

作者: 早餐文案 | 来源:发表于2022-02-08 11:13 被阅读0次

Whether it's the expression of love or sincere friendship, I'm consistent, but the more I care, the less I can't echo it. I'm acting alone, like a clown acting alone! It's like when I talk to others, I only say that my friend is good, and only that the person I love is good! I don't allow others to say that they are not good! But I and I are no exception in their eyes! They can tell anyone my bad, but I never say their bad! I'm just at ease! I'm so depressed. I'm really about to collapse. I don't know if I'm alive. I only feel alive when I'm with others, and I don't seem to be in this world! There is nothing in other people's eyes! I'm so sorry for the people who have always cared about me, and I also love them! But the people I care about, my friends or the people I love have never really cared about me! So I feel more sorry for the people who love me and care about me every day! Sorry! Forgive me for my stubbornness. I have thought about leaving, but I have so many people around me, and I can't bear to part with them. If there is no one in the world I care about, my life will matter! How I miss that there is no person I know in this world, so that I have nothing and I will scribble my life! In fact, it doesn't matter whether I am here or not! I'm so in pain! Whether I pretend or not is still painful.

! Except for myself, I can't have a second one to thoroughly understand me! I really don't think I've never been here, so that I won't be sorry for anyone or remember anyone! But I can't bear to part with it now! They said that I was sick, but I didn't believe it, because I always believed in my own strength. I always bear it alone, and I always look the same in front of others! When I feel relieved, I think it will end! But I'm healthy...


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