此前,国外一家公司(Rehtom Inc.)在报纸和网上发布了一则招聘广告,希望招募一位运营总监(Director of Operations),并对应聘者进行视频面试。
面试官首先向应聘者们介绍职位详情:一周七天,每天24小时都得站着(mostly standing up),同时需要不停地弯腰(bending down),随叫随到,几乎没有时间休息,节假日依然需要上班...
具体职位描述(Job Description)如下:
The World's Toughest Job
Job Description
Operations Management: Director of Operations (运营总监)
Area of Talent: Managers/Directors/Administrators
Position Type: Full-Time (全职)
Location: Rehtom Inc.
Shift: Full-time, 24/7 on call (7×24小时随叫随到)
Salary: Pro bono/unpaid (无偿服务/没有报酬)
Position Summary:
Rehtom Inc. is seeking a Director of Operations for its long-term development department. The primary responsibilities of the director are to provide day-to-day management, leadership and support to up-and-coming development associates.
Essential Duties & Job Responsibilities:
Oversee the overall day-to-day success and development of all associates. They are fully dependent on you.
Provide appropriate solutions to satisfy all associate needs,including but not limited to comfort, security, support, growth, knowledge, well-being, structure, consistency, discipline, acknowledgment, preparedness, safety, mobility, capability, facility and tranquillity.
Track daily, weekly and monthly associate development against assigned goals and expectations.
Process high volumes of incoming and outgoing projects, deliveries, requests, complaints, feedback and special orders from associates and corresponding outside vendors.
Provide operational leadership to multiple associates at once.
Must be able to work 135+ hours a week
Ability to work overnight, associate needs pending
Willingness to forgo any breaks
Work mostly standing up and/or bending down
Must be able to lift up to 75 lbs. on a regular basis
Ph.D. in psychology or real-life equivalent
Crisis management skills a must
Ability to manage a minimum of 10-15 projects at one time
Ability to communicate at all levels (basic to advanced)
Ability to improvise
Proficient in handling sticky situations (literally and figuratively)
Ability to coordinate multiple, often conflicting, schedules
Ability to make independent decisions on behalf of others
Ability to work with associates with minimal ability
Ability to work in a chaotic environment
Frequent travel; minivan driving experience a plus
Excellent interpersonal skills and a collaborative approach
Flexible when it comes to surprise requests
Demonstrated knowledge and experience in negotiating, counseling and culinary arts
Unlimited patience
Understanding of social media, mobile devices and video games
Understanding of finance
Understanding of medicine
Selflessly driven
Valid driver's license, CPR certification and Red Cross membership
Ability to wear several hats, professional and domestic
Positive disposition at all times
While no health or dental insurance, no pension and no paid holidays are offered, this job provides infinite opportunities for personal growth and rewards. Emotional fulfillment and extraordinary impact on associate success provides a lifetime of purpose and meaningful connection.
· 语言点 ·
· on call:relating to the work of someone who is available at any time when needed (工作)需要所叫随到的,随时待命的
· associate:(n.) someone who is closely connected to another person as a companion, friend, or business partner 朋友;同事;(生意)伙伴
a business associate 生意伙伴
· pro bono:(adj./ adv.) (relating to work that is done, especially by a lawyer) without asking for payment (指已经做了的工作,尤指律师的工作)未要求收费的
pro bono cases/lawyers/work 未要求收费的案子/律师/工作
· including but not limited to 包括但并不限于
· forgo:to not have or do something enjoyable 放弃,摒绝(令人愉悦之物)
I shall have to forgo the pleasure of seeing you this week.
· improvise:to invent or make something, such as a speech or a device, at the time when it is needed without already having planned it 临时做;即兴做
I hadn't prepared a speech so I suddenly had to improvise.
· culinary arts 厨艺;烹饪术
· CPR:Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 心肺复苏