe you won't shirk your commitments, and you can do want you say you are going to do.

While if I have dating with a boy, be-on-time is the essential requirement for this relatioaship.Thinking about if we wasting time on the waiting, is so terrible!

Be on time.It can make you relevant to others.


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    本文标题:絮叨||Be on time
