远离舒适区Being far from comfortab

远离舒适区Being far from comfortab

作者: 如果我热爱性感的我 | 来源:发表于2019-05-31 20:25 被阅读3次


Being far from comfortable zone

    1 It is universal that man was born to wish to be experienced in some field, of course ,which is natural and reasonable. Man is trying his utmost to be the top one in some fields , therefore, there have existed a great many of excellent , outstanding scientists, writers, artists, and engineers  and so on in human history.

远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone 远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone 远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone


    2、There is no doubt that we are supposed to be proud of ourselves;, However, frequently, we spend  a long time on focusing the matter we have mastered, instead of exploring something  fresh and unknown They are man’weakness and stubbornness, which are apt to last many years without change for

human  being . Though man is dying to get change  ,yet as a matter of fact, time has  been wasting on things which familiar.

远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone 远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone 远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone


    3 No one  is daring  to move forward  a new

    territory because of fearing fails .The world has been filled with the unknown and the uncertain ,countless things waiting man to discover and explore .On the country ,man is regularly lost himself in his world  beloved world .Merely , a few people who can set their minds to leave comfortable zone to create new world and refresh themselves .


4 Someone who is eager to create and discover the new territory ,firstly he will open his  his heart and mind to accept advanced conception for building a road to change .In human being history ,the examples of being far away from comfortable zone which can    not be counted .

Copernicus wisely and bravely challenge to the authority of his period ,he created his own theory heliocentric theory ,which had enlarged cognition to space and nature .He had not satisfied with the old habits of thinking ,and authorized theory. He hugely developed  human’s cognition on space and nature.

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5 When all the scientists have been accustomed using Newton’s theory in explaining anything ,a young and unknown man Albert Einstein who developed his own theory on physics to explain something  could not counted for by Newton’s. Greatly and strongly  ,he completely  changed the man’s view towards space ,time and things. One of factors of his success was that he chose to leave comfortable zone to discover the new and  unknown  .


6 When we recall the development  China’s modern literature ,without difficulty ,we will are aware that LuXun was the father of China’s modern literature. He rised up the powerful and great flag of using modern Chinese to think of the root disaster and suffering of Chinese .Why he was the first created the history .?Obviously ,the reason was that he left comfortable ,

choosing to fight for Chinese freedom instead of sharing himself alone.

当我们回看中国现代文学历史。毫无困难的,我们将会发现鲁迅是中国现代文学之父,他升起了鲜明的,伟大的使用中国现代文学去思考民族苦难和灾难的根本的旗帜,为什么他是第一个创造历史的人。很明显,这个原因是他离开了舒适区。选择为中国人的自由战斗,而不是孤芳自赏。7 Jack Ma who has been famous for his company Alibaba and his thought on business  in China and even all over the world . To be frank  ,he is not the first one who is exposed to the Internet in China ,however , which did not have no effect on being the founder of Alibaba  at all. Actually ,he is the first one who is desired to change the way of shopping and the way of payment  for the public .Faced with unnoticed dangers and huge difficulty ,he choose to build the powerful E—company in China .Under his extraordinary efforts ,people in China whose way of life and thinking have been changed promptly than people in other countries. His dream ,that is to say , has been fulfilled ,his great influence will continue to last  for long in the world not only in China .马云以他的阿里巴巴公司和他在商业思维,在国内外国出名。坦诚地说,他不是第一接触到互联网的人。但是这并不影响他成为阿里巴巴的创造者。事实上,他是第一个想改变中国人的购物方式和支付方式的人。面对看不见的危险和巨大的困难,它选择建立强大的电子商务。在中国,在他的巨大的努力下。中国人的生活方式和思维方式及时改变了超过了外国人。他的梦想已经实现,也就是说他在世界的影响不仅仅在中国会持续很长的时间。

远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone 远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone 远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone

8 My dear friend ,if you have been  an experienced one in a certain field .Heartily ,I inspire that you are supposed to beyond yourself .There is no need to be absorbed yourself  in your beautiful world any more, for yesterday’s glories have been gone without attraction .Moving forward the new field which will benefit you very much.


9 Refresh your life ,leave your comfortable zone .Leaving your comfortable zone ,which is not only helping you become powerful  and great ,but helping you realize the real you .Being far away from comfortable zone ,which has you improved the class of society .Being far away from comfortable zone ,which  will show your beauty in your life more bright.


远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone 远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone 远离舒适区Being far from comfortable zone



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