英文经典童话系列 -《木偶奇遇记》

英文经典童话系列 -《木偶奇遇记》

作者: ad3b97758b76 | 来源:发表于2018-08-30 22:48 被阅读2次







In a little village in Italy lived an old wood-carver called Geppetto. One day he carved a boy puppet out of wood.

"I wish this puppet were a real, live boy," he said to himself, as he had no family.

Then, to his surprise, the puppet spoke.

"Hello, Father."

Then he started to walk. Geppetto was overjoyed at this and named his son Pinocchio.

One day, Geppetto told Pinocchio, "Since you are a boy, you must go to school."

But Pinocchio said, "I don't want to go to school. Good-bye, Father." Then he ran away.

Geppetto ran after him and saw him go into a bakery. Pinocchio picked up some rolls and threw them at Geppetto. (rolls 指的是bread rolls,小圆面包)

Geppetto shouted at Pinocchio and waved his fists in the air.

The baker called for a policeman, and poor Geppetto was arrested.

"Yippeee! Now I don't have to go to school. I can play every day!"

Pinocchio was very happy playing in the park all day long. However, when it became dark, he had no one to play with. It even started to rain, and he had to go home.

There was no one at home waiting for him. He was hungry and cold. While he sat and warmed his feet by the stove, he fell asleep. He did not know his feet were burning.

Late that night Geppetto came home to find his son with no feet. He said to him, "Now, Pinocchio, I will make you new feet, if you promise to go to school."

"I promise, Father," replied Pinocchio.

So the wood-carver worked all night to mend his son's feet.

The next morning, he sold his best suit and bought a book for Pinocchio.

"Thank you, Father. I’ll go to school and work hard," said Pinocchio.

Pinocchio left for school in high spirits. He heard the merry sound of a marching band and walked towards it. It was from a puppet show.

He decided to sell his book, so that he could buy a ticket for the show.

Once inside the theatre, Pinocchio became so excited that he jumped up on to the stage, disrupting the performance.

The puppeteer was furious and picked him up to throw him into the fire.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me, for my old father will be very upset, if anything happens to me. I must go to school," cried Pinocchio.

The puppeteer thought he was a good boy and said, "All right, but never do this again."

He then gave him money to buy another book.

Pinocchio left with the money. He did not notice that a sly, old fox and a cat had been watching him.

"Hello, Pinocchio. Do you know how to make your money grow?" they asked nicely.

"Make my money grow? But how?" asked Pinocchio.

"Simple. Bury the money beneath the Wonder Tree and take a nap. You'll be rich when you wake up."

So Pinocchio did as he was told. But when he woke up, he was hanging from a branch of the tree. The fox and the cat had tied him up and taken his money.

A hawk flew down to save him. It was sent by a Good Fairy who had been watching him. The hawk carried him in its beak to where the Good Fairy was waiting.

The Good Fairy asked Pinocchio, "Why are you not at school?"

"I was going to school, but I met a hungry orphan, and I sold the book to buy him bread, so . . ." lied Pinocchio.

Then, all of a sudden, his nose grew longer and longer.

"Pinocchio, the more you lie, the longer your nose will grow," said the Good Fairy gently.

"I'm very sorry," said Pinocchio.

The Good Fairy ordered a woodpecker to peck his nose back to its original size.

Pinocchio went a different way home, and on the way was a fairground. He only meant to look at it quickly, but he stayed there playing for days and days.

One day he realised that he and all the boys, with whom he had been playing, were gradually turning into donkeys.

He was sold to a circus and, when he broke his leg during training, he was thrown into the sea.

He sank to the bottom of the ocean. Fish gathered around him and nibbled his skin.

Soon the donkey's skin peeled away and out came Pinocchio.

"Thank you, fish," he said, but in fact, it was the Good Fairy who saved him. She had seen that Pinocchio was really sorry for being so naughty.

Pinocchio had finally made up his mind that he wouldbecome a good boy. He said to himself, "I will help Father and be nice to him."

He did not realise that a giant whale was approaching from behind. He was swallowed up in a gulp.

"Help! Help!" he cried at the top of his voice, but in vain.

In the darkness of the whale's stomach, Pinocchio saw a dim light in the distance. He swam close to it, and there was Geppetto on a raft with a lamp. They gave each other a big hug.

"I was looking for you on this raft when the whaleswallowed me," said Geppetto. They could not believe they had found eachother.

"I'm too weak now. You get out of here alone,"said Geppetto.

Pinocchio, said, "Not without you, Father."

He then carried the old man on his back and swam out of the whale's mouth while he was asleep. They reached the shore at last. Pinocchio took good care of the old man, and soon Geppetto was better.

He said, "Pinocchio, you have saved me."

Suddenly the Good Fairy appeared.

"Pinocchio," she said, you have been brave and truthful. You deserve to be a real boy."

She turned him into a real boy, and Geppetto and Pinocchio lived happily ever after.




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    本文标题:英文经典童话系列 -《木偶奇遇记》
