I'm still learning to love the parts of me that no one claps for. 即使没人为之鼓掌,我依然在努力爱自己。
卢迪-弗朗西斯科RudyFrancisco演员 代表作品《蓝色咖啡》
Life, if you live it right, keeps surpris ing you, and the thing that keeps surprising you the most...is yourself. 好好生活,生活就会给你源源不断的惊喜。而能带给你最大惊喜的,是你自己。
一威廉·德雷谢维奇William Deresiewic哥伦比亚大学研究生导师,文学评论家。代表作品《优秀的绵羊》

Listen to the pain. It's both history teacher and fortune teller. Pain teaches us who we are. 聆听痛苦。它既是历史老师,也是占卜师。痛苦教会我们认清自己。
Every obstacle in life will fade away once success becomes the only goal allowed to enter your mind. 心心念念只为成一事,所有障碍会慢慢消失。
一兰伯特 G.L.Lambert .作家、情感专家. 作品《Men Don't Love Women Like You》亚马逊排名第一.

Don't just sit at home, or the life of your dreams will sail right past you.
《华尔街之狼》The Wolf of Wall Street

False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports.
一理查德·伯顿RichardBurton英国戏剧和电影演员. 代表作品《多尔文的末日》
