There is no way by which the events of the world can be directly transmitted or recorded in our brains; they are experienced and constructed in a highly subjective way, which is different in every individual to begin with, and differently reinterpreted or reexperienced whenever they are recollected.
Indifference to source allows us to assimilate what we read, what we are told, what others say and think and write and paint, as intensely and richly as if they were primary experiences. It allows us to see and hear with other eyes and ears, to enter into other minds, to assimilate the art and science and religion of the whole culture, to enter into and contribute to the common mind, the general commonwealth of knowledge. This sort of sharing and participation, this communion, would not be possible if all our knowledge, our memories, were tagged and identified, seen as private, exclusively ours. Memory is dialogic and arises not only from direct experience but from the intercourse of many minds.
特意找来了Oliver Sacks的Speak, Memory来读。纪录片的开头,搭配着这段引文,画面是俯瞰纽约的场景,哈德逊河上的大桥,充满动态感的车流、反射阳光冷峻的钢铁森林、“intercourse of many minds”不禁让人联想到纽约这座城市里的媒体、智识分子的争鸣与互动,这些对话重塑了历史与记忆。
整个纪录片算是以New York Review of Books作为切入点,看它从60年代创刊开始,对于美国历史上各种思潮的映射和影响,Review不仅是在对书进行审视评价,更重要的是,对Bob和Barbara所关注的问题,请智识分子用长文去激发对话,内容除了艺术、科学、包含了政治和其他社会事实。片子让几个重要的contributor来发声,穿插其间非常有意思。作为“英文名记忆障碍症患者”,不少大家认不全,所以�看的时候总是在拉进度条往回翻。创始人是Jason Epstein和他妻子Barbara Epstein。金牌编辑是Robert Silvers,纪录片里人称Bob。
Bob一说话,就让我意识到了,难以言说的写作与交流的乐趣,还有自我反思:自己作为写作者对于好编辑的needy,还有就是自己真是一个糟糕的编辑。Daniel Mendelsohn的quote特别心有戚戚:“People has this notion, that writers don't like to be edited, we are all geniuses and editors are interferers, but that is not true, that is what you want ,as a writer, to have an editor who knows more than you"
印象很深的是一个contributor Yasmine说自己以前在WSJ写稿,主编因为NYT的报纸报道了这个事情,让她也去报,她客观描述现场却被质疑为什么其他家不是这样写。几个contributor都提到了Bob对于写作者本身判断力的信任。另外一个就是Tony Judt的遗孀分享了和Bob合作的经历,Bob用自己的冷静克制,去帮助写作者更好地传递信息,而不是让情感overflow,让文章显得更powerful。在看到Joan Didion说”I need him so much to walk me through something,not so much as walk me through it, as to give me the confidence that I could walk myself through it",就记起一个朋友曾聊起来她操作特稿时候的忐忑心情。
非裔平权:James Baldwin
中东问题:Yasmine El Rashidi
90年代冷战结束后的思潮:哈维尔Václav Havel,Isaiah Berlin
其他的:Mary Beard,Joan Didion(写了关于central park five的文章,对媒体语言和assumption的检视)
There is no way by which the events of the world can be directly transmitted or recorded in our brains; they are experienced and constructed in a highly subjective way, which is different in every individual to begin with, and differently reinterpreted or reexperienced whenever they are recollected.
Indifference to source allows us to assimilate what we read, what we are told, what others say and think and write and paint, as intensely and richly as if they were primary experiences. It allows us to see and hear with other eyes and ears, to enter into other minds, to assimilate the art and science and religion of the whole culture, to enter into and contribute to the common mind, the general commonwealth of knowledge. This sort of sharing and participation, this communion, would not be possible if all our knowledge, our memories, were tagged and identified, seen as private, exclusively ours. Memory is dialogic and arises not only from direct experience but from the intercourse of many minds.
特意找来了Oliver Sacks的Speak, Memory来读。纪录片的开头,搭配着这段引文,画面是俯瞰纽约的场景,哈德逊河上的大桥,充满动态感的车流、反射阳光冷峻的钢铁森林、“intercourse of many minds”不禁让人联想到纽约这座城市里的媒体、智识分子的争鸣与互动,这些对话重塑了历史与记忆。
整个纪录片算是以New York Review of Books作为切入点,看它从60年代创刊开始,对于美国历史上各种思潮的映射和影响,Review不仅是在对书进行审视评价,更重要的是,对Bob和Barbara所关注的问题,请智识分子用长文去激发对话,内容除了艺术、科学、包含了政治和其他社会事实。片子让几个重要的contributor来发声,穿插其间非常有意思。作为“英文名记忆障碍症患者”,不少大家认不全,所以�看的时候总是在拉进度条往回翻。创始人是Jason Epstein和他妻子Barbara Epstein。金牌编辑是Robert Silvers,纪录片里人称Bob。
Bob一说话,就让我意识到了,难以言说的写作与交流的乐趣,还有自我反思:自己作为写作者对于好编辑的needy,还有就是自己真是一个糟糕的编辑。Daniel Mendelsohn的quote特别心有戚戚:“People has this notion, that writers don't like to be edited, we are all geniuses and editors are interferers, but that is not true, that is what you want ,as a writer, to have an editor who knows more than you"
印象很深的是一个contributor Yasmine说自己以前在WSJ写稿,主编因为NYT的报纸报道了这个事情,让她也去报,她客观描述现场却被质疑为什么其他家不是这样写。几个contributor都提到了Bob对于写作者本身判断力的信任。另外一个就是Tony Judt的遗孀分享了和Bob合作的经历,Bob用自己的冷静克制,去帮助写作者更好地传递信息,而不是让情感overflow,让文章显得更powerful。在看到Joan Didion说”I need him so much to walk me through something,not so much as walk me through it, as to give me the confidence that I could walk myself through it",就记起一个朋友曾聊起来她操作特稿时候的忐忑心情。
非裔平权:James Baldwin
女权:Zoë Heller,Susan Sontag (片中她和NormanMailer关于lady critic真好看)
中东问题:Yasmine El Rashidi
90年代冷战结束后的思潮:哈维尔Václav Havel, Isaiah Berlin
(Review有很多关于Human rights、战争、革命的反思)
其他的:Mary Beard,Joan Didion (写了关于central park five的文章,对媒体语言和assumption的检视)